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Posts posted by kim.4dogs

  1. I have both of her cookbooks, and I still subscribe to the service. I like being able to just look at the menu for the week, swap out any recipes that I don't want to make with a different one, and print out a grocery list. I find we save money because I shop for meals and have all the ingredients needed on hand. I'm not tempted to go out to eat, because if I do the food I've already bought will go to waste. $15 for 6 months is a great deal! I would say try it out. I love her recipes. There have been very few that we didn't care for. And even with both cookbooks, the service is worth it to me. It's so easy to plan for the week!

  2. I have no experience with MTM, and I've only looked at Kistler online (although I do have one of his books). We do, however, *love* Atelier! It has been very easy for us to implement, my kids love to do it, and I've been very impressed with the art they've created. I have recommended it to many friends IRL. I don't think you can go wrong with Atelier, especially with the deal at HSBC right now!

  3. We haven't had this problem with ours, but a friend of mine has. Chickens can be really mean to each other!


    One of hers was injured by a hawk. She separated it from the others to heal, and after a week or so she put it back with the others, thinking it was healed enough. The next morning, the others chickens had pecked the recovering one nearly to death. They had to put it down.


    So I would just say you need to be prepared to deal with an injured bird.

  4. I really like them both together. We started using OPGTR this fall with my 5 yo, and as soon as we hit the lessons on blending sounds together to make words, he just couldn't do it. I stopped and he worked through the Get Ready, Get Set, and Go for the Code books (Books A, B, and C) and that really helped him. Since then, we've been working through ETC and OPGTR together. They fit together nicely in my opinion!

  5. Okay, I've read all the laid-back replies.


    Aren't there any other germophobes here? I follow the "when it doubt throw it out" rule and "two hours max" rules. I can't imagine making my entire family ill just to save $5 worth of meaty food that got left out. I'm good with butter, salad dressing, etc. being left out, but not meat things.


    Yes! I'm with you. I would never eat it. One of the worst cases of food poisoning I've ever had was from some rice that sat at room temperature for a few hours on a warm day. (Toxins that the microwave would not have affected.) I am *so* careful with rice now! I do not care to repeat that experience. Ever.

  6. Another vote for BFSU. I started using it this year with my K and 2nd grader. I love the approach to science. I'm learning, too, and I was a science major! The approach is completely different than any other science program I've seen. I like the flexibility of the program, and both of my kids *love* science now. (And my 6th grader can even join in when she wants.)

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