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Posts posted by rockala

  1. I heard a preacher once that spoke of rabbits being forbidden for Jews as a good thing. He said that, science now knows that they have no fat and the meat is very hard or impossible for us humans to digest.


    If you google it, there are stories of survivors who lived a little while if you eat the marrow and all the internal organs. Also, there is an native american story that says the whites didn't know what they did. That you can starve to death eating only rabbit.


    Just my .02



  2. I am still trying to decide a best course for an intro to literary analysis. My dd loves to write and we have not done one before. I am thinking in the long run this will help her with her own writing- to be able to pull out the deeper meanings in other literature.


    I am leaning to the Abeka 9th grade course, it seems to add in vocabulary as well which is a plus. I have also heard that Christian Light is good and that maybe Abeka is better than the Bob Jones.


    We just got back from vacation and I still have not sent in my letter to the school as I cannot make this final decision- any advice appreciated, school starts tomorrow. :auto:



  3. I have found my dc do well with the key to series. It only presents one topic at a time, so you can move thru fractions in one book and then decimals in another and then percents. I think developmental math is similar. so is MUS, but my kids did not connect with him. if there is not emotional connection the day does not go well. :001_smile:


    This really helps a lot, not so jumpy for them. You may want to supplement some other stuff- or take them thru all of the series.


    Also Right Brain Multiplication cards from dianne craft help a lot.





    The big thing to remember with these kids-I found out both kids and hubby are dyslexic although he never knew- is color, humor and stories will bring it into long term memory.


    My dd, 8th grade did drill and flashmaster for years to no avail. The flaschards go right in.


    She is working thru the Key to Algebra and now we are going to try to add in Life of Fred as it is stories.



  4. I see the assessment test is a little pricey- is it worth it? My kids did not score as well as I thought they would on vocab.-grade average, but that didn't line up with other areas that were above grade.


    So I am trying to beef this area up a little. We thought we would stick with Wordly Wise, which is what we have been doing and then add in Greek and Latin roots and Megawords. I will buy it if I need to, but have never used Megawords (only heard of it through this forum) and am not even 100% sure it is the right program for us.


    We are going to read thru vocab cartoons as well.

    You are all wonderful and this forum is great!!:D


  5. I really appreciate it. You have both given me much to think about.



    I hadn't thought of literary anyalsis and admittidely do not know much about it. I will look into these links. I may need to go with a easy program to work with as I work part-time as well. Do you think ABEka is good for this?


    Math; I agree I am unsure, especially for 6th. My dd did Horizons thru 6th grade and then we tried MUS last year. I wondered if I should have son go thru Horizons. He did three programas last year- MUS Espilon along with Key to Decimals and Key to Percents. I do have Singapore 6A I could add in along with Life of Fred fractions- or I could go with Horizons math and skip some of the others.


    Science; I wonder if we could actually do both-ds in 6th LOVES science and wants so badly to do physical. I agree the health units of General would be good for us. A lot of the others they have covered as they did the 3rd edition BJ science the last few years.



    Kids are maybe a little overdone here. They both compete/are on teams in swimming and karate and son in gymnastics. Addtionally, they take weekly piano and art lessons and son does boy scouts.


    Thanks again for taking the time and helping me thru this. I feel more and more overwhelmed now that dd gets older. the pressure from outside is mounting- we are college bound so I don't want to mess up. Thank you!


  6. :001_smile:We didn't discover Easy grammar big book until last year and although dd did many years of other grammar programs (lots of BJU)- this just really seems to be putting it all together for her. I know we have some holes and our weakest area I think is foreign language/latin. We try every year and it always seems to get put on the back burner. My dd loves studying Hebrew so maybe this will work. We may do Spanish at our local co-op as well.

    DD, Grade 8

    Language Arts

    Easy Grammar big purple 5/6-we need to finish it

    Worldly Wise, Book 8/

    Mega words- not sure which book yet:confused:

    Spelling Power

    Institute for Excellence in Writing

    Vocabulary Cartoons




    Life of Fred Algebra/ finish Math U See pre-A

    Orbiting With Logic

    Key to Geometry

    Key to Metric measurement

    Key to Measurment





    Story of the World Middle Ages


    Famous Men of the Middle Ages

    many living history books on middle ages from 600-1600

    LBC curricula for MA-co-op setting



    Geography matters/ World geography


    Maps of the World

    Geography games

    mapping out to scale individual European countries





    Still trying to decide-kids want Apologia Physical Science:confused:

    some tell me I should do General-

    Along Came Galileo



    Young Person’s Guide to Philosophy

    Shakespeare's Plays

    Greek and latin Roots

    Avko Keyboarding

    First Hebrew Primer


    DS, Grade 6

    Easy Grammar big book 5/6


    Worldly Wise, Book 6

    Mega words-just starting maybe book 1?

    Sequential Spelling

    Institute for Excellence in Writing

    Vocabulary Cartoons



    Life of Fred Percents and Decimals

    Key To/Metrics/Measurement and Geometry

    Orbiting With Logic



    Story of the World/Middle Ages


    Famous Men of the Middle Ages

    Various living history books on middle ages from 600-1600.

    LBC curricla for MA-co-op setting


    geography matters/ World geography

    Maps of the World

    Geography games

    mapping out various European countries to scale




    Apologia Physical Science or General-not sure which yet

    Along Came Galileo





    Shakespeares plays

    greek and Latin Roots

    rummy roots



    Thanks for looking. Any advice apprecaited.


  7. We have used Edcon Publishing books for understanding and then try to find a show to see locally or act it out in a co-op setting or perhaps rent a good version.


    We did Romeo and Midsummers this way- even though edcon said Midsummers night dream was third grade, I find it really does not matter. The older kids really undersatnd it better too so I don't go by that much. it is a workbook that has scenes and questions/vcab etc.


    I am teaching it in a co-op setting this year, so I want to use the 5th grade level for sake of all. they offer Othello, Julius Caesar, King Lear, the taming of the Shrew and Alls well that ends well.


    Hope that helps,


  8. I am trying to find the name of an algebra course listed as a lot of this years winners/favorites some time back....it was a guys name I believe, Henry or Fred- I can't seem to remember or find it.


    My dd is doing the Key to Algebra series after not making it past lesson 9 in MUS pre-algebra. She is finishing book 3 of 10 in the key to series and I am thiniking if she can make it through book 5 we can go on to Agerbra 1 in another curricula in the fall?


    She is very right brained, so stories, color and humor hlep a lot. I think that is what I remember about this math course.


    Advice welcomed.



  9. Yes that is the one, the story is on the side not shown. I know the $29.99 price tag is a lot for flashcards. We really struggled and this went right in and so made it worth it for us.


    It is helpful in all other areas if you do find out you have a right brainer. My daughter makes up stories and colors in a paper whenever whe has to remember something and it really helps her. it is true that the color/humor thing works.


    You could just make your own!:001_smile:



  10. I had this problem too. My children are very right brained and this year at convention I picked these up. The idea is things stick better in your right brain and commit to long term memroy for right brainers quickly when you use color and humor.


    These are large cards that tell stories and show a colorful picture that go along with the story. Velcros it in quick. My kids are 11 and 12 and now just learned them- we struggled for years..flashmaster and all before discovering this one.





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