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Rose in BC

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Posts posted by Rose in BC

  1. No diet this weekend, so I may give this a try!


    Do you think it's really necessary to flip the crust? That sounds like a lot of trouble. I'm thinking I'll just heat the pizza stone in the barbecue and cook the entire pizza at once, just like we would in the oven...


    I think the biggest reason for flipping it is because the underneath heat cooks the dough quite quickly, from the bottom. I flipped it (according to directions) to give both surfaces a crispiness. Also when I added my toppings, which were fresh tomatoes, mozzarella, basil the crust didn't get soggy (actually even the left overs). When I served the pizza I also sprinkled some olive oil and balsamic vinegar over the top.


    You do have watch that the grill isn't too hot, to avoid charring the dough.


    This was a Cooking Light recipe.

  2. We are in a heat wave, which is very unusual where I live. Actually I can't remember the last time we had a decent summer so I'm trying not to complain and enjoy it. But it's hot.


    In desperation I decided to try grilling a pizza, which I know is a fairly popular technique but I've been hesitant to try.


    Anyway, I made my dough. After it rose I rolled it out onto a piece of non stick alumium foil. Then I slid that onto my hot barbecue, closed the lid and let it cook for a couple of minutes. Then I flipped the dough over and grilled the other side a couple of minutes. Then I added topping, grilled it again for maybe 5 - 10 minutes.


    Unbelievably delicious crust. Way better than what I've ever achieved in the oven (and I'm a pizza pro 'cause it's my favourite food). The crust was crispy and chewy.


    Try it!

  3. Sounds like low blood sugar to me. I'm not a dr., I just play one on the WTM Message Board to avoid housework.


    I don't know why I would now develop this problem when I've never eaten healthier in my life. I bake and cook virtually everything from scratch. I do follow weight watchers diet (although I have been on a long, frustrating plateau) and exercise daily.


    The body is a strange thing!

  4. No dr. here, either, but my mom has been noticing the last year or two similar symptoms whenever she adds Coffeemate Creamer to her coffee. As soon as she stops using it, she notices a difference. Just a thought to throw out there.


    I do drink 3 cups of coffee, which I love, each day. I only put skim milk in it. If the dr. tells me to cut caffeine . . . I'll be one sad woman! :)

  5. In the last year, sporadically, and lately more frequently, I get this internal shaky feeling sometimes accompanied by headaches. The shakiness isn't visible externally, it's just a shaky feel I have in my torso (not in my limbs). Oh usually I feel this in the morning, not so much later in the day although today it hasn't really left me.


    Anyone experience similar symptoms?


    I have an appointment to see my dr on Thursday a.m. I have't been in 3 yrs and figured it wouldn't hurt to see him (especially annoying are the headaches).

  6. I haven't checked here for awhile. Heather, I'm reading Burrough's book too. I've read it before (years ago) but am getting a lot out of it this second time around. I was actually prompted to read it after visiting http://www.challies.com/. There is a group of people reading and discussing the book. This coming week the discussion will center around Chapter 7.

  7. My favorite picnic recipe: quesadilla (cooked sans butter) with goat cheese, shrimp, scallions topped with a full salad: mesclun lettuce, chopped avocado, mango, and a light vinaigrette. It's refreshing, light but filling, fast, easy, and very yummy.


    That'll have to be next picnic menu. .. .we're on our way out the door!


    Thanks for the suggestions.

  8. Finally this year we're actually having a summer (weather wise) and so we've been picnicking a lot. So tonight I am planning to take the kids. DH is working night shift so he won't be joining us.


    What can I make? We've done the hot dog thing more than I care to think about. Regular sandwiches (any ideas for something a bit more novel?), potato salad, bean salad. I want something healthy, not too time consuming and delicious.


    Any ideas?



  9. Thank you for asking, Karen!

    I wonder if you saw my message yesterday. Not much has changed. She is being treated for Guillain-Barre syndrome.

    My aunt sent this note yesterday:


    Her husband says she is "sedated and resting."

    I am hoping for an update this morning...I'll post when I get it.


    She was diagnosed about two weeks ago. My friend is making big improvements. She was in an induced coma on a ventilator 10 days ago but yesterday I heard that she is up and around. Praying the same for your family member.

  10. Rose,


    I found out that homeschooling and house keeping by myself got to be too much work as the kids got in upper grades. What helped TREMENDOUSLY was to teach my kids to help out. Your kids are older than mine at the time and they can definitely do a lot to pitch in.


    I'd say for kids your age they can take over doing their own laundry. They also can help with cooking (my kids learned to cook around the age of 8 and LOVED it.) and cleaning.


    Anyway, hope you found something helpful.


    Blessings to you!


    I do have some expectation from the kids. They do dishes and vacuuming and sometimes bathrooms and my daughter helps with laundry. I need to start assigning the extras too. As I've been working through the house I hear myself saying to myself (sounds like I have a problem hey?) "the kids could be doing this job". And you're right. Tomorrow I'm adding to their assignments.


    As for cooking . . . not so much. I have a huge problem with the kitchen. I love to cook and I don't really want to relinquish these duties which is so wrong I know. I have a friend who is planning to exchange some teaching in the fall. She's going to do some home Ec (because she's way more relaxed in the kitchen than I am) and I will teach logic and English. I'm thinking once the kids have some basic instruction I'll be able to loosen up myself. (They're not completely useless in the kitchen and can poach eggs, etc.)


    Thanks for the suggestions and the prod to higher my expectations for the kids.

  11. No kidding!


    If our main living area (kitchen, family room, school room) is reasonably tidy when I turn in for bed each night I am happy. I was scrubbing my bathtub last night and thinking about how often I do that...maybe three or four times a year? WOW. I know my mom did it weekly when I was growing up. She also had all of the laundry washed, dried, and neatly folded into tidy little stacks in color-coded laundry baskets, waiting for us to put away when we got off the bus each afternoon!


    Yeah and my mom baked bread (which I do too) but without any machines, all by hand!

  12. Also, Rose, remind yourself that YOUR full-time job is homemaking as well. :001_smile: Just remember what I always say "Homemaking and housekeeping are NOT the same thing."

    Housekeeping is just part of it, so don't beat yourself up about it. You do other things, too (that your mom may or may not have done - hsing for instance) and maybe the 'house'keeping just doesn't get to the top of the priority list every day. This might just sound like a cop-out, but it helps me out when I getted bogged down by the house being a mess or cluttered.

    Remember that poem about "I'm rocking my baby & babies don't keep"?



    Sorry if I'm out of line encouraging you and was supposed to be giving you a kick in the pants (because I need that sometimes, too):D


    I do a good job as a homemaker, baking and cooking and keeping the kids clothed and bathed.:001_smile: It's just all those other things . . . fingerprints on door frames, windows (I finally removed a dirt spot on the outside of my living room window today), sorting through the file cabinet (which turned out to be a trip down memory lane because apparently it's been 10 years since I've done a major sort.


    I want to finish this week because next week I want to work on school preparations.


    Thanks for the encouragement.

  13. I've set aside three weeks in July to catch up on all those jobs I don't get around to during the school year. I'm concentrating on the areas that bug me the most. Today I realized why my mom was able to keep a neater home than I (well besides the fact that we had a lot less "stuff" growing up). Her full time job was homemaking. Homeschooling really does detract from a clean house although I wouldn't trade it!

  14. You've listed the important things (what about medications)? I just wanted to say I'll pray for you guys. At the end of the day, leave when they tell you to leave (just listening to the radio and hearing how many people ignore evacuation orders). Stuff is just stuff. Stay safe.


    (I hope I don't sound callous saying stuff is stuff. I have family in the area and I know how hard it is to leave homes with the possibility of loosing them. I'm truly sorry you're going through this.)

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