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Posts posted by annabanana1992

  1. I have been on weight watchers for about 8 weeks now and am close to my goal weight. Two weeks ago I picked up Gary Taubes book, Why We Get Fat. Now that I have read it, I am really torn and unsure how to proceed.


    I have been relatively happy counting my points and exercising and losing weight. According to Gary's book, the underlying weight loss should be attributed to a reduction in carbs (which I have reduced, but certainly come nowhere near eliminating!)


    So do I just focus on low carb and bag everything else? Since I am within a pound or two of my goal and headed to maintenance, what does low carb maintenance look like?


    I finally lose weight, and now when someone asks me how, I can't even give them a good answer! I though it was "eat-less, exercise-more," but maybe not....


    Please help me sort this out....



  2. I live in 35-40 year old house (in Leawood, KS - you saw my house when you stopped by to buy some curriculum...). We moved here from the east coast about a year ago and downsized in a cash-flow way as well. We still have about the same square footage. We do not feel the house is a money pit at all! On the other hand, we look at it as quality construction that simply needs cosmetic updating, which we enjoy. Plus, we have mature trees ( a HUGE plus for me) and I am close to everything. We don't see it as a "trade-off" at all - we love it!

  3. :iagree:

    I do appreciate the heads up, and as we move forward with MCT, I will point this out as an error to my dds. But we get too much good out of MCT to ditch it. I have learned so much just using Paragraph Town this year. I tend to use more than one program for most subjects to have different approaches and to benefit from their different strengths. For us, handling this topic incorrectly (and I do agree that it is incorrect to always or even usually indent after a long quote), does not disqualify it for use in our home. Again, I really appreciate having the heads up though so that I can address it when we hit that point. Thank you.


    :iagree: I'm with you!

  4. We are on week 19 of WWE4 with DD9 and DS11. They both have gone through all the previous levels. Narrations are fine, but we are all worn out with the long dictations. I have watched SWB's video with her son so I know it can be arduous. We also use MCT for writing and the rest of our language arts. Please, someone, remind why this torture needs to continue...:lol: I am ready to just curl up on the couch for a nice MCT discussion and put this dictation behind us...

  5. CAn you tell us this school? It would help other parents who are trying to help their children decide on which schools to apply to (for those with juniors or younger). I think we need a list of schools of shame. I don't have a school name right now but there is one school that my daughter did not apply to specifically because they asked for much more than any other school for homeschoolers. It was a Common Application school and while we would have submitted the homeschool supplement, like we did to many schools, it was for other things that they wanted.



    It would be so helpful to us who are early the game (DS is in 8th grade) to know which schools prefer DE vs. AP. Can we put together some sort of list? Any thoughts as to how?



  6. After doling out a king's ransom for 4 lbs of plain and peanut M&Ms, DS, DD, and I excitedly sat down to do the Black Hole of Calcutta project on p. 133 of the Activity Guide. We dutifully counted out 146 plain M&Ms (representing the people standing) which easily fit into our "prison." We then counted the peanut M&Ms (which represented the people sitting). They were not supposed to fit, but they easily all fit. Needless to say the effect was lost on the kids....they had to settle for just "eating the people" :lol:


    So.... have peanut M&Ms gone the way of the half-gallon of ice cream????

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