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Posts posted by kim.4dogs

  1. I don't have that one, but I have her "Games for Math" and "Games for Reading" books. They are great! I need to pull them out and use them, especially with my 6 yo who is really fighting "schoolwork" right now...

  2. I love mine! They're practically the only pans I use now (except for some stainless stell saucepans and stockpots). A well-seasoned cast iron skillet is about as non-stick as any pan (besides teflon, which I don't want to use). I wash mine with hot water, no soap. For the ones I use less often, I oil them and heat them on the stove to dry completely after each use. For the one I use almost everyday, I just dry with a towel and don't worry about it. My only complaint would be that they *are* heavy, but it's not a problem for me.

  3. I'm not sure about where you live, but where I live the local thrift stores sell sewing machines (and they've even been tested by an experienced seamstress). They're very inexpensive, and often they are the older type with metal gears that will last much longer than a new cheap machine made with plastic gears. Sometimes they even come with the owner's manual. Older Singers are definately nice machines.

  4. I've been reading the girls the All-of-a-Kind Family series. I loved those when I was a kid! It took me forever to find them, because I couldn't remember the name, just the characters. I was so excited when I finally did find them! Another of my favorites is the Betsy-Tacy stories. I got the first one on tape, and my youngest DD just loved it. Now I'm reading her the rest.

  5. We also use OPGTR as our main program, and then supplement with ETC workbooks. My DD loved Headsprout when she did the trial version, so I spent the $ and bought it for her. Part way through, she started to *hate* it. I didn't like that there was a lot of whole language instruction, and we were really concentrating on phonics. We finally just stopped doing it. (Yesterday, however, she asked to do it again, and seemed to like it OK. Maybe her reading ability has progressed to where it is fun again, and the whole language instruction is not as frustrating.)

    So I don't know of anything better, but Headsprout was not so great for us.

  6. Check out the boards at sewingmamas.com

    I have learned a *ton* of information there! It is great to see pictures of what everyone is sewing, too. I know there have been people who didn't know how to sew, joined, and were sewing beautiful things pretty fast!

    Also, I've made a few leotards. I like the Kwik Sew patterns because they seem to fit well. You can use swimsuit fabric or a cotton/lycra fabric with a good amount of stretch to it.

    Good luck and have fun!

  7. There are a few pages in the back of ETC (a book-end quiz-type thing) where you would read certain words for the student to write. I think that info. is only in the teacher's guide. I've never had them, though, and my older daughter did ETC books, too.

  8. That sounds right to me. My 1st grader is just about to start ETC Book 3. We're using the Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading along with it. She's always learning something in OPGTTR a bit before we reach it in ETC, and this works well for us. It's a nice review.

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