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Posts posted by happyhome

  1. Have you looked at Derek Owens? You will need to decide between the physical sciences or physics. The physics class is algebra based. My son is taking AoPS algebra this year and I think he could have handled the physics course. Instead he is taking the physical science with the dvd. It is perfectly fine,but I sort of wish we had gone for the physics. But the physical science is going very well.

    One other question, I saw CPO Physics in your sig. What did you think of that? Also, I don't think the DO Physical Science class would work. It would be a lot of repetition of things we've done already.

  2. Have you looked at Derek Owens? You will need to decide between the physical sciences or physics. The physics class is algebra based. My son is taking AoPS algebra this year and I think he could have handled the physics course. Instead he is taking the physical science with the dvd. It is perfectly fine,but I sort of wish we had gone for the physics. But the physical science is going very well.

    Derek Owens looks great. She won't be finished with the first AOPs Algebra book by the time she starts this class.....maybe halfway done. Will she be able to keep up? The course outline looks terrific but I worry that she won't have the math when she needs it. AOPs follows such a different track though so I don't know.

  3. DD is a science fan and would like a good overview type Physics course next year. We did Biology, Earth, Anatomy and Chemistry over the last three years. She'll be in 8th grade next year and is taking AOPS intro algebra now. I'd love something with an online/DVD teaching component. I was a Chemistry geek so Physics is out of my area. She's bright and science is her passion so she needs something that is engaging and moves fast. Any recommendations?

  4. No I think that was his school bill. Not that I don't agree with you otherwise.


    He must live in a freaking mansion. Or in my city. LOL

    I have family in Forks Twp. I think it was the total bill. It's a nice area but I don't think anyone is paying $7K+ just for schools. The housing prices don't support it, unless he lives in an area I don't know about, which is possible. Where I live yes, you can pay upwards of $13K, which is why we're probably moving.....a LOGICAL solution that is, thankfully, available to us.

  5. What a terrible example for his young daughter to see while she's standing right beside him.....when you don't like what your government is doing, take it out on some completely random person who has nothing to do with it? Really??? Did he think donuts were going to make his argument more logical? His total tax bill is about $7K. Only a portion of that goes to the school district. The rest is for services his family probably does need. I didn't call an ambulance to my house last year, yet $132 went to our local EMT dept. Do I deduct that? Or what about my neighbor who has been in Europe on a sabbatical for the last year, does she get to deduct for services she didn't use? His argument makes absolutely no sense and his daughter had to sit there and watch him try to work logic into a pretzel and harass that poor woman while he did it. There could have been such a good teaching lesson here about how to affect change in the great democracy we live in. Instead, he chose to act like a dope. What a shame!

  6. "The best laid plans of mice and men..." as they say.



    Oh, I know that feeling.  I was hoping the Dolciani/AoPS idea would be successful for you.  We've had our eye on that plan.  I think we're now planning on AoPS as our spine....DD is that kid that you read about here that just gets AoPS.  I think the PreA book is wordy and overly complicated but she LOVES it....videos, Alcumus, the whole shebang!!  We'll use Dolciani to fill in holes if she doesn't understand something and use other supplements to break things up if AoPS gets too intense (i.e., Key to Algebra, Hands on Equations and Zacarro).  We'll see.  I thought I could fully integrate Dolciani but her reaction this past week changed things again:


    DD:  "Mom, if AoPS is teaching me what I need to know and I love it and I get it, why do I have to use that boring book too?"

    Mom:   :confused1:


    So, plans changed again.  AoPS is the spine.  We're through Chapters 1 and 2 so far and she's doing great.


    Good luck with your new job schedule.  I hope that works out for you.  

  7. I think you could use it to supplement. They are more than a workbook with just fill in the blank. They call it a worktext because it's like a textbook and workbook in one.

    Thanks Plum Crazy. What exactly is on the digital portion of this curriculum? Is it instructional, background info, games? I tried to find samples of the videos but I only found samples of the print items.

  8. Hi All....I was a given a few Science Fusion student texts and lab manuals.  I don't have access to the digital component.  I've never used Science Fusion before so I am wondering can a student text and lab manual be used as a supplement to another curriculum or do you have to have the digital part to use them?  I am doing a one semester unit on Water and Weather for my younger two and I thought SF would be a great supplement with the labs and student workbook.  



  9. It's easy to have a lot of bravado when your child has always been very bright and advanced, but as kids get older and the subjects get more difficult and the workload becomes heavier, you may find that even a formerly incredibly independent learner will need some help -- and it's perfectly normal that she would need that assistance.

    A word to the wise for all of us with bright LITTLE ones. I am eating my slice of humble pie while being so grateful for the wisdom and experience on these boards. The vulnerability on this thread will help so many of us who still have to sail these waters.


    To the OP, thank you for your honesty and transparency. It is so obvious that you love your son very much and are willing to make changes so that he succeeds. Making a mistake doesn't make you a bad mother. In fact, recognizing you've made a mistake and having the humility and will to change makes you a great mother. Your son is blessed.

  10. For us, the two work together. I wanted to chuck WWE until I started BW. The directions for dictation make more sense to me in BW. I'm not great at asking questions for narration. The way SWB phrases her questioning really seems to help my ds better than anything I could come up with.


    But for the OP, the main thing is that yes, BW works well with nearly any other writing program.

    What age can you begin BW? Can you start as early as 3rd grade? I think the free writes would be a little tough for him. What parts could be started younger?

  11. I don't see any problem at all with switching to American for 8th. Not knowing the middle ages won't mess her up later. The only thing you might think about is what you are going to do for high school history. Are you going to do a 4 year history cycle? Are you going to do American and World history in 1 year each? If so, which will be first? I wouldn't want to do American in 8th and again in 9th. Just a thought.

    Oooops, hit post by accident....


    But then again, she would love a chronological "highlight" cycle where we go deeply into the major events of each period.....hmmmm.... thank goodness we have time to decide. I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't limiting her in high school by doing American in 8th.

  12. I don't see any problem at all with switching to American for 8th. Not knowing the middle ages won't mess her up later. The only thing you might think about is what you are going to do for high school history. Are you going to do a 4 year history cycle? Are you going to do American and World history in 1 year each? If so, which will be first? I wouldn't want to do American in 8th and again in 9th. Just a thought.

    Yeah, I agree. The plan right now is


    9th 20th Century World History (we'll pick up right after the Renaissance so a bit of 19th century too)

    10th American government

    11th American History in depth

    12th AP history of some kind


    This could change of course but that's what we're thinking. My other two are on a four year cycle and love it but this one likes to dive in on one thing at a time. How does this high school plan sound to you?

  13. Yeah, like Derek is saying, Jacobs Algebra is an Algebra course, though with review at the beginning, and the AoPS and Dolciani books you refer to are both PreAlgebra courses. So I think that is the biggest difference right there . . .


    AoPS Pre A sure is wordy! I wonder if I like it better than my dd will, for that reason. But we shall see! I have Jacobs Algebra and like the looks of it very much. My current plan is to do part of the AoPS book along with other resources for PreAlgebra, then Jacobs Algebra, but who knows, we might do AoPS Algebra instead . . . or after Jacobs. I have an extra year to play with, so I'm thinking we might be doing 2 years of Algebra in 7th-8th grades. At least, I am holding that time, and if we finish and don't need the repetition, there are lots of other interesting things to do before starting Algebra2 or Geometry in 9th.

    Hi Rose.....If you don't mind sharing, which "parts" of the AoPS PreA book are you using? You've helped me so much to develop our blended approach this year so I'm thinking we may do the same thing for AoPS. I'm curious to see which parts you pulled out. We'll be using it with Dolciani and HoE.


    To the OP, Jacobs is a very easy intro into Algebra. I like the PreA review at the beginning but I didn't feel it was enough for a full PreA course so we'll be skipping the first several chapters when we start that book. We'll be going that route after blended PreA.

  14. I'm planning on doing exactly what you described in scenario 1. I am doing Middle Ages with my 5th and 7th graders this year (2nd year home), and then next year I plan on doing intensive focus on American History for 8th grade, then back to World History. Of course, more experienced voices could convince me to change my mind!

    Oh good....I wasn't sure I even made sense. Looking forward to what others have done too. My two younger kids haven't had American at all so I think it would be a fun year. I just don't want to jeapordize the high school track.

  15. I have a rising 7th grader.  We started formally homeschooling last year.  I actually pulled her at the end of 5th grade but we used the last month to just decompress and unwind.  We kept the basics going but didn't get a real plan until 6th grade.  We did Ancients last year and had a great time.  This year, we'll be doing Middle Ages up to the Reformation.  


    So I know I'm planning way out (maybe too far out??) but my question is what to do for 8th grade?  She got a bit of American in 4th, only up to the Revolution and it wasn't done very well at all.  She wants a great year of American History for 8th grade.  We own our own business and have the ability to travel quite a bit so I was thinking of doing American in 8th with a lot of travel and fun supplementary resources.  However, I'm nervous that she won't have any exposure to any post Middle Ages world history before high school if we only focus on American.  Will that create a problem later?  Or, can I just use 8th to give her a deep American year and then double back with a good World History tour in high school?  I would plan to keep the 8th grade American study fun and interesting with a plan to double down on source texts, biographies and analysis when we do it again later in high school.


    The other idea is to continue chronologically in 8th, touching on American (not as deeply as in the other scenario), and then do the full year American study in high school.  That's not what she wants but she'll do either.  


    What do you think?

  16. One thing dd15 and I have recently started using is Goodreads. You can open an account there. Log what you have read and rate it. Also keep a running wish list. The suggestions for me are OK. I think I am too eclectic for consistently good suggestions but the Goodreads suggestions for dd have been good overall. Many suggestions she has already read and enjoyed. We have actually been a bit amazed because not all recommendations have been current publications, I think Scarlett Pimpernel was recommended for instance. The system appears to know she does not want graphic violence etc but enjoys Miss Marple type mysteries and recommends accordingly. Recently Goodreads was purchased by Amazon so things could be changing....


    Another handy feature for me is because dd is my "friend' I can look and see how she is progressing on her various books. Makes it a bit easier to plan sometimes.

    I just set up her account. She loves this. I had to play with the settings a bit to ensure safety but she's good to go. Thanks for the suggestion!

  17. Literature – Logic Medieval  - this was the larger list that my 6th grader chose from


    400-1000 Early Middle ages: Knights and Castles, Feudalism, Vikings Sept, Oct

    Beowulf the Warrior , Sutcliff , L

    The story of Rolf and the Viking Bow French , B

    Sir Gawain and the Green Knight ,Tolkien B

    Conn Yankee in King Arthur's Court , B

    The Once and Future King, White, L (trilogy)

    Tales from Arabian Nights Lang, L


    1000-1400 High Middle ages: Crusades, Holy Roman Empire Byzantium, Plague Nov, Dec

    Ivanho B

    Crispin: Cross of Lead, Avi L  (too easy)

    Catherine Called Birdy, Cushman L (too easy)

    Mary, bloody Mary Meyer L

    Sir Nigel, Doyle G

    The White Company, Doyle G

    Canturbury Tales, Original,

    Lord of the Rings, Tolkien, G (trilogy) J term


    Eastern China, India, Japan, Africa (Mali), Khmer Empire Jan, Feb

    A Single Shard, Park L

    Lady of Ch'lao Kuo L diary series


    South America Incas, Aztecs, Conquistadors Feb, Mar

    Lady of Palenque L diary series

    The Left-handed Spirit L

    The captive O'Dell L


    Early Rennaissance Apr, May, June

    Joan of Arc, Twain, B

    Black Arrow, Stephenson L

    Trumpeter of Krakow L

    Dante's divine comedy Chwast (graphic novel), L


    Books by Sutcliff

    Outcast- Britain under roman rule, focus on celts and picts

    Sutcliff has a series on Arthur

    Mark of the horse lord – brtian under roman rul, N tribes

    Shining Company – britain, fuedal chiefs, saxons

    Blood Fued , Sutcliff , britain, constantinople

    Sword Song – vikings



    Read Alouds for History - these are really good books!  But most are not classics, so I kind of put them in a different category in my mind.


    400-1000 Early Middle ages: Knights and Castles, Feudalism, Vikings Sept, Oct

    British White Stag (Attila the Hun) L

    Vikings Beowolf

    Castles, feudalism Castle, City Macaulay L

    King Arthur and His Knights, Pyle L

    Arabian, Islam One Thousand and One Nights, McCaughrean L


    1000-1400 High Middle ages: Crusades, Holy Roman Empire Byzentine empire, Plague Nov, Dec

    High middle ages Adventures of Robin Hood, Pyle L

    Midwife's apprentice B

    Adam of the Road, Gray - 13th C england, NE Award L

    Shadow of a bull – Bull fighting L

    Canturburly tales McCaughrean L


    Eastern China, India, Japan, Africa, Khmer Empire Jan, Feb

    Samurai's Tale, Haugaard L


    South America Incas, Aztecs, Conquistadors Feb, Mar

    Secret of the Andes O

    Around the World's Rim O



    Shakespeare Macbeth, Hamlet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream;

    Taming of the Shrew; Much Ado About

    Master Cronhhill – Plague in 1654, London fire B


    Eyewitness: Vikings, Knights, Midevial Life, Castle, Arms and Armor,

      Thank you, thank you, thank you Ruth.  There are some really interesting titles here that were not on my current list.  It's raining here to day and I can't wait to curl up and start going through all of this.  Thank you so much.

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