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Posts posted by runbikeswim

  1. :iagree: As a lab tech I can say that if there were blast cells or other very abnormal things in his blood they wouldn't have you wait for a retest. Perhaps his platelet count was on the low side and they want another look. Did you get a copy of the labs?


    No i dont have a copy of the labs. The nurse did say the dr. had seen the results and wanted the tests to be repeated to be sure. Sure of what, she didn't say.


    And I am a worrier by nature, something I've been working on. It is counterproducive, for sure.

  2. And wants the CBC and anemia panel repeated. I asked if i needed to bring him right into the lab and they said it wasnt an emergency. To bring him in after school ( he has friday school) and results would be back next week.


    I was upset at first, but now i think if it was serious, they would have insisted I bring him in immediately.




    Edited to add, the original appt was a weird purple blotching on his legs after exertion. It fades within half an hour

  3. No. I have a thyroid issue that sporadically causes me to gain 20lbs in a month or two. And then it is more difficult for me to lose the weight than the average person. But I count calories, weigh my food, lift weights, run.....anything to get my body back in shape. And I go weeks or months without bread, pasta, rice or processed foods.


    Sometimes my friends don't understand and tell me to live a little and enjoy life. I do enjoy life, though. I just don't need a certain type of food to do it, kwim?

  4. I would start small, 3 meatless nights a week and go from there. And while frankenfood faux meats are pricey, making your own meat substitutions are very inexpensive. Lentils are wonderful, I use them to sub for sloppy joes, taco meat and chili. Beans mixed with rice make a very nice protein. I do a guacamole, bean and rice bowl with salsa and lettuce for Chipotle type meals. I also use portobello mushrooms for a "meaty" texture, we eat them as hamburgers. These are pricey, but still cheaper than meat IMO.

  5. I guess the title says it all. I'm making myself sick with worry that my Ds, 13, will fall behind this year. I haven't homeschooled before and this may be our only year before I send him back to school, most likely private school.


    Every night I lay awake wondering if I'm doing enough. I read about all the amazing things people are doing here with their kids and I know we aren't doing as much. I am trying to fill some PS gaps, so he doesn't have a great base to build on so I try not to beat myself up too much. But still.....


    How can I be sure he's learning enough? I'm doing WWS. It's difficult for both of us. He's doing well in Derek Owens Alg 1. We are studying biology, world history and vocabulary/word roots. He'll read The Oyssey, Hamlet, To Kill a Mockingbird and The Hobbit. But we aren't doing much else lit wise. We aren't doing grammar, poetry, critical thinking and things like that.


    Is there a test I can give him now and give him at the end of the year to see his improvement? Or a test I can give him at the end of the year to make sure he's where he should be?

  6. My son, 13, is very hands on and loves active learning. Reading, not so much. We have something in place for each subject except science. I was using some textbooks and workbooks, but nothing solid. Now DS is obsessed with Khan academy and wants to watch these for science. He takes copious notes, even sketching in his science journal and just loves it. It seems to teach better than I can (science not being my strong suit), lol.


    Also, we are doing science Olympiad this year and it is very intense. Between these 2, can I feel okay with letting him lead his own learning in science?

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