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Big Buckin' Longhorn

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Posts posted by Big Buckin' Longhorn

  1. Yeah, but the year is still a good deal for us since dh lives in another state for work and neither of us have cable/satellite. It's weird, sometimes I can watch one episode an burn through only 200g and then other times I burn through 400g. I haven't figured out why.


    I've noticed that too. I don't know if some episodes are longer than others or what causes the discrepancy. That is a great deal. It would be nice to have unlimited bear fuel. I'm pretty addicted to my Tunnel Bear.

  2. :iagree::iagree::iagree:


    I've got a few stories to tell as well. I will never, ever leave a loved one alone in the hospital if I can help it.


    My son has chronic illnesses and spends several nights a year in the hospital. I would never leave him alone. A strong willed, loud mouthed family member is with him at all times. (There is no shortage of those in my family, LOL)


    Okay, serious question. What do you do if the hospital is not set up for overnight guests?


    My dh was in the hospital overnight recently. He was "well" enough to advocate for himself, but if needed they had one chair in the room. A regular sitting chair. There was a second empty bed. I assume they don't really want you crawling into a patient bed, or do they expect that if the hospital is not at capacity?


    This is a small town hospital. Newer facility, just limited resources I'm sure.


    Sleep in the chair. I've brought air mattresses to hospital rooms. Try to find a way. I feel it's that important.

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