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Everything posted by TwoEdgedSword

  1. Thanks for sharing that. Helpful to know. I also had the feeling that too many foods are getting ruled out as problematic. For us, we're looking at more "grain free" than following a strict paleo plan. Also, I read another article that makes me feel comfortable serving beans in moderation. I also plan on occasional MN wild rice. I know some say it's a grain, but for me, at least so far, the scale tips in favor of it being a grass/seed. And I'd love that recipe btw! :-)
  2. Also, anyone have a good tortilla chip replacement? I love my homemade salsa and the chips will be missed. We use to use blue GMO free organic chips, but alas...corn grain.
  3. Here ya go. More that I ever wanted to know! I've seen this discussed in a couple places, but this is the only link I saved. http://paleoleap.com/pseudograins-non-gluten-grains/ And yes we rinse the quinoa. It smells and tastes better that way too. :-) I haven't tried the buckwheat or amaranth. Soon!
  4. They are called Psuedo grains. I have a link by someone with a PhD in Nutrition I think. I'll send later as were running out the door. He was saying they are better than true grains, but not without their own issues, the saponins, lectins an phytase, which are anti nutrients. I probably spelled those all wrong. But in moderation it's ok. I know quinoa is a complete protein and we always rinse ours. I was bummed to see a couple articles leaning this way.
  5. I like Elana's Pantry too. And quinoa. Do you do much of it? I've read even though it's not a grain, it's not all that great for you. Sigh. One of the kids is wanting to do this and is going grain free for health. A good grain free, carb type replacer would be helpful. This child is an athlete and very active.
  6. For those of you who are grain free, what are your favorite books and blogs? Doesn't have to be paleo, neccesarily. We've found and love Against. All Grain. Thanks
  7. Yup that's it One Republic. Love how that song builds. I was talking to my teen son bc we like to analyze music trends and styles. We thought this song, Toby Macs new song "Feel It" and Jamarauquai "Virtual Insanity" have a shared style.
  8. What is the song I'm hearing while shopping that is really jazzy and upbeat and ends with "Watch it Burn," or something like that?
  9. I never watched the vlog, but did see his final video the day before he died. It still saddens me deeply. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/10/06/the-mysterious-death-of-caleb-bratayley-13-year-old-maryland-youtube-star/
  10. Yes 13. I never heard of the family until reading of the son Caleb's passing. But how utterly devasting for the family, no matter the cause. And it appears they are a homeschooling family.
  11. Which sport? Our daughter's varsity basketball team frequently had an agreement that they would wear a certain colored skirt and top so that they arrived looking put together. Similarly, when the boys' teams arrive with dress shirts, slacks and ties, it sends a message that they are ready.
  12. Summer Days, thanks for this. It is very helpful. I think it could be a really good fit for dd. The only possible negative is that I don't see her wanting her to stay in the area, but that certainly could change.
  13. Ain't that the truth. It was almost depressing reading the reviews!
  14. Also I saw the theme mentioned...some cars are just born lemons and aren't worth as much in life or something to that effect. I haven't seen it yet, but it seems like that might need to be discussed beforehand as I don't share that belief with respect to people at all. :-(
  15. It's good to know that Common Sense Media wasn't too far off the mark. It actually crossed my kind that the reviews were maybe a few people that were super extreme on the issue of guns in kids movies. I can see that wasn't the case at all.
  16. The reviews were discussing cars being tortured, killed and blown up. I realize they are cars, but cars with a character/persona associated with them.. Also, lots of gun violence supposedly.
  17. We don't watch many movies here and my kids are asking for this one right now. They haven't seen a lot of graphic high animation stuff. I thought it would be ok, but some reviews on Common Sense Media say it's very violent and innaprorpriate for kids. They first one was fine for them. Ages here 7 through 12. What say you?
  18. Should DD take the old SAT before it becomes the new SAT? If she does, she will still have a chance to take the new one also. Her thinking is that she will likely do better on the old version before it becomes more like the ACT. She is very strong in writing. Thanks.
  19. Giselle, do you get those at home improvement type stores? I haven't checked Walmart etc. But I've heard those are good.
  20. I know it's barely fall. I know, I know. But I'm looking ahead and one of my kids seems to be affected by the lack of light and sun in winter. A doctor advised that we get one of those SAD full spectrum lights, but didn't reccomendation a particular brand or type. Have any of you used one that you like? Any reccomendations?
  21. Btw, I'll keep the Wolverine secret. Hubby is a U of M grad. Between him and 5 sons and lots of sports here...there aren't many merciful things said about MSU in our home. Bummer for me, bc I'd like a couple of our kids to take a look at MSU.
  22. Accreditation. That's a good point. Patrick Henry and BJU aren't there. Neither are regionally accredited.
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