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Posts posted by campmom

  1. When my child was in school they had a paper hand that they started each week with. Each time they misbehaved (whatever that was) they got a hole punched in one of the fingers. By the end of the week my daughter often didn't have any fingers left on her hand. No wonder she hated school. I really had a problem with the fact that they were using a body part to punch holes in.

  2. I'm wondeiring what the best set/deal is for this. I'm wanting to get it for a Christmas present but also to use for science so I wanted the set that includes the education book but I'm not sure which one it is. Can anyone help me with this. Also do I need to get an extra board or anything else for two kids to be able to use them at the same time or do I need to get two complete sets.

    Thanks so much for your help.

  3. Hi,

    You can do cc with any curriculum you decide to use, but you may decide that it is to much or maybe it won't be.

    Also you can use SOTW with MFW but you need to look ahead because MFW uses SOTW in some of their years. I would probably do the MFW program and listen to the SOTW audio book ( we do a lot of audio learning) you could also do some of the activites that go along with SOTW but MFW already has a lot of activities to do .

    Hope that helps some.

  4. OK , thanks! I do think the MUS blocks are a different scale. And my boys do math at the same time together that is why I was wondering if I'm going to need 2 sets. We do have 2 sets of all of our other manipulatives. So now the question is what about that 1000 cube, where do I get that? It doesn't come with the set of base 10 flats does it? And how many of those do I need?

  5. In a previous post you said that it would be good to order the base 10 flats along with Miquon. I am going to use this with 2 dc at the same time. Should I order 2 sets of the base 10 flats?

    Also I already have the MUS blocks would they work (for the flats)or do I need to order the base 10 flats. I am ordering the c rods.

    Thanks for the help.

  6. Did you buy the download of MM if so print it out in color, it doesn't have to be black and white. Also the author says that you can skip around somewhat to break things up if a chapter is to long or drawn out on the same thing go to a different chapter like time or money or measurement and letter her do some fun math to break up the other basic stuff. You will still eventually cover it all.

  7. Well I haven't gotten to D yet but I can tell you what I would do. I would go through the beginning of D and make myself an outline of what lessons I wanted to do, or even what parts of certain lessons I want to cover. I know because I have had to do this with RS before. I also would do something to keep reviewing those facts.

    One thing that you might consider is supplementing with something else. I do it at a grade lower so that the material is mostly review and is presented in a different way which I think is good. This year I'm using CLE, we love the way the flashcards are organized for review, and that there is a timed drill with each lesson. I can't believe how much my boys have gained from flashcards and timed drill ( which both only take 7 minutes per day) And how much they enjoy them, maybe because its different and they have never done anything like that before.

    I do love the way RS teaches the concepts.

  8. MFW does have science in it like you described - you reading it to him, he can do experiements if he wants to, the science is what you make it. I think he would probably like the whole MFW program because you are doing a lot of the reading and he is making a notebook like you described him enjoying for science. My boys have really enjoyed MFW Adventures, they love the notebooks they have made and show them to people all the time.

  9. O.K. so I'm still not sure what I need to buy to get started with this. Please advise. Thanks


    I have been able to watch a few of the videos it take me about 20 minutes to watch a 6 minute video and some just won't play at all for me. I wish I could watch them all because they look really good.

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