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Posts posted by 4kids4me

  1. What he'd really like to do eventually is make a website for kids to play games. Yes, I know this exists.


    He's had LDs so I don't want to discourage this new interest. I've gotten out a couple of book for him from the library: Web Design for Dummies and an HTML book. They are thick, thick, thick. I have no idea if this is even where we start.


    Where should I go? I don't want to bog him down with unnecessary reading. Is there an easy how-to spot to go to on the web? How do people with blogs do it?

  2. It sounds to me like you need a different text - one which teaches you how to translate word problems into equations. Some say that's just memorizing algorithms' date=' but it works. Saxon does this. It also has step by step instructions in the solutions manual. I don't know if this would be a fit for you, but I'd suggest finding something which does teach the system of converting word problems to equations, and which does have a good solutions manual. I think it would help tremendously.[/quote']


    Thanks -- I'll look into this. :)

  3. I strongly encourage using words as a transition between the word problem and the math. Regentrude gave a good example. I also encourage writing what you know on a sheet of paper and then getting away from the original problem. I find it too easy to stare at the problem and hope something will pop out at me. It never does. But staring at what I wrote will sometimes give the leap to the next step.


    I don't like charts & tables for many problems, but they are the BEST way I have seen to do d=rt problems. The chart is really worth it. Jann's example is also a very good one.


    Thanks, Dana. Are you willing to move in anytime soon? :D

  4. Right now, their ages are x.


    in 11 years: Betty's age is x-11, Alex's age is x+11

    At that point: x+11= 3*(x-11)






    The key to doing these problems is to write out what you know and assign variables to suitable quantities, then "translate" all the word statements into equations.


    Sigh -- can one of you math whizzes just come and live with me? I'm going to have a nervous breakdown with this. Thanks for helping! (My dd thanks you all, too!!!)

  5. Regentrude, what you're saying makes sense because this is the other question she couldn't figure out (can anyone help with this one???...and maybe help us figure out WHY we're not able to "get" these???):


    Betty and Alex are the same age. Betty has announced that if she were to get younger at the same rate that Alex were getting older, in 11 years, he would be three times her age. How old are they now?



    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!

  6. Elegant Lion and Kiara....are those type of word questions ALWAYS d=rt? There's nothing else I'm ever looking for???


    This question comes after chapter four in the cities section: El Campo. These types of questions are also found in the pre-algebra texts and they ALL make me want to stab myself in the eye with a dull pencil. If *I* can't get them, then how can dd get them???? Sigh. Hopefully after doing one year of this in LoF, when we move on to TT it'll be easier.


    Thanks for the help. Both dd and I will be sitting down and reviewing how Kiara got the answer.

  7. I cannot stand algebra. I hate math. DD (gr.8) is doing LoF algebra this year and will be repeating algebra in TT next year (she's not a math person either). The next few years will be hell in math.


    This is the type of question that we just CANNOT "get"...there's only an answer to this in the book, not how they got it...so if you can tell me the process of getting it, I'd appreciate it.


    Alex and Betty walk at 4mph to their car. It takes them almost an hour. In their car they travel at 16mph the same distance they walked. All together, their walking and traveling by car takes exactly an hour. How long did they walk?


    That's it. I realize it's pretty basic but you give us any question like that and there's no way we'll figure out how to make the equation. Give us the equation and it's easy peasy to figure it out from there. How in the world are we going to get better at this if we can NEVER EVER figure out how to do it?????????????? :crying::crying::crying:

  8. I was at a youth group last week when a teacher of my 16 year old daughter came up and said - "Wow, she is just so sharp. I just love having her in my class." I said "Thanks" and smiled.


    (Background-My daughter says that most of the kids sit in class, lean back in their chairs, don't listen and don't care to answer any questions-so it is not hard to look good in there.)


    Shortly after, he said..."My only fear is that she will have a problem relating to other teens."


    I was tounge tied..and responded by saying "I guess that is better than the alternative." I didn't even make sense, because I was so flabbergasted.


    I wanted to say- "Wow" ....She plays the harp, has won several national awards for community service and several scholarships, dual enrolled in CC. What more could people want in a teen these days?


    Would you rather have her dysfunctional on drugs and alcohol, hanging with the goths all tattooed? (No offense please!)


    I admit that she hasn't fit in well with two or three girls who don't have similar interest as her.


    Infact, one of the "more popular high school" girls last year found out she was spending a month in Sweden on an exchange with a family we knew in Europe, responded by saying "That sucks..why would you want to spend your whole summer doing that and post-pone getting your drivers license?" (She received her DL 3 months later when the next class was available.)


    I wish I would have been more quick to defend myself against the teacher.


    What would you have done?



    Blogging today on "A discussion on The Art of Homemaking and Motherhood"


    Well, if I had my wits about me I would have been completely sarcastic. But thankfully God gives us a few seconds more than that to answer gracefully.


    Just let it be...what would the alternative be? That your dd is just like other teens...uninterested, unresponsive, has an attitude? Who CARES if she can't relate to them (and who says she can't?)? On the other hand, maybe the REAL concern is that the other teens can't relate to your DD!!! What does that say about them?????????????? (lots of ??? for emphasis) :D On top of that, how about the teacher's inappropriate comment? He, too, is obviously a little "at odds" with society as we all know that comments like that are rude, rude, rude!!!!

  9. You'll also want to look at the link between the nightshade family and a tendency to have inflammation.


    These would be potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers.


    Potatoes, tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, eggplant, tomatillos, tamarios, pepinos, pimentos, paprika, cayenne, and Tabasco sauce are classified as nightshade foods.


    ITA with this poster. My naturopath has me off of gluten, dairy, sugar, and nightshade veggies among other things. For my joint pain I'm off nightshade veggies. The other things are for other symptoms. She never mentioned anything other than going off of nightshade veggies for my pain, though. Just an fyi. :)

  10. Have you tried x stretch yet? I had the same question as you, and then tried it. It felt soooo good. I would definitely recommend it. I don't know much about working out, but it feels so helpful to my joints and muscles that I have been working hard all week.


    Thanks both to Capt and MamaJ. Yes, I did stretchx the other day instead of yoga and it felt really good to do that stretching (I had done cardiox right before it, too). Ok, so I'll stretch on my day off!!!!

  11. You can do it! I read that most people drop out after the first 4 weeks. That's when my friend dropped out. I was pooped after that first phase but the recovery week really helped me to recover lol. I also found that I needed MORE SLEEP!!! Be sure to get the proper amount of rest. Then when I was stronger starting the second phase, it really gave me that mental boost to get up and press play every day. I have to work out in the AM at 7am. And my basement is not finished. It's 40F!!! I kid you not! Cuts down on sweating. :lol: But I mentally feel so much better, I keep pressing play every. single. day. I've only missed 2 days and those were b/c of Aunt Flo.


    I give it the mindset that this is the ONE thing I do just for me. I'm the one that has to live in this body. I need this body to be able to do what I want it to do. We have a new house and all the new yard work was very difficult. And Dh has had back surgery so all the shoveling has been up to me. And if we do a vege garden, I will have to do all the digging this year. I have got to be physically in shape to do it. Plus, by the time my youngest is leaving for college, I'll be in my 60s. :w00t: Gotta keep the ol' body going. :lol:


    I couldn't do Yoga X this AM b/c I spent almost 2hrs of shoveling. I did do CardioX though. I'm doing classic/doubles. I'm supposed to do Yoga X tonight but I just spent another 2hrs of shoveling and my arms and back are exhausted. I may skip Yoga tonight. It will kill me to skip it but I think it will kill me to do it. :tongue_smilie:


    Capt, I just read that 1 hour of shovelling is about 400 calories burned, so I think that 4 hours is sufficient! Permission to skip the yoga - just this once!


    Thanks so much for the encouragement. It's inspiring to know that you've come so far and pushed through the toughest parts!

  12. Honey, you will be stronger after your first recovery week! You will! I was shocked after that recovery week, how much stronger I was!!!


    I'm mid-way through week 11! WOOHO!!!


    It must feel so good to be mid-way through week 11!!!! Right now I feel like I'm at the bottom of Mount Everest. I hope that I stick with it so that when I am where you are now I'll think, "I didn't even thought it was possible!"

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