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Posts posted by gracesteacher

  1. I have not watched Knives over Forks but it is on my list. We have had to modifiy our diet due to my daughters allergies.

    It was over whelming until I went out in to the blog world and found some WONDER people who put great info out and meal plans who answer question and really help modify our special needs.

    My advise dont do all or nothing. Slowly making changes and as your palette changes and you will see that some meals are faster easy and taste better than some comfort foods we were use to


    One of my favorite is Healthful Pursuits

  2. My almost 6yr old Grace is the same way. She cant stand still with out falling (not that i often see her standstill) Vision is great. She does have tight heal cords so that may have something to do with it. However is she is dancing she is graceful and in the moment. She is a head of the bell curve and her mind is going a amile a min so I think it has o do with her body isnt going as fast as her mind.

  3. I want to thank you guys. I have been reading some of the books you guys have been talking about. It has really helped me get back in to a forgotten passion. Bonus it has caused my first grader who is reading above level to try and beat me in getting books done (she is doing Little House and Because of Winn Dixie and Narnia books). She use to drag when it came to reading. Mom I can just watch the movie it faster.

    I use to be an avid reader and stopped due to well life. I am not up to 38 but we are catching up. Reading all these books have caused us to have great talks about what we are reading and why things are happening. So thank you for getting reading back in to our lives and some great descriptions and feed back of why you thought what you thought!

  4. When teaching a co op class that the child does not want to be a part of but the parent is insistent that they be a part of the class and does threaten discipline if they misbehave how do you get them be less negative so that the other kids don't enjoy the snide remarks they are making either out loud or under their breathe so they continue to enjoy learning about what ever the given subject is.

    There is active learning where there is getting up and doing and they complain they want to sit down. When there is sit down work they rather not do that. They pretty much just want to be in control of their day.

    We have two in our class this year who the helper in the class has to pretty much make them "focus" and say appropriate things when we rather not seem so strict and suck the love of learning. If they would just give it a chance they really may enjoy it.

    They are boys 10-13

  5. If you get to too tired it makes it harder to go to sleep as your brian is already in its sleep cycle. Turn off computer tv kindle smart phone tablet two hrs before bed. Drink a glass of sleepy time tea and go to bed as early as you can in a cool darken room. Close your eyes roll them all the way up and count up frrom 1 and down from 100 (1, 100 2, 99 ect) to keep you from having racing thoughts. If that has bored u to sleep find a dimly lite room and read a boring paper book and read for about 10 min and try again

    Good luck

  6. depending on lung healthy and tolerance and the amount of pressure BiPap may work. Straight CPAP with either flex or EPR should work well depending on machine


    BiPap works best with people with COPD ect. Healthy lungs typically dont need BiPap. unless they have a high Mali score.


    Make sure that the machine is low and heat humity is high and that your mask truely fits. Keep on the provider with in as few days as possible that the mask isnt working for you. The smaller the amount of days the easier it is. If the provider is no help call in insurance company and tell them they have more pull than the dr sadly

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