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Jann in TX

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Posts posted by Jann in TX

  1. I'm about half-way through Queen of Tears-- I'm feeling similar to #Vintage81.  I'll probably finish it eventually but it is not on my binge list!  I really tried though!

    My current watch is last year's "Impossible Heir" (Hulu).  It is a nice break from rom-coms and rom-dramas.

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  2. Last week my older dd got married-- out of state.  I rented a very large AirBB and we housed the whole wedding party-- so my 3 dd's , groom and groomsmen (plus a friend of theirs).

    One morning youngest dd (a Sr in college) comes skipping down the stairs in a similar outfit to OP.... she had a ripped t-shirt (visible 'stains'-stained ON PURPOSE for part of the 'look') with neck stretched out so her pretty lacy bra-let showed its straps-more if she bent over and extremely short shorts that were not visible under shirt... when she bent over to pick something up off of the floor she basically MOONED me!  

    I was happy that she was available to help me cook breakfast for the gang-- BUT I insisted she go upstairs and change " out of her jammies" (how I put it to her) first!   She said ' but I look cute ' and I just gave her a LOOK  and she retreated to change!    One of the groomsmen was an x-boyfriend of hers-- she had no business skipping around in that skimpy of an outfit in front of a guy who 2-years later still has a major crush on her! 

    I see this and OP's situation as a sad trend going around-- but this mama still demands respect!

    My dd totally knew her outfit was not appropriate for our situation (hosting a bridal party) and that she was only dressing that way to taunt her x...   the girl in the OP KNEW she was dressing suggestively-- it is a TREND-- it is up to the management to say what is appropriate or not for their business--

    Being a mom of 3 girls ages 22-33  I dont have much say (really any say) in what they wear as they are all adults now...  but I had no issue in rolling my eyes and asking my youngest to change... and she had no issue changing so I would not feel uncomfortable (plus she now knew that I knew what she was doing when she chose to dress that way!).

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  3. I agree with finding an engaging Physics program for her or even engaging supplements while she is still in high school.

    She is going to need a LOT of Physics for her intended major-- once you get into neuroscience everything is circuits-- and this means Physics!

    My youngest is a Sr Neuroscience/neuro-biology major at Colorado State University...   my dd was able to land a lab job (unpaid first semester then paid after that) in a neuroscience research lab starting her Sophomore year-- brains/brain cells (especially mice brain cells!) everywhere!  The focus of her lab has been Parkinson's research but they are now switching over to pain response with focus on CRPS  (my dd has this!) to assist my dd in her research and hopefully grad-school research!


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  4. 4 minutes ago, Vintage81 said:

    I did finally setup a Viki account!!! At this point, though, I just have a free version. I haven't decided if I want the standard or plus pass yet. 

    I have the Plus-- I tend to watch from Viki the most then Netflix.

    Viki is very easy to download and view offline...

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  5. 26 minutes ago, Vintage81 said:

    I can't watch Wedding Impossible since it's on Hulu, but I did read about his cameo, so that's exciting. Kind of a bummer the show sounds like a stinker, but at least the cameo part was good! 


    I'm watching Wedding Impossible on Viki...

  6. I finished Dr Slump-- it was cute-- loved the leads could tell they had fun as they have been friends forever IRL.


    I'm de-stressing so I'm re-watching one of my all-time favorite series "Dr Romantic"...  it is a medical drama with great cast--about a once-famous Dr who is now at a rural hospital.  He is 'romancing' (ENCOURAGING) the younger Drs to become the best they can be as they overcome past hurts...  I finished season 1-- cant wait to start season 2 this weekend (a few years between seasons 1 and 2 but season 3 follows immediately after season 2.

    I know it is on a few platforms-- I used/will use Viki for season 1 and season 2-- forgot who has season 3...


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  7. Warning-- Mother of the Bride RAMBLES!

    My oldest is getting married on a MONDAY and OUT OF STATE...  she lives less than 30 minutes from me (groom does too).

    I'm so proud of my dd-- she is high functioning autistic and has surpassed every goal we have had for her-- she is the reason we homeschooled!  She went to college and graduated with honors.  She is an independent adult.  She is the top award-winning photographer and manager for her company (Lifetouch/Shutterfly).  I can gush all day. 

    Anyways-- she liked the sound of 4-22-24  for wedding date-- so Monday it is!

    Problem with Monday is that many of the services she needs (mainly food/catering) are NOT open on Mondays! 

    I'm making the cake and have made 90% of the (dried) flower arrangements (everything but the bouquets that we ordered).

    Thankfully this is a SMALL wedding  under 30 people total-- but still $$$$

    DD is a photographer so she chose a beautiful venue for the service and another for the reception.

    We will have to go from the wedding service to the reception hall and set that up before the reception begins (have just over 1 hour to do this!).  I think everyone attending will have to pitch in to get things set up!  Hard to plan for a venue that I have not seen!

    I still need to order tablecloths... dd wants 'bio-degradable' plates AND flatware... any ideas of something that actually looks nice?  I made centerpieces...

    DD wants BBQ but the best ones are closed on Monday-- her future MIL checked out the 2 that are open on Mondays and said they were both mediocre at best-- so now looking for other options...   Catering is out-- none are open.     Thoughts I heard last night were Chick-fil-a !??   My DH and grandson would be happy with that!

    We cannot bring in any homemade food other than the cake.

    For guest book we are having everyone sign a block from a Jenga game...

    I have a nice  Welcome to our wedding sign...

    Grandson (4) will be 'Ring Security'-- here is a picture of him trying on his tux!

    What am I forgetting or does anyone have any ideas?



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  8. WOW!  Memories...

    My first year out of college I was an 'in house' sub in an inner-city mid-high (9th and 10th grade)-- tough school with about 1300 students!

    I quickly found that these kids would do ANYTHING for a grape scratch-and-sniff sticker!


    • Like 4
  9. On my last trip to Uganda I only accepted cash donations with exceptions for some very specific items-- I've found that I can purchase most of the desired items there and it actually saved money (total donation was larger amount) AND helped the local economy!  People who donated received a thank you photo of the items their donations were directed for.

    Please do not send 'nearly dead' suitcases... I've found that suitcases can become a family's dresser-- and they are cherished!  Gently used good quality ones are the best-- nothing that breaks easily (cheap practically disposable duffels or thin plastic suitcases)

    The only clothing items we would bring were men's neckties--our donated ones were typically better quality and were great gifts for administrators, teachers and drivers.  If using a shipping container then matching T-shirts were always requested!

    One summer I spent two weeks going through JUNK that a school in the USA had 'donated'-- think boxes of pencil stubs and broken crayons-- broken plastic pencil cases, partial sets of flashcards...  90% of it went into the rubbish pit or burn pile!  The space in the shipping container could have been used for more useful items...  the money for the shipping container could have been used to drill a water well or build a library!

    Dawn- I'm totally jealous of your trip-- I hope and pray I'll be healthy enough to travel back to East Africa again! 

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  10. Just finished Captivating the King (Netflix)I personally loved this one-- similar premise as The Kings Affection-- but even though I love Rowoon-- this one is better!  Ending was rushed (typical) but satisfying.   It stars Jo Jung-suk (my favorite from Hospital Playlist).



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  11. Hey -- why don't we go back to having this a K-Drama thread-- it has so many good recommendations I would hate to have to make a new one!

    Someone else can start a K-Pop/idol/sexuality thread if you want... 


    I've started watching "Marry My Husband"-- really liking it so far-- I would also note that this is probably NOT for teens...

    • Thanks 1
  12. 1 hour ago, livetoread said:

    Ha, I don't really follow the music but the fandom is a riot. My YouTube feed has been giving me tons of Stray Kids background stuff lately and I'm loving it. 


    I've being trying to understand the whole concept of male idols flirting with each other and pretending to be in relationships for the fans (fanservice) while living in a very intolerant culture for actually being gay. ...

    All of the above.

    This happens to K-Drama idols as well-- at least until you are close to 40-- then it is OK if you get married...

    Many K-Drama and K-Pop fans are delusional!   This is not just in Korea-- but world-wide.  Some of the idols have been physically attacked (or verbally attacked on social media)...

    As far as K-pop goes-- these groups spend 90% or more of their time exclusively together and have for YEARS. They are FAMILY. 

    • Like 2
  13. 12 hours ago, Murphy101 said:

    I had no idea. I treat Kpop just like any other music.  All I care about is if I like the song. I don’t usually follow the actual singer/groups much. But that’s a fascinating unique aspect! I’m going to have to check that out. What are Ateez fans called?

    Ateez fans are called Atiny  means Ateez plus destiny

    I just started 'Mary my Husband'-- first episode was intense and heartbreaking-- but it looks like it will be fun (lightens up after first episode). It is on PRIME-- HATE HATE their subtitles and what is up with the commercials!  I'm joining the class action...


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  14. 14 hours ago, Vintage81 said:

    I know of Ateez, but I haven’t ventured into their stuff yet. I’m sure I’ll get there! 

    Ateez songs follow a storyline!   Like Stray Kids they dance/sing but Ateez is more of a K-pop musical theater.  There are many websites that will teach/review the storyline/lore.  Every new song has a tiny bit of a hint of what will come next! 

    Here is link to Crazy Form 

    and lead singer Jongho's Everything-- this is a mini-Kdrama --such an emotional ballad!

    For more insight on these groups check out Kingdom: Legendary War context (SKZ wins but close with Ateez).  These 2 groups are FRIENDS.

    • Thanks 2
  15. 26 minutes ago, Vintage81 said:

    I was perusing through the thread to get some inspiration for a new show to watch and I saw this post. ☺️ So I’m slowly getting into k-pop thanks to DD and @Jann in TX I just wanted to let you know that I’m loving Stray Kids right now! 🤣 Felix’s voice is….insane. 

    I actually have my Stray Kids shirt on today...

    I really like Stray Kids and Felix's deep DEEP voice-- but Ateez has stolen my heart.  LOVE LOVE LOVE the B-side unit songs (with 1-3 members) they recently released-- especially Its You, Everything (awesome!!) and Youth... Love the A-side "Crazy Form"-- it has over 100 MILLION views in just a few weeks-- such a FUN nonsense song about dancing.


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  16. Trip to Hawaii-- thankfully it perfectly coincided with an award (trip to Hawaii all expense paid) that DH won at work!  We did go a few days early and spent a few days at a cool BnB on the Hilo side of the Big Island-- then work-award part of trip was at the Four Seasons on the Kona side...

    We got to watch the volcano go off at night--lava flowing into ocean-- VERY COOL!



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  17. 1 hour ago, Vintage81 said:

     (I think you have to bundle them), so I doubt I'll ever be able to watch those shows. Oh well! Let me know if they're any good!

    You can change your 'bundle' at any time!   This is cheaper than getting a separate Hulu account if you already have a Disney + one.

    I'll only keep my Hulu for another month unless DH sees something on it he wants to watch.

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