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Big Buckin' Longhorn

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Posts posted by Big Buckin' Longhorn

  1. 25/50 is terrible coverage. We don't even offer that to our customers. you shouldn't really go any lower than 100/300 and the increase is literally pennys. Again, another reason why geico's rates are lower, because the coverage is lower.

    I don't understand. If one doesn't want 25/50 they shouldn't get that. Geico doesn't make you get 25/50. I have way more coverage than that.

  2. I've had Geico for years . . . since it used to be Military only insurance when I was a military dependent.  Now as an adult I have my own policy.  When I first learned to drive, I spent the first 5 years or so crashing into anything and everything on the road, on sidewalks, in driveways, etc . . . they never cancelled me - but did raise my rates considerably, LOL. 


    Anyway I've had plenty of claims and they've always been professional, courteous, and quick with me.  Also, I'm not sure I understand about having less coverage, when I do an insurance quote I make sure to get the exact coverage limits that I need and compare apples to apples rates that way. 


    I don't use an agent.

  3. Fortunately we have a great local doctor who charges based on how much time you need with him. Usually I already know what's wrong and just go to him to get the prescription. A couple of times I've been able to hustle all three of my granddaughters in and out and have only paid $50 total. He is amazing. I hope he never retires.

  4. I used the Clarsonic faithfully for 90 days. Not only did it not help, it very nearly ruined my skin. I went from having generally nice skin with some annoying enlarged pores to big painful cystic acne and whiteheads everywhere.


    I called their customer service line and took all their suggestions: just wait, it gets worse before it gets better; use it once a day; use it every other day; use it once a week; blah blah blah.


    It was the worst thing I ever did. I kept at it for 90 days because that is the length of the money back guarantee. I had spent almost $200 and I wanted my money back.


    It took about 3 additional months to get my skin calmed down.


    I'm not trying to discourage you from trying either, just letting you know my experience. They do not work for everyone and everyone's skin does not need to be so thoroughly exfoliated. If I had it to do again, I would have taken it back sooner. I just REALLY wanted it to work. I had saved up for it and was very invested in having beautiful glowing skin, but that just didn't work out for me.


    Good Luck with whatever you decide.

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