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Posts posted by happyhome

  1. Thanks Erin. Just used my first name and last initial to sign up...maybe that will work. Thank you for your thoughts on having volumes 1-3. I like being able to choose as the little guy lights up. Following his lead is critical this year. Great idea. Over to the swap boards now to see if I can find some good used copies. Thanks!!

  2. Angel....THANK YOU!!!! Start with the books!!! Duh!!! I can't believe I didn't think of that. I'm going to print the book lists and head to the library with him tomorrow. He'll choose the books and THEN I'll choose the volume.


    And thank you for that link. GREAT stuff there too. I haven't gone through it in depth but it looks good so far. If you can think of any other resources with ideas of how to add on to each lesson for older kids, I would love that too.


    I am so excited about this curriculum. I think it's going to be a great fit. Great books, my sweet boy and lots of fun! I can't wait.

  3. Aurelia - I've read that it's a step up but what does "step up" mean? I've looked at the books and they seem similar for Volume 3 and 4. Is it just the content of the lessons? Or is it the number of topics covered? Or is it the writing or projects that are expected? The FIAR boards seem to have many ideas about how to customize 1-3 for older children. Without having seen the books, it's hard for me to see how these "plans" differ from what is already in there. I really wish their sample pages were more comprehensive. Ugh!!


    Downloading a Volume 4 lesson is a great idea but, again, having not seen Volume 3, I wouldn't know how to compare it. I guess we could see how that goes and if it goes well, just order Volume 4? I'm just not psyched about making a $75 mistake:confused:

  4. Can I have some help with FIAR? I took my ds (7) out of public school late last year. He's going into 2nd grade. He was really bored and frustrated in school and learned to dislike learning and books in general....sigh.


    He's been home for six months now and I can finally see my bright eyed beautiful boy coming back again. I thought for our first full year homeschooling we would try something gentle and slow to remind him that learning can be fun. A friend recommended FIAR. It looks like a good fit....good books, easy short lessons, fun topics. I think it's the perfect intro along with some FLL and WWE thrown in.


    Now I am trying to decide what FIAR level. He's a good reader but I think Beyond FIAR would be a bit too much to start off with. He's smart, quick and doesn't like "baby" stuff. He's a "say it once and he gets it" kind of kid. He likes to talk about things....ALL kinds of things. And he likes that FIAR is reading and talking and doing.


    So, I'm trying to decide between 3 and 4. I've heard that 1-3 are interchangeable and that 4 is a step up. How do I make the decision? I've looked at the sample lessons and I can't really tell a difference. 4 is alot more expensive too...don't really know why that is.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated!!



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