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Posts posted by atozmom

  1. Change is always hard to get used to, but I think things will pick up again. Despite a few bugs, I for one am very grateful for all that is done here on the boards. Let's not forget these boards are free and it takes a lot of hard work to keep them going.


    I am not selling my stuff at our local sale this year because I dislike the new classifieds section. I simply just do not have the time to deal with it all right now. I may still list a few things, but not the large quantity of stuff that I have. I am disappointed that my feedback score is gone, but it is not a deal breaker for me. I will eventually build my score back up again.

  2. Oh my word, y'all are making me hungry!! The kids are asleep and I don't want to go in the kitchen to make any breakfast right now becuase I would like to enjoy the peace and quiet for a little longer.


    I voted other because it really just depends on what we have in house. I do not like to eat the same thing every morning. Sometimes it will be peanut butter and toast, sometimes a bagel, rarely cereal, possibly leftovers, and sometimes just skip it all together. However, ALWAYS, ALWAYS two cups of coffee.

  3. I need some new and fun ideas for celebrating Valentines day. In the past we have always had a nice family dinner, homemade cards, candy, popcorn, movie, those kinds of things. However this year I want to do something fun and different for the kids. (and me) This will be the first one since my husband left (now in the midst of a divorce). I did this (started new traditions) for Thanksgiving and Christmas and it really helped.


    We always have a cookout and valentine exchange during the day with our homeschool group. This is something we will continue as the kids and I have always enjoyed it. However, some other ideas for the rest of the day and evening would be great. Oh, and we are on a really tight budget so going out to eat and trying a new restraunt probably wouldn't be the best idea.


    ETA: It's also my mom's birthday. We have always celebrated her birthday on the weekend before or after the 14th with my brother and SIL, but we could change this too.

  4. I looked through our swimming creatures jr journal and there are some extra cut and paste activities.

    Thank you so much!! This was the information I was looking for.


    Have you looked at the samples at cbd?
    I did, but it didn't really show me the pages I wanted. However, I just remembered the Apologia site (duh) and am headed there now.


    I purchased our last AJTL lapbook for $9 during the back to school sale. If you sign up for newsletters from their website and also through currclick you should be able to catch it on sale at some point. Right now it is $15 on currclick.

    I will keep this in mind. However, even an extra $9 is too much right now.
  5. We use a jr journal and a lapbook from A Journey Through Learning. I just pick a few lapbook pieces from each lesson and we glue them into our journal along with the minibooks. There is usually extra space on the minibook page. We also sometimes use the cursive copywork page if we need another page to glue something, since we only do the print page. This would be a really easy way for you to add some cut and paste activities to either journal. We don't do everything from the lapbook, I just print a few from each lesson. You could also do the whole lapbook separate to the notebook, but that would be too much for us and we like having everything in the notebook.


    As for deciding between the journals, it seems to me to come down to the vocab and colouring pages. The jr journals have the colouring pages, the regular do not. The regular have much more vocab in them. I plan to switch when I think ds is ready for the vocab. He is getting so he could take or leave the colouring.



    Definitely can't afford to purchase to different journals.


    DS doesn't even do the coloring pages, but I knew he he would like the other pages better in the junior journal than the regular when I looked at Zoo 1 at last year's convention. Unfortunately I did not think to look at the rest of the volumes. :tongue_smilie:


    I've never seen the jr book so I can't say. I have the regular one for Zoo 1 and some of the terms, etc seem really a lot higher than 4th grade. I'm conflicted.


    The terms used would be the same in both journals. However, the difference is the activities. The junior does not have the crosswords or the What Do You Remember questions. Here is an example of a cut and paste activity...in Lesson 4 in the junior journal there is a vocabulary puzzle game. They have the vocabulary word on one puzzle piece and the definition on another. The student is to cut out the puzzle pieces and figure out which goes with which. Also in lesson 5...They cut out pictures of the different types of nests and then paste them them above the correct name on another page.

  7. I am trying to decide between the junior journal and the regular journal for ds. Because he is so hands on, he enjoyed the cutting and pasting activities that were in the Flying creatures junior journal that were not in the regular journal. If you have used the Swimming Creatures junior journal, were there cut and paste activities in this one as well? TIA

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