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Everything posted by Marie131

  1. Thanks for the feedback. I have phonics pathways, I could try to include that with my 5 y/o
  2. As a mother who also just recently had a baby, we are enjoying online curriculum at the moment. My 2nd grader is using Time4Learning and my 5 y/o is using Reading Eggs. I have little time, but I'm finding using online curriculum frees me up to spend my one on one time on the subjects that need it.
  3. Here's my scenario; we began our homeschooling year in the summer as we were expecting a baby in November, however, I had some complications that kept me busy w/ hospital appointments and was indced a month early so not a whole lot got done. I've been feeling the guilt about my kids education (or lack thereof) so I've tried to get things going despite being on a "break". We are starting up our school year again in earnest in January and I need to have a plan. I was using mostly CM methods and taking a very parent intensive approach. That isn't going to work. My baby has a lot of appointments, plus she will not be put down. I wear her in a sling most of the time, but I also have a 2 y/o who is feeling displaced so right now I am pretty much trying to survive the chaos! So, I've signed up my 7 y/o wih time4learning and my 5 y/o with reading eggs. Both are enjoying their programs and I think I will need to rely heavily on them for the rest of the year as my visualization of schooling from the couch with the baby is not going to happen! Here is what I have in mind, please offer up your feedback 7 y/o ds -Time4learning for LA core, supplemented with handwriting (my ds needs a lot of work in this area) and independent reading (and maybe WWE later on down the road). -RightStart for math, using t4l for review/extra practice -literature based socials and science when time allows, T4L and brainpop for when Mom is too busy (we have a free brainpop account). 5 y/o ds -Reading Eggs for phonics, supplemented with handwriting and reading aloud -RightStart Math -tagging along w/ his brother for socials and science. I'm not particularly focussed on these topics for him at his age as he is naturally inquisitive and seems to be learning a lot through his own discoveries/interests. What do you think? Is this enough to get us through K and 2nd grade? Will they get anything out of a plan like this? I worry about relying too heavily on the computer for school, but I really don't think I have a lot of choice given the way our life is at the moment. I'd love feedback :)
  4. Fireproof, a food elimination diet would probably help you solve your ds eczema puzzle. An allergy test will not identify food sensitivities but an elimination diet will. We put our whole family on an elimination diet last winter and were shocked to find out what foods effect us. It was a lot of effort and sacrifice to keep to the diet, but it sure was worth it for us!
  5. What is the difference between eczema and psoriasis? This is the same for me. The reason for my flare up is b/c our baby was in the NICU and the soap I had to use to scrub in set me off. She has been home for a month now but I can't get rid of the rash :(
  6. What do you use to treat your eczema and is it effective? I am having a horrible reaction that I can't get rid of despite my usual remedies. I need some relief!
  7. We have free access to this through our school. My oldest ds loved it for about a month or 2 then the novelty wore off. I would say its nice to have, but its not something I would pay for.
  8. I've got 4 kids, 7,5,2 and newborn. So far very little has been accomplished this school year so I'm feeling that I need at least my 7 year old to be more independent so I was considering t4l. Anyone reviews?
  9. My short attention spanned, work book hating second grader absolutely LOVES RightStart math. It is the perfect fit for him, math went from being his least favorite to most favorite subject when we made the switch in grade 1.
  10. My school aged kids are in K and grade 2. We started hsing this year in the summer at a relaxed pace as I was having a difficult pregnancy and knew that I would give birth prematurely. We started our break at the end of Sept/beginning of Oct and are not starting up again until January. Despite starting early, my kids are behind where I would have liked them to be. Is it really important in these early years to stay on track or will they catch up quickly?
  11. That is a fabulous book! My spirited child thrives on RS Math. He doesn't seem to mind a Charlotte Mason approach to the rest of our hs, but Math is his favorite!
  12. We read 'Little House in the Big Woods' last year w/ my then 6 y/o son last year and he enjoyed it. I would like to read the whole series w/ him :)
  13. I am really sorry you are going through this. It's hard when your family isn't interested in your life, especially your kids. We have a similar relationship w/ my FIL and his wife. I really don't have any advice. My dh tried talking to his parents about the relationship, but it resulted in disaster. Instead of them listening to my dh, they used it as an opportunity to berrate us. It fixed nothing, in fact it just made things worse. I am glad that my dh tried to repair the relationship, at least he knows he did what he could. I think talking to your parents about things is a good idea, just be prepared that it may not turn out as you hope. :grouphug:
  14. Thanks everyone for your stories and support. It is rather scary. This baby is IUGR and is only estimated to be 3lbs. She may also need surgery on her bowels. My other kids came out full term and 9+ lbs so this is a very different experience! I'm hoping she comes out healthy, just small.
  15. ...but I'm not due for 7 more weeks!!! I'm being induced due to complications. I knew this day was coming, we've been having problems for months, yet I am struggling to wrap my head around this. Anyone who has had a preemie, I would love to hear your story. What can I expect? I am positively freaking out!!
  16. I live in an area where 1-2 is average so anything bigger than 2 is big for my region. When we went from 2-3 people thought we were nuts, when we announced we were expecting number 4 people thought we had lost our minds :lol:
  17. The tiles didn't work for us either. They slowed the lesson waaayyy down and were a huge distraction. I quit using the tiles and we're getting through level 1 much faster. We are moving on to a different program once we complete it. I think AAS is a great program, but it's just not for us.
  18. AprilMay, I see you are also using LOE. I was thinking of this one for my older ds. Are you using LLATL and LOE w/ the same child?
  19. Yup, red definitely sounds too advanced for my little one. Thanks for the help :) I'm looking forward to trying this out. I've been eyeing it for a while, I'd like to give it a shot.
  20. Medium weight, eh? :tongue_smilie: After looking at more samples, I think it will work better for my younger guy than my older guy. Is red appropriate for first grade or is blue better? He's only just started K, so not reading much yet, but I expect he'll be reading by the end of the year.
  21. I'm jumping ahead and thinking about next year already. It would be for grades 1 and 3. I have a workbook lover and a workbook hater, so either way it will be ok for at least one of them. Is it workbook heavy?
  22. I really like the look of this program. We are dropping AAS after level 1 (which is in only a few more lessons - yay!) and moving on to Phonics Pathways for spelling. I downloaded this and will use it as a supplement for my writing averse DS. Thanks for sharing :001_smile:
  23. I need some tips for my nearly 5 y/o. He is a major chatterbox, I love that he has lots to say, but sadly he just does not listen. He talks over people, interrupts, does not hear when he is asked to do something or is corrected...he just doesn't listen. It is impossible to get him to focus on anything b/c he just talks and talks and talks... We've been having some behavioral issues this past year, but nothing seems to be working (probably b/c he doesn't hear me when I try to discipline). Help! :confused:
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