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Posts posted by shougmom

  1. We too are going to do ECC next year, with a 5th and 3rd. I've been poring over the TM and books, and I'm really excited. It's going to feel like a "break" in some ways from the rigorous history we've done the past four years. I've been leaning more toward Charlotte Mason in my heart, yet still teaching with the rigor of classical/WTM, and I've been feeling a lack of balance. I love the missions emphasis and how they integrate Bible.


    I really can't wait! :) Linda

  2. Yesterday I made Camy's "Easy Lunch Idea" and it was both easy and delicious. My kids actually ate it (in a tortilla with salsa and cheese with fresh veggies and fruit on the side) for lunch and dinner yesterday, and lunch again today, by request! :001_huh: DH and I really liked it too, so I'm planning on buying a big bag of pintos today at Costco! :) I'll attempt to link to her post, but you could search for "Easy Lunch Idea" if it doesn't work. :) Linda


    Camy's Easy Lunch

  3. We're using both levels here. I love the program, in that it got my kids to finally enjoy the writing process. :lol:


    I honestly don't think it would be cost-effective to copy the whole workbook anyway, even if it weren't against copyright laws (which it is).


    I do think it's worth it to just buy an extra workbook for each of your extra kids.


    Thank you, Amy, for a great product! I've never regretted my purchase!


    :) Linda

  4. :seeya:

    Carli, have you watched any of the IEW TWSS DVD's? I watched the first one last week, and it really made sense to me finally. I'm going to continue with WT this year and plan to finally implement IEW in the fall. The way I understand it, with IEW, she could pick a topic, and you could find that topic in a history or science encyclopedia (or where ever!) and she could write from that. Is that what she wants, or does she want to make up fictional stories of her own?


    I'm still figuring it out, obviously, for us too. But I'm excited to watch more of the TWSS! :) Linda

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