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Posts posted by runbikeswim

  1. It IS WEIRD! My son is almost 16 and at 15 we shelled out a lot of money for him to go to a top driving school. I didn't care either way, but DH was convinced my son was wanting his permit and license asap even though he never expressed any interest in getting either. Fast forward 6 months. Getting him to practice driving is a headache.....so many excuses. At this rate, he will be 17 before get gets the required driving time and skills to pass the test to get his license. And it isn't fear of the roads, although he is nervous. It is laziness. And he isn't a lazy child...just about this area. I guess kids have realized how great it is to be chauffeured around?? lol


    As for me, deep down I'd prefer he not drive. Or date. Or ever leave home :) And with 24/7 news, the horror stories scare me. But I realize its a rite of passage and have never discouraged my son from getting his license at 16. However, he doesn't seem to be in a rush, so I am not pushing him to get his license. He has his permit...he'll let me know when he's ready.


    Among our friends, I have seen more kids wait for various reasons. However, I live in the suburbs of a fairly decent city. Kids here walk and bike. My sister lives in a rural town in the middle of the plains and the kids ALL drive at 16. "It is my birthday, take me to get my license!"


    Might be a regional thing as well as generational.


    Edited to add, his HS (this oldest son is PSed) is in walking distance, as are about 20 restaurants, stores , parks and things. He is dying to get a summer job, but he'll walk just like he walked to the library when he volunteered last summer.

  2. Thank you for the post LC. He just came to me yesterday and told me that he is considering track in the spring. It is hard to make track here ( i know, that sounds hard to believe lol). The biggest dilemna I have is that he goes to a huge powerhouse 5a school. Lots of grads have gone on to Div 1 and we have a few pro atheltes as well. A girl who runs in our city is the american record holder for the middle school mile. Cuts are brutal and varsity letters are not a given. Ds is not a natural athlete. At my old HS, he could have been jv 2 years, varsity 2 years and a captain probably simply bs of his work ethic and attitude. Not here. Clubs are competitive as well. They are expensive, they travel and they encourage year round participation.


    I am not ruling anything out. I have a few soccer camps planned for the summer, as well as kicking around a summer session of club soccer and seeing if that works out.


    Right now I'm just thinking out loud and bainstorming. His father is military, he has seen his Dad deploy many times, he has lived on military bases most of his life. I do understand why he wants to serve his country so badly. Sometimes I just wonder if he isn't trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole.



  3. They rarely ask for anything, they are 13 and 15. They ask to spend their own money for special things about once every 2-3 months. It is usually a music download for my oldest, the youngest buys odd things such as juggling kits, a yo yo or craft items.


    However, IF my youngest wants something, he will bother me non stop until he gets it. God help us all when he thinks he has to have something.

  4. My oldest son attends PS. He is wanting to attend a service academy, either WP or Annapolis, leaning towards Annapolis. He is an extremely talented saxophone player and has been asked to choreograph the half time shows next yr for marching band (and he is only a freshman). I'm sure when the time comes,he'll be drum major. He is also all city, a soloist etc. Academically, he is currently ranked #1 and has a demanding honors schedule.


    Here is the dilemma. While he is not un athletic, he is not really athletic. But he plays soccer for the HS bc that is his best sport and he feels like he has to have a sport for the service academies. He wants to play soccer for 4 years. He probably won't even make Varsity until his senior yr and he does a lot of sitting on the bench. He does enjoy soccer. But as his responsibilities for marching band increase, he will soon have to make a decision bc he won't be able to do band and soccer. Or if he does, he will be juggling like crazy and be letting one or the other down at various times. They are both fall after school activities.


    His true talent is music. Will dropping a sport (his only sport) really diminish his chances to get an appointment? He is a fit kid, could easily pass the physical requirements but we have heard from friends he needs a varsity letter. However, these are all West Point grads and I wonder if the Naval Academy has a different policy??

  5. Sue,

    Thank you for the links, very helpful!



    Yes, it was Chapter 6 in general and Chapters 4, 6 and 7 honors problems that my younger son had so many problems completing. Chapter 8 and he seems to be back on track *fingers crossed*. Math is my weakest subject by far, which is why I signed up for Derek Owens. This is also my first year homeschooling, so judging what is working well and what isn't is still difficult!! I appreciate the input.

  6. You must be the world's nicest person to even consider it. But while your heart is in the right place, this woman is NOT normal. Do not involve yourself with them. No rational person would leave their grandchild or child with a near stranger.


    I actually thought the woman was coming over to ask if the dogs wanted to play. My mouth dropped open when I read the entire post.

  7. My son is in Alg 1 and is a 7th grader. He is finding the second semester extremely fast paced and challenging. My older son, who has always been in PS looked over the honors portion of Derek Owen's homework and proclaimed that this was stuff he never did in Alg 1. That it was material he was just now learning in Alg 2.


    Have you found Derek's Alg 1 class to be pretty rigorous and advanced, esp the honors portion?


    My younger son breezed through the first semester but is struggling now.

  8. I am surprised but not unsettled in any way. I think at 85, it was just too much for him. I appreciate that he realizes this and can step down. It must be hard to abdicate. I realize many popes have been sicker and more frail and have not made this choice, but who am I to question their reasons. I know that when my body fails me and I'm not able to do the things I want, it is certainly upsetting and I feel like I'm letting others down. And I'm not leading a billion people, only my small family.


    I'm excited to see who will be elected from this conclave.

  9. Just bear with me. Dh and I were just talking about how one SIL always does this. It is so annoying. This is what I think normal people do:


    "Well, the 16th of February will not work for me/us, but we could make the 17th. Unfortunately, the weekend of the 24th is out as well."


    This is what SIL does:


    "Well, the 16th of February, we're going to dinner with friends. We could make the 17th. Please don't plan it for the weekend of the 24th, because we're going on a ski trip in Colorado." :glare:


    Notice the subtle difference?


    Dh said, "Why does she always include a bunch of unnecessary information on what they are doing instead? It's like she wants us to think they're such jet-setters or something." :cheers2: Right on.


    Uh oh. I'm guilty of this. I think its bc I feel like I have to justify my reasons. Like an excused absence. However, mine look more less glamorous and more like work or doctor appts.

  10. Thinking of taking a 4 day trip with my 15 year old son to Chicago. No plans except he wants to get pizza, lol. Is there anything fun, educational or both that I should look into? I am not familiar at all with the city. Also, he is a freshman. Is it even worth it to try and fit in a college sightseeing trip? Not formal, of course but just to look around?

  11. I run in Mizuno Alchemys as well. I love them! I need a narrow heel, wide toe box and a lot of support. I have worn Alchemys forever.


    And it took a lot of frogs before I found my prince of a running shoe. It can be frustrating, not to mention expensive.


    And as far as the legs feeling like jello comment, i'm not sure how that has anything to do with your shoe? Do you mean pain?


    And finally, have you looked at your running program? Are you starting slow, walking when needed?


    Good luck in your quest.

  12. I dress the same whether I'm leaving the house or not. I get up, get ready and dress. I wear jeans 90 percent of the time, usually skinnies. I wear a cute tank or tee and wear a sweater or jacket over it. I don't wear shoes in my house but if I go out its usually cute flats or boots. I also flat iron my hair and wear a bit of make up everyday. On days I have appts or am lunching with friends, I dress up a little bit more.


    I do try to look my best all the time, I feel better when I'm well groomed and dressed nicely.

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