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Posts posted by 4kids4me

  1. Well, it's a Festivus miracle...it's fixed.


    I don't have an insert key, but you ladies got me thinking...and I googled something which led to this:


    At the very bottom of the document's screen, there are some bits of information (page, section, total number of pages, etc.). On the far right, there are four abbreviated words: REC TRK EXT OVR, each with a small circle to their left. If you click the OVR word, its circle will turn green and you will write over text until you again click the OVR box.


    And yay it worked! Thanks for your help! :D

  2. Have you homeschooled all of your kids from the beginning? If so, just think back to what it was like doing school with toddlers and babies under foot. Gack. lol!


    Actually, I've seen quite a few posts here from mothers that send their own 2-3 yr olds off to preschool so they can get stuff done with their older kids. I think that speaks volumes.


    For me, I'm trying not to wish away these days with my two youngest as I look forward to life being easier as they get older. I cannot imagine jumping back into this stage with someone else's kids when mine are finally all school-aged.


    LOL, well I do remember hsing the older ones when the youngers were little, but then the older two were only, say, gr. 3 and 5, which technically isn't as much work as we're doing now. :D Ok, temporary insanity. Maybe I'm hitting menopause early? Does that make you temporarily insane?

  3. I would not ask my high school age children to help out with my babysitting job (unless it is absolutely needed to keep food on the table and a roof over our head), because that would severely compromise their academic education.

    Occasionally watching a younger sibling would be different, but planning for my children to do a part of my regular paid job, no way.

    I don't know if you can do it alone, I could not. Can you spare the huge amount of time this will take? This time will not be available for you to work with your own children. But whatever you decide, I do think you need to make this decision without planning for your children to be involved - their job should be their education.


    I hear you all!!! Actually, I wouldn't ask the eldest to help out as her work load is fairly heavy. It'd be more the 9yo that does her work quickly and would definitely play with the 3yo...the 1yo would be my responsibility. I think it'd get old, though, playing with them all the time. And I have to factor in child melt downs, which I'm not sure I want to deal with again at this point in my life. Ok, so it's looking like NO!!!! Thanks to everyone!!!

  4. I wouldn't be able to do it. My teens schooling takes a tremendous amount of my time and energy and they do not have time either to spend babysitting during the schoolday with their academic load and afterschool sports commitments. My youngers also need me to be on top of them or they do not get their work done.


    sigh...this is what I'm thinking...

  5. Am I in for a real shock going back to the baby stage? Is it just not worth it financially? Am I asking too much from myself and my kids, who will be helping? Or is this do-able? I'm just so uncertain. I've love to help bring more money into the house, just not sure if this is the way. This is temporary as niece goes back to work for a while until she gets pregnant and has a baby (maternity leave is a year here, so often it's better financially to go back to work if you plan on getting pregnant again for mat leave).

  6. Here's an explanation:


    Does that help?


    Beth...thanks for your explanation...I knew how to do it that way, but the way it's explained in TT (the way Perry explained it), I'm thinking it's important to know why and how to break it down because as we get further into algebra, I'm assuming it'll bite us in the butt if we don't get it! :)


    Perry...we slowly went through your examples and it makes perfect sense. The thing that made it click was realizing we needed what prime factor occurred most in each of the denominators. Now that we understand that we can continue on!


    I'm so grateful to have this board. I'm not great at math, and knowing I can come here and get the help I need is SO reassuring!!!!


    Thanks, Ladies. :D

  7. This is SO simple, but I'm missing *something* so I need someone to explain what I don't understand. ;)


    This is from Teaching Textbooks Algebra 1, lesson 62.


    I'm not exactly sure how to type out the problem, so I'll do my best...


    2x/15 + x/6 = 1/4



    He explains to factor it (and we NEED to learn it this way), the LCD must have all the factors that appear in each denominator, but no extra factors at all.


    15 factors: (3)(5)

    6 factors: (2)(3)

    4 factors: (2)(2)


    So he says you take for LCD: 3, 5, 2, (not the second 3), (not the 3rd 2), but you do take the fourth 2.


    Ok, so you want all the factors but no extra. Why do we need to add that extra 2, since we've already got 2 in there? Does that make sense? I should know this as I taught it in gr. 5, but this way is NOT making sense to me. I can't even explain it properly.


    IF you've got a special gift of understanding what I don't get, could you please explain it to me!?!?!?


    THANKS!!!!!! :001_smile:

  8. if you start with (2x-6)/(-14x+42)


    then (2x-6)/(-7)(2x-6)


    then cancel the (2x-6) on the top and bottom




    or -1/7


    To move the negative sign from the top to the bottom (or bottom to top) multiply the top and bottom by negative one. So (-1)/(-1)


    This would have been way easier. *We're* being taught that you have to expand the whole thing and redistribute as much as possible, but this would make way more sense!

  9. It's so easy and I have no idea where "we" are going wrong:





    after some redistributing we get:





    so then the way we're doing it we get:





    but the answer is:





    (the minus sign is in front of the whole answer)


    So I'm figuring there's a way to change the positive and negative three to cancel it out, but I have no idea how.


    If it helps we're using TT Algebra book.



  10. Maybe you could try this:


    "Since you are an expert storm tracker and obviously are willing to guarantee us that there will be no reprocussions from the hurricane and we will NOT be delayed returning home due to debris, road closures, evacuations, or any other hurricane related incidents, please place this in writing so I will have it to refer to when I contact my lawyer. Also, while we are at it, I will need a photo copy of your FEMA plan and verification that this hotel has indeed complied with every detail."


    Even NOAA cannot guarantee exact landfall and strength until it actually happens. Just like tornados, hurricanes change direction and predicting their activity is not an exact science.




    Oh my dear Faith, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this...I have no idea what FEMA is (will look it up...I'm guessing something like federal emergency something), but it sounds good!!!!

  11. What's the hotels policy regarding cancellations? Usually unless you had a special deal, you can cancel 24 hours before. You should be able to cancel extra nights that far in advance as well.


    Is the hotel a chain? You could try calling a headquarters number and see if they are more helpful.


    It's an independent hotel and it's no refund once you're here unless they're getting hit by the hurricane. Yesterday's front desk lady said I could get a credit; today's lady says credit only used within 90 days.


    I'll be sure to post a review on tripadvisor about this.


    To the other poster...you're right...just looking at satellite photos now and it seems if we up up a little northwest we should be ok.

  12. We're scheduled to be here until Saturday. I called front desk yesterday and said we're traveling north home on Saturday and we wanted to leave early to be safe. Lady said because hurricane isn't hitting Myrtle Beach directly they won't refund our money (two days) but will give us a credit which we can use any time.


    Today we decided to check out and manager, a different lady, said they will only credit us for 90 days (ya, like I'm going to make a 17 hour drive back here in 90 days) and there's NO WAY she'll give us a credit and she said we're perfectly safe and and we'll be perfectly safe driving home (Myrtle Beach to

    Toronto) on Saturday.


    Meanwhile I overhear maintenance staff in in the elevator talking about being prepared, etc. The hotel has said nothing to their guests about this.


    So those who live in NC and SC...what are your thoughts? What to do???? The worst we've been through is snowstorms...and even then nothing really bad.


    Does anyone happen to know of SC laws regarding credits at hotels in this kind of situation??? Should we be feeling "completely safe" here and for our drive home???

  13. Can I get some help planning a trip? We'd like to visit Washington, DC on labour day weekend...does anyone have hotel recommendations (2 adults, 4 kids)...we'd love a place that serves breakfast and that's close enough that we could walk to wherever we need to go....


    ....and speaking of that...


    ...where DO we need to go???? Any must-see suggestions?




    Edited to add: I heard at one point that museums are free? Is this true or am I dreaming?

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