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Everything posted by SaraSeashell

  1. Oh my goodness...I had completely forgotten about Destinos! Used it in college as well in '94 - funny coincidence! Sorry, no news on a current version, but thanks for the quick flashback. :)
  2. Thank you! I am thinking that is the direction I should be moving in...which means sometime very soon is when I need to start. :) Would love to hear more ideas of what is working for everyone!
  3. Just asked similar elsewhere...tagging along to "hear" these replies.
  4. Maybe something like this for her?http://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=69474&vid=1&pid=106893&scid=106893002 It ties in more of your colors. Also, if it were me I would wear full length dark denim as opposed to khaki clam diggers as it lengthens the silhouette...but that's just me - not everyone else needs as much "lengthening" as I do. :) Have fun at the shoot!
  5. Magnets can be fun...there are those rectangular magnets with handles and magnetic poker chips/magnetic marbles that can be used for many activities. We still pull them out every now and then for various science activities, and my kids are way past four. :)
  6. Hi All! I am new to these boards and am hoping to glean from the group's expertise. :) As summer is approaching, I would like to know what you do to schedule your next year of school. Also, when you are in the school year, how much time do you spend planning each week? For too long I thought planning contradicted fun and spontaneity, unfortunately to the detriment of our schooling. Scheduling in general feels overwhelming and I am still somewhat schedule averse, but am working on it and recognize the need to get better tools in that area. Help and perspective would be much appreciated! Thanks!
  7. Also, WAY different price range but my kids both play for hours with their Archiquest blocks. We have tried to add a set each year as we go through that historical period. They can sometimes be found for a bit less on eBay.
  8. Not quite mechanical in the vein of snap circuits, but the is a Star Wars paper airplane book (by Klutz, I believe) with specially printed papers that my hands on snap circuit loving son adores.:)
  9. Just now looking at LOF for my kids...is it helpful to start from the beginning to "get" the whole story, even if they fly through the early books?
  10. Thank you! I have come across this site on other searches before, and never understood the bee connection...that helps. :)
  11. Hello all~ I am new to this forum and was hoping to maybe see if there is anyone who has addressed epilepsy/seizures from a natural perspective. Our son had an episode recently (he was weeks away from 9) and it was, as far as we can tell, the only time anything like this has happened. I am hesitant to begin a long commitment to brain altering medication, but clearly want to make the best choices possible for him. Does anyone have first hand experience with similar circumstances? Thank You. :)
  12. Is there a listing of what the "levels" are? I was wondering what everything meant too. :)
  13. Hello all! I just made an account here as I was looking through some of the used curriculum, and saw that in order to list books we have finished using I need 50 forum posts. Any ideas how to build that up without annoying the whole group with random comments? :) Thanks!
  14. Love ours...has made a huge difference for my husband's back. He has been pain free since getting it, and although they are pricey it has been SO worth it to have him feeling great!
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