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Posts posted by PandaMom

  1. I have decided to switch to MIF because SM just isn't working for my DD at this time. Check out my thread from the other day to see if you can find any answers. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/457137-singapore-standards-or-math-in-focus/ Also, I did go to the MIF website and sign up for the virtual sampling. Definitely a big help in deciding to switch. http://www.hmheducation.com/singaporemath/



    DD(7) Turning 8 on Sunday

  2. I am looking for some opinions on Singapore Standards vs. Math in Focus Grade 1. My DD is 7(8 on Sunday) and was adopted from China at 13 months. She was severely developmentally delayed. She has several diagnoses including PDD-NOS with Features of Asperger's, Expressive Language Delay and Cognitive Delays with Working Memory Difficulty. She likes math and I think will be quite good at it once we get her over a few major hurdles. She has a tendency to see that there is one right way to arrive at an answer and doesn't grasp abstract concepts. If she understands something she can pick up on it right away. I am looking at the Standards Edition and thinking there is no way she is going to be able to handle it right now. After reading through old posts I am now looking at Math in Focus and wondering if it might be better for her. I want for her to be challenged but Standards will frustrate her too much and end up causing major meltdowns. I think with math, she needs to be able to see what she is working on insead of me just trying to explain it to her. I have also been thinking about Horizons Math. I'm just so tired of buying curriculum only to find it doesn't work :(




  3. Another benefit to unscored rods is that they are more flexible. You can use them for fractions later and a different color rod could be "one".


    Don't write numbers on your rods! My just turned 4yo is pretty accurate with them after only playing a few times. Kids pick it up very quickly. C-rods should be like a second language.


    Kids pick up on C-rods pretty quick so definitely don't write on them. I watched the videos from Education Unboxed and then worked with DD like she did in the videos. DD now knows the value of a C-rod by sight. She pitches a fit if we don't use c-rods for math ;)




  4. I am searching for online help to teach DD(7) her number bonds. She understands the concept but still struggles somewhat because of her cognitive/expressive language delays. She responds really well to video games so I was hoping for something more interactive. I checked the Marshall Cavendish website and they have Math Buddies but it is $99 per level. Another site wanted $39 per month. Any suggestions as to where I might be able to find this?




  5. My DD doesn't care if you are Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist, Atheist, Pagan or anything in between. She doesn't give a second thought to the various homeschool philosophies/curriculum of Unschooling, Charlotte Mason, Classical Conversations, Unit Studies, TWTM, Sonlight, BJUP, Abeka, MFW, FIAR, R&S, MP, etc. More than likely because she doesn't understand that they do exist, but knowing my child it still wouldn't bother her :) She just wants to get out around other kids and play and have fun. She's not worried about catching the "C.M. or Unschoolong cooties" from some of the kids. I just personally worry about the cold/flu type variety at this time of year ;) This is why I adore our playgroup. None of this should really matter when it comes to our kids and their needing to get out and form friendships and learn to socialize and get along with others and just have an afternoon of fun running around playing and being a kid.




  6. My DD was adopted from China at 13 months and is now 7. We took her for a neuropsychological evaluation and finally got diagnoses for her. Prior to this her only diagnosis was SPD. She was diagnosed with PDD-NOS with features of Asperger's, ADHD-combined type, Expressive Language Delay, Cognitive Delays with Working Memory Difficultuies(which is her short term memory), and Childhood Anxiety Disorder. We did choose to medicate for anxiety because it was to the point where is was affecting her severly. She has this obsessive type of anxiety and she couldn't function because of it. She has been on Zoloft since last summer and has made a world of diffence. Her working memory or short term memory presents a problem but we just have to keep working at it or find multiple ways of presenting the information to her and she does slowly start to get it. Now her long term memory is impeccable. What this child can remember from months and years ago is scary :) We really don't have a routine for homeschooling. Some days she would rather spend 3 hours doing math and other days reading and spelling.. I take her to PT/ST/OT four days a week along with counseling and she is getting better but it is just taking time. We will probably be in therapy for many more years.




  7. Homeschoolers as a whole are not an accepting group. The religious group in our area is extremely exclusive and would not accept a member who does not share their religious convictions.

    The local secular group is the catch-all for people who do not feel welcome in the Christian group; that includes not just atheists and pagans, but also Christians who do not share the vehemence of the Christian group. So this group is very open and accepting to all who are willing to respect the members' extremely diverse world views and life styles.


    This is exactly how I feel. I also feel like the differences in home-school philosophy is a great divider as well. Almost to the point where if "You don't believe as I do and homeschool exacly as I do then I don't want our kids associating at all." This is the part that makes me sad. We have an inclusive, secular group that is great. We get together for field trips and play dates and just have a great time. I love to get together with other of various beliefs and homeschool philosophies. My DD just wants to get out of the house and play and have a good time and make new friends and that is what is most important to her.




  8. We are kind of in the same boat here as DD(7) goes to PT/ST/OT 4 days per week. It does take a big chunk out of our day. I know that we need to be doing more academically but her therapy is top priority right now. If she doesn't get the therapy then she will never be able succeed or totally function independently as an adult. We have several more years of therapy ahead of us. I have decided to homeschool year round so as to not get too far behind. I am one exhausted Momma so I know what you mean :)




  9. I started teaching DD(7 y/o) her CVC words last week by using Explode the Code. She enjoys doing it and tries really hard. We are working on the short "a" right now. She can say the word, spell the word and write it on paper with no problem. When I show her the "Bob Books" and the "I See Sam" books she has a hard time reading the words. She also has a hard time sounding out the words. I'm at a loss and just don't know what to do to help her.



    Mom to Dallas(7)

  10. I have a 7 y/o DD who was diagnosed with SPD at 4. She recently underwent neuropsych testing in April-June and was diagnosed with PDD-NOS(with feature's of Aspergers), ADHD(combined type), GAD, Expressive Language Disorder and Cognitive Disorder with Working Memory Difficulty. She is on Vyvanse for the ADHD and Zoloft for the GAD. She just went on the Zoloft so I don't see any improvement yet. The Vyvanse has really helped and she is able to focus and do her work. I just have to be creative when working with her and realize her limitations.



    DD Dallas(7)

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