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Posts posted by Retired

  1. You sound like me, I would guess how are you with not having money of your own, how will you husband change being the only money maker. I say this because it changed my husband. He started treating me more like one of the children than a spouse. Quote "I am working x amount of hours to take care of you and the kids." How much did you spend for that? The homeschooling has been wonderful. My kids do not want me working. I want to go to work some days when he starts drilling me on spending. How much were those groceries, gas etc. He acts like I am going to spend all his money. Thats how he thinks, if I am not working its all his money instead of ours. It reminds me of my father, my dad the old fashion, mother had an allowance type. Thats why I had a career, never to live like that. Which my husband's not that bad but it does get on my very independent nerves. This has been the only negative to homeschooling for me. The benefits out way listening to my husband sound like my father. Just my 2 cents.

  2. He wanted a king but we were unable to find one at our pet store. He got it for his 8th birthday by the 10th birthday, he gave it back to the pet store. They are easy to take care, you can train them to take frozen mice rather than live (which is gross to watch). They will get about 5 feet long by about 3 years. Its just got really large and the bites started to really hurt. Your child will have to handle it everyday to make it more docile. My son didn't handle it except for feeding it after it started getting to big, Than it started to strike more often since it was not being handled daily. Anyway, I am glad its gone.

  3. We switched after Horizons. He did well with Horizons but I like the structure and sequence of BJU. I use the teachers manual and student text. It does not provide alot of cumulative review. There are only 10 cumulative review per chapter. You could spend two weeks on the chapter covering fractions and then only see 10 questions reviewing the previous 5 chapter. We have a dry erase board, so before presenting a new lesson. I just put a couple of problems from previous chapters up for him to work. You could also just get worksheets online with the concepts you have covered.

  4. Official school year starts after July 4, we do full schedule for summer. We live on a lake, so the boys can go for a swim, fish etc. between studies. It is so hot here during the summer. They chose school during summer to have more time off during the other seasons. You just can't really stand to be outside here from late June to September. We usually take off

    Labor Day Week

    Week of Oct 17 (a birthday week)


    Christmas/New Years 4 weeks

    Valentine Week

    Easter Week (2 week)

    Week May 4 (a birthday week)

    July 4th (2 weeks)


    It leaves us room for appointments, etc. and we can always change off time if life happens.

  5. I have read this on several souces. It seems because farmers can make more growing corn, fewer are growing wheat. That is leading to decrease supply for the world. One source believe it will lead to famines in 3rd world countries and extreme prices in the future for us. Google for some article if interested. Some say the price of bushel is stabling out others believe it will only get worse, especially as the the demand of ethanol goes up.

  6. My oldest did 4 years public, 2 private, 3 homeschool. Since I am one been-there -done -that. I challenge and tell them in a kind way, how we live with a older car, and smaller house, and etc.. So I could be home with my kids.

    I couldn't stand how the institution(school) was destroying my childs enthusiam for anything. They usually don't say much after that.

  7. I have used it this year with my 8th grader. He is doing so well, his math confidence is up, he really is understanding the content. He really is more motivated to continue on the college prep math sequence. He now feels he can do the work. I bought the textbook, answerkey, and DVT used for about $35.00, so it is a budget friendly option. Before finding BCM, we tried saxon, teaching textbook, and bjup, and mus. The Lials' was just right for the age, without making him feel ''dumb". The book covers all basic math then builds up to the prealgebra math.

  8. In the health care its like retail now(we don't use the word patients) they are now clients. (screaming lady must be related to the doctor. )

    As for not allowing parents , There are very pain in the posterior end privacy laws now. A health care professional can be fined or loose license. I could give a 3 page list but that is more that likely the reason for the policy change. Also, depending on the state as early as age 12 the child has the legal right of medical consent, so medical personal guard that right, meaning no parent allowed and child can sign own medical forms. The child gets the same privacy protection as adults.

    Sorry you were treated so badly.

  9. I ask about the curriculum on this board last summer. I got one reply. She had bought it and not used it. There is a Yahoo group for the curriculum. It is not very active but if you post you will usually get a answer. I am considering it for my son. Whats holding me back is no "teachers notes" you would have to do the curriculum yourself and discuss with your child or just consider they are learning on there own and not worry about discussion.

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