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Posts posted by rockala

  1. We have used the new version of Do What You Are. It uses the Myers-Briggs personality test and has a section that relates that to current market demand jobs relevant today. I found I needed the book to read through to feel confident about my and my childrens personality type. It has been very eye opening just to understand that and why my dc make the decisions they often do. For each of the 16 types it gives many job options and also goes into detail on what types of things to look for that would bring you job satisfaction. 


    I used to think I was an extrovert but learned I am not, I just extrovert my thinking skill :).


    My daughters college counselor recommended the book, but I feel in love with it. I refer to it often and this is the kind of book that would not lend well to kindle.


    I bought mine on amazon, the older version is fine too.



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  2. I do not want to sound like a downer, but I do think that sounds really hard and visiting sounds like a must. Here in MA there is presently a bad opiate overdose rate that is stemming from college kids. I worry we are not as a society doing what is really needed to correctly help kids with depression and anxiety. Do bored, depressed kids turn to things they normally would not if no help is around? I do not know but I have a niece who did and is now struggling with getting back right again. It will be a long road.  I would want to make sure things are available and talk about it with him when you visit, get a feel on what he thinks and if he feels ready. Does he openly communicate these things to you? If so that is a good part of it. The quiet kids who cannot share easily if they are sad are the bigger concern.


    I am sorry, I do not want to be a bummer, but it is terrible sad to watch a familiar member go through this.



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  3. Okay wait a minute, my dd did the same thing. She learned she had a full scholarship after she had accepted an internship in California. She wrote a formal letter to the dean explaining her plans and asking for the gap year. He responded granting her request to honor the full scholarship with the gap year. We did send the letter to the dean certified mail to be certain it reached his ears. 


    Our response was not as formal but I was sure to keep careful documentation and brought it to their attention upon her return and they kept their word and now she is attending.  :hurray:


    We never had to do anything else but that.



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  4. Please everyone understand I in no way wish to do a fake diploma as I would not sleep at night at all, I would be worried sick about it all the time. I was just trying to think of wording to make it clear it was temporary and not final so that it would be very transparent what its use was, so would serve their housekeeping needs yet be clear that another one would be coming. I guess I was thinking along the lines of the transcript you submit on the common app, the classes are there but it is not the final one. The GPA is there yet it is not the final GPA, something like that. It was just idealistic thinking and thinking ti through it is just not very doable, but please know I am not looking to deceive anyone. 


    I do love all the advice though, it is great to be here, thank you,


  5. I am not sure if dual enrolled means different for some of you. We call it that but we are paying the full cost of tuition, we are not receiving a benefit so it should not effect his status, but I agree there is an underlying thing that I just do not want to go there.


    Thank you all again,






    Annie, you have some good points here I will explore if they just need to know he has taken all his classes and if it is a funding thing.  I know it is grant money so perhaps that is where the problem is.


    I am hoping they will let him continue as an unpaid volunteer because he is so strongly loving this. He is in the classroom one day a week and the students have gotten to know him and he helps with grading and responds to the students questions via email.....it is all causing him to learn so much about himself and what he likes and that is why it is a such a struggle.

  6. Yes this is what I started thinking too. The sad thing is it is just red tape, I honestly do not see why he needs this to continue the tutoring. Perhaps the cc has a policy that they can only hire high school graduates? Seems silly in this case, it is only until May anyway. The thing with second guessing engineering stemmed from a personality test and the book "Do What you Are" perhaps this is a different post but he discovered he was an INFJ and loves to work with people which is true. I think he could do something in engineering more with people, but he needs to really look at how if that is possible.


    I guess as he is a first gen college student  we are having a hard time wanting to commit funds to something he is not sure he wants and the affordable colleges that offer engineering are ones he will need to live away at and we are not sure if he is ready for that. The offers for merit scholarships have mostly already come in, so we know how it is looking. The cc has great artic. agments but the engineering professors at the cc are not always the best. He is already using MIT open courseware to teach himself C++ and Calc. so that makes him want to move on and of course he feels he has worked hard and deserves a 4 year school. The thing is he may find the same thing there. This is a ds who loves to learn and it has only been his honors professors that have really met the mark for his standard of an excellent professor. My fear is spending all the money and loans only to find the same thing at a four year school. 


    So because he is learning so much perhaps I was thinking if he has to stay at the cc because the other offers are withdrawn oh well (call me evil, but I am scared), but that is jumping ahead and not letting him see the choices and that is not fair, so I cannot do it. That is also why I was thinking of creating a..... temporary or contingent diploma where this one would just sit on file at the cc but the real one would still be issued in June.


    Thank you for all of your replies so far,


  7. Hi everyone,


    My ds is dual enrolled in cc and accepted a tutoring position this semester. He has been working a few weeks and needed to go to HR with a resume for them to have on file. While he was there this morning they had him fill out other paperwork and realized he was still in high school. They thought his might be an issue. He called me and I explained I certainly could graduate him as of January as he has more than enough credits and well met all his requirements as of then. He passed this on and they said they would like a copy.


    After thinking this through more I am not sure if it is the best idea. This child (he turned 18 last week) is on the Dean's list and has a 3.96 GPA.

    He has merit scholarships that have been offered to him for engineering schools, but is undecided on where he will go, and he may finish his associated at the cc as they have good artic. agremnts.  Additionally, he is starting to question the engineering field as he loved psych and really loves working in the classroom and helping the students. I think this is a great way for him to learn about himself and may help him make better choices for his future. I would pay him to do it for free as it is valuable.He is tutoring  Psych after taking Honors Psych. He is working toward his associates in engineering, but is unsure if he will change his mind.  


    I know I am rambling but does anyone have any idea on a temporary diploma? So that I could make one out for January but the official one will be in June? I was thinking this might solve the problem?


    Any thoughts?


    thank you,



  8. Hello, For those of you who remember my daughter moved to Cali in February and has now decided to take a gap year. She was offered a full ride at a state school and we are in the process of trying to figure out the best way to keep the offer but postpone a year. Do we first call and ask who to send a letter to, how do we request it in writing?? has anyone done this before and can share? She is doing a writing internship in California Any advice appreciated kathy

  9. Good ideas- if this is temporary it is great. As far as signing contracts- the two of us are driving the 3000 miles form MA to Anaheim over Feb. vacation. We are trying to find a family for her to rent a room from. We found one, that a women from the office is checking out today.


    If that does not work and anyone knows someone- please do chime in. She will be staying in the NW Anaheim area.


    Even though dd has applied to 8 colleges I see a piece of her that really does not plan on this being temporary. But when she get out there we will see if it turns into a gap year or something else.


    It is a little stressful even though it seems very right too. We will miss her terribly and family is not very supportive. Thank goodness I can bounce things here- I really appreciate all your help on this.


    I think yes the medical thing is what my mom keeps scaring me about so I will look into her carrying proper info or a medic type thing- just for peace of mind.



  10. Wow okay- I guess it is more serious to do this than I thought. I am glad I asked. I called the CA registry mulltiple times yesterday and it does seem she can explain (in the event she needed to) that she is there temporarily. They suggested she could have with her proof of insurance (required) and perhaps a letter on company letterhead stating she is there temporarily for XX days as an intern. She could then explain that she has not yet decided to move to CA permanently.


    Family members have suggested that (heaven forbid) if she was in an accident and had to go to the hospital that she would need a guardian there- anyone have any expereince with this? We live in MA and I think they have to treat you regardless- I guess I just thought that would be true everywhere. If there was a major medical decision to be made could we not speak to the hospital over the phone and then obviously take the next flight out?



  11. Some of you may know from the other forum that my dd is moving to CA in three weeks. She has an internship offer despite we have applied to eight colleges. If she makes the 60 days she may stay and take a gap year. She will be finishing her senior year with only a few online classes left and working 20 hours a week until she is done in May.


    Apparently CA is strict on these things and in order for her to get a CA license we (her parents) need to sign the applcaition and non-residents cannot sign as they cannot accept financial responisbilty. I am not sure why not as we live in MA and have mandatroy insurance which will exceed CA min requirements. I have called the CA MV dept a few times on if after we get there it will be a problem if we provide insurance can we sign the form with our MA address. This last call the person said perhaps we can have a guardian sign as she really should have a guardian in state.


    Has anyone else has to do this? I will ask if the person she is working for is willing to be her legal guardian. Or is he is willing to accept her 60 days with CA car registration but MA license.


    I wondered if anyone with young college students out of state can you have a guardian for that state but still keep children on your medical insurance?


    This is such a great opportunity for her but it sure is getting complicated.


    As always thanks for your help,



  12. our dd has secured an internship in Anaheim, we live in MA so this is very far away. It is a very exciting opportunity, but involves a lot of preparation. Her and I will drive out there over Feb vacation so as to not interupt her online class schedule. I have never driven cross country or ever been to CA ! If anyone has advice on this I would be much obliged. We have signed onto Candle in the Window (great ministry) to see if we can stay at some homes on our way, but some areas are unavailable. We will drive through the southern route which takes us from MA through PA and down through OK and then Amarillo Texas and out to southern CA. Not sure how long it will take, but we are hoping for 5 days if we go right through but if it gets long we could stop for a day to rest and take six days.


    She starts the intership Feb 24th and will also be finishing her hs classes, but will only have 2-3 classes left by the end of February. This is all very daunting, but it is a great opportunity. She has applied to eight schools but here is this opportunity before us. I am filling out fafsa and Css and planning :drool5: . She will start in Feb and after 60 days receive a review, if she likes it and they like her, she has an opportunity to take a gap year and work and travel possibly overseas. It is a ministry type of enviroment that she wil be in. Colleges usually will hold the offer for a year, so this could possibly work out.


    I am reaching out here as we are actively looking for a room for her to rent- preferably with an older couple or family. There are plenty of rooms to rent, but it would be great for her to be with a family rather than just with college students. It is in the Northwest Anaheim/Fullerton area.


    I have posted with the local home school group and we are starting to post her intro in some local churches as well. I thought I would reach out here as you all are always a wealth of information and help.


    The time period would be late Feb likely through early June. Any advice apprecaited.



  13. I have not thought of this before but if dd is in college in the fall, our ds wil start CC. Not exactly sure how many courses yet, but he will take at least two per semester- possibly three.


    As I was starting to fill out the Fafsa and CSS I saw this quetion come up. I think the profile actually said answer yes if one child is going at least half-time. If I answer yes does that mean I need to fill out a Fafsa for him? Even though he is only at CC?


    Anyone else have this come up?




  14. Wow- thanks Nan for the site, it is better laid out than what I was using.


    Interesting stats. I have thought a lot about cost and years there etc. UMASS Boston four year rate is 14%!! Maybe that is why we all have not heard much about it. Of the eight dd applied to which include three public and 5 private, the best three rates were Clark in Worcester at 76% in four years, Junaita at 75% and UCONN at 68%. We chose UCONN because of this and because we only 6 miles from the CT line so it is very commutable if need be.


    Other interesting ones were Harvard- 87, Brown- 83, Yale-89 and for those Worc people WPI- only 65%.


    I would like to know more about the cc to UMASS options though- is it a certain cc to Amherst? Since this seems to be a lot of MA people I am asking as ds will start junior year at Quinsig and there transfer program is to WPI with certian engineering course.


    He would love to have a 2 year Quinsig, then two year at UMASS Amherst option.




  15. Yes, I agree with the above there are other publics, and if she does not drive perhaps choosing one closer to you, even for the first two years is a good option. We visited Worcester state for this reason, if you go into their honors program, it is a Commonwealth Honors Program, and so it transferable to any other state school, if our dd decides to go there, it is a short drive and in two years she can move or do some of the overseas semesters.


    Westfield is drivable for us, but I would not live there- dd had a friend who did and quickly left. She ended up in a dorm with some real partiers, each month she was assessed a vomitting fee- sometimes multiple ones. Apparently if nobody fesses up to it then the fee is split between those who live there. A vommitting fee!! Just a heads up, not sure if this is par for the course now or not.



  16. Okay- I really struggled with this and could not always find easy answers. In hindsight I see, but for any who still have not started or for the future here is how it went.


    we started on the college board and college confidential sorting and making a college list. We changed this very often, as dd struggled with how far she wanted to go. In the end she did not want to be in a dorm- mainly because of the artificial life it creates and many friends not so good experiences. I realize this is different for everyone-please understand this is just her personality. This brought us down to 8 colleges, 6 within driving distance. We applied to 3 public and 5 private, 6 via the common application.


    We entered the colleges into the common application and started filling things out. My trouble spots were how to preview and list the way they wanted the courses per semester- the tab at the top eventually I found and then you can see how it looks to colleges.


    My biggest problems were I could not decide if I should sign the FERPA as they want yes checked and I was afraid I would not be able to get back on, and what if the teacher sent us the LOR and did not want to deal with the common app? I was scared to submit.


    So I can tell you , first fill out the common application, future plans and all the supplements and areas listed. I uploaded the transcript and essays and course listing and could view it all to be sure it looked good.


    Where oh where was the homeschool supplement everyone spoke about- again I was stuck. Once we were ready to submit, we finally took a sigh and signed yes to the FERPA. That was a good decision, it led me to the school profile where the homeschool supplement alas was!!


    And I thought I was done! The school profile was longer than I thought, and that is where you can again upload transcript/course listing. Also this is where the counselors letter went.


    This area is completed by assigning email addresses to teachers for LOR and also for the school counselor to complete the profile and counselor letter.


    We were able to enter two teachers emails and my personal email for the profile/letter.


    A note about LOR- ask nicely and early, this was hard as it is needed. We applied to two non-common apps and simply sent the envelopes addressed to her house. The common app was easier as she can upload.


    Since we had already asked, we ordered an amazon gift card and dd wrote online a letter again thanking and explaining the process. It was immediately sent to her email and along with it, the emails from the common app. came as well.


    This was done on Friday and I just checked and I can log back in to the account (FERPA kinds scared me that I could not) and I can actually see that she has already submitted the LORS.


    I as the counselor received two emails, one explaining how to log on and the other with the passwords. I followed that through and it was not too bad.


    We are hoping the teacher could simply write one letter and check off and upload it to all the colleges. We are still waiting on a second teacher for a few colleges that want two LOR's.


    Okay, now we wait.


    Hopefully this helps someone,


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