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Tree Frog

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Posts posted by Tree Frog

  1. 7 hours ago, Eos said:

    Combining this thread with the how-to-clean-your-creuset thread - I love these chain mail scrubbers: https://www.amazon.com/Amagabeli-Stainless-Chainmail-Scrubber-Pre-Seasoned/dp/B01A51S9Y2/ref=pd_lpo_sccl_1/136-6429077-0015710?  They get everything with a minimum of soaking or scrubbing, never smell and never wear out as far as I can tell.

    I love mine, too! Mine is square like the link, but I got my dd a round one that didn't work nearly as well as mine. I think the links were larger in hers. 

    • Like 1
  2. I neglect mine and usually leave them outside until the temps are close to freezing. Some years I use a book booster when I water them in the summer and it seems to boost the number of blooms. 

    I have one that just bloomed, but the clades look like it's dying. It seems to be a variety with red clades, but I can't get them to look healthy. They were all from cuttings shared from across the country and all the red ones look terrible. All the others look healthy. 

  3. The only error we found was when someone else wrote a check and for some reason, the check reader debited it from our account instead of the check writer's account. We discovered it only because we watch our accounts online. The first time it happened, I spoke with the bank teller and was assured it would be taken care of. The second time, I spoke with the bank manager. I was MAD! These weren't small amounts-they were deposits for a wedding, so $1000+. Turned out that it was a check printing issue, so the bank replaced the account holder's checks and we had no more problems. I was very thankful that pictures of the checks were available so it could quickly be figured out.

    My kids don't write checks and don't balance their accounts, though they check their accounts frequently. It makes me nervous, but they're all in their 20's now and haven't had any problems.


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  4. 9 hours ago, Corraleno said:

    You should ask your dad for a membership as your Christmas gift, I bet he'd be thrilled by that!

    (You can buy gift cards for a membership in store or online, and the recipient then uses the card to pay for the membership in their own store)

    Screenshot 2023-11-19 at 8.04.25 AM.png

    A member can also purchase a gift card for a non member, but the non member can't spend more than $10 over the amount of the gift card. We've done this for our kids when they didn't want a membership, but wanted to purchase a couple of items. 

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  5. 4 hours ago, EKS said:

    My parents have a pot like that which was used by some relative in the Civil War.  They keep it as a decoration next to the fireplace.

    We have a larger one, very similar, in a cast iron stand that used to be dh's parents. I've always wondered what it was used for. 

  6. I have a air fryer like a toaster oven. I use parchment paper when I don't want crumbs dropping through the rack. I have to be careful that it doesn't touch the heating element, but otherwise it works very well. I have reused the parchment paper a time or 2 as well.

    We use ours primarily to roast veggies and meat on one sheet. It's just dh and I, so it gives us an alternative to the oven.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Bambam said:

    The company (major) had you do personality type tests before they actually interviewed you.

    A company I worked at in the 80's did that. I think the personality screeners are still common. 

    • Like 1
  8. 5 hours ago, elegantlion said:

    Adding to this, which you probably already have dealt with. Anyone driving those distances, needs to make sure they have roadside assistance on their insurance or AAA and KNOW HOW TO USE IT if necessary. AAA is worth the cost for me and I've had to use it when I'm miles away from home. The second level of AAA pays for a tow up to 100 or 200 miles (can't remember which). That can save a huge expense and worse. An acquaintance was in another city and her car broke down - sounds like her car had issues and she probably shouldn't have been driving long distances, but.... She did not have roadside assistance, waited all night in the car because no one could come get her and she couldn't afford a tow, then the car was stolen before she could get back to it. 

    I totally agree with this. Sometimes your insurance will also have roadside assistance, but check to make sure it's as good as AAA. We have a family friend who was burned by USAA's roadside assistance wrt towing. I used AAA one time when ds and I were stuck overnight. They towed my van 100 miles to the place we wanted it serviced. Another time, ds was 13 hours away and struck some debris "falling from the sky" that caused his car to be undriveable. He called us panicked about what to do, but handled everything himself. AAA towed him home (he was 60 miles away), then towed it a couple more times to/from the auto body shop. Between those 2 events, AAA paid for itself several years over. We chose the second level of AAA because of all the rural driving our family does. 

    Also, just FYI adult kids can stay on their parents' AAA policy until they turn 26. It's significantly less expensive to add them then for them to get their own policy. My dd gets a kick out of having an AAA card that says she's been a member for 30 years. She's been a member longer than she's been alive!😂

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  9. Our philosophy was to let our kids make their own decisions at about 16 because I wanted them to experience things I knew they would experience on their own when we were better able to guide them.

    So I would have her drive the entire way with me as a passenger, letting her experience the unknowns of driving in a new place with me helping her. It would be time consuming for me because of have a 3 hour drive home after, but it would be an opportunity for her to stretch her wings. After that, I would do as a pp mentioned and ask her to drive during daylight hours when she drove alone and call or text me when she arrived. 

    We have always driven long distances as a family. When mine went to college, 2 were within 4 hours of home, but one was 14 hours away. They all drove back and forth between our house and college. I think this is good practice for your dd, especially if she will be not be attending a local college. 

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  10. This was ours. I didn't get a pic of 100% because dh and I were too busy watching. It was very hit and miss due to the clouds in our area. We happened to have a clear view, but just a couple of miles away had cloud cover. I like watching the shadows change, too. IMG_20231014_160814.jpg.2220f33872469ea35a0cf6e6e6d2680b.jpg


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  11. 1 hour ago, carriede said:

    Here's idea, cheap phone or tablet, paired with a Bluetooth speaker if needed to be heard by the entire class.

    I have an old phone I could use and have a Bluetooth speaker in the classroom already. I was hoping it could be a stand alone, not connected to my Wi-Fi account. Sounds like I'm outta luck, though. 

  12. 8 hours ago, TechWife said:

    No suggestions here, either. Check institution rules, though. Alexa, etc. are passive recorders & might not be permitted with children. 

    I hadn't considered that. I've heard other teachers talk about using it. I'll check with admin tomorrow. 

  13. 9 hours ago, Ottakee said:

    I have no answers but work in special education with young adults 18-26 and I set a million alarms on my phone each day

    I currently have about 10 alarms on my phone to get through the day. I have 2 concerns about just using my phone. First is that I'm adding another grade, so will have 5-6 more alarms. Second, what happens when I'm not there? My IA, as wonderful as she is, struggles with technology. I don't think she would hear or recognize the different alarms. Tbh, sometimes I don't hear or respond to them either. That's why I'd really like something I could set up and leave. 

  14. I teach in a classroom with multiple grades and schedules. I'm having a hard time making sure all the times for the changing daily schedules are met. I use an alarm on my phone to remind me when someone needs to leave the room, but I'm struggling with my in-room schedules and am considering getting something like an Alexa do I can ask to schedule times for subject changes or bathroom breaks. I also need something my IA or a sub can use when I'm out of the class.

    Does an Alexa require Wi-Fi or another device to work? Are there any other devices that work independently or a device? We have Wi-Fi at the school, but none of the school devices have wireless capabilities and it can't be connected to my personal device.

    I have students who have these devices at home and would likely try to use them in class. Is there a way to not allow certain voices to make requests of the device? 

    I'm all ears for any suggestions! I'll check back this afternoon to see if anyone has any ideas or to address questions.

    Thank you! 

  15. To the best of my understanding, I'm in good standing on the WTM forums. However, I just tried to post on the care packages thread and my post need to be approved prior to posting. Why is that? (While I was posting this, I received notification that my post was approved. Still curious, though.) Maybe everything is locked down due to all the spam yesterday and today? 

  16. 1 hour ago, Starr said:

    Cetaphil soap is my favorite treatment. I’m having trouble linking directions . It’s easy as far as these things go and non toxic. 
    i was a school nurse and when the lice arrived my head itched for months just thinking about it. It generally started from going to camp. 

    I had never heard of this. Thank you. 

  17. 5 hours ago, Innisfree said:

    This might not be appropriate, depending on the relationships between the families of your present students, but perhaps you could send out the generic “lice have been detected in our grade/class” letter shortly before the new student arrives. If the parents of the present students are talking frequently, they might figure out it’s actually the new girl. If they don’t talk together, though, it would be less likely to be associated with her.

    I really like this idea. The parents aren't in contact with each other at all. 

  18. 21 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

    Depending on your state or district rules, you may not be able to warn other families about lice outbreaks. 

    I would remove the items now.  If she isn't coming for a couple of weeks, there shouldn't be a connection to her arrival in your students' minds.  You are wanting to avoid head to head contact, and all of those items promote that.

    AFA prevention goes, we used this daily: https://www.amazon.com/Fairy-Tales-Rosemary-Conditioning-Prevention/dp/B000O7JK0A/ref=asc_df_B000O7JK0A/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312053900131&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17217023437903481102&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032905&hvtargid=pla-564590968038&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=64725653400&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=312053900131&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17217023437903481102&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9032905&hvtargid=pla-564590968038

    Dd had long, hip length hair at the time, and she was one of the few students that didn't get lice in the classroom.  We kept her hair in protective styles...buns, braids kept tight to the head, etc.

    I had another person recommend this to me. Did you spray it on items or hair? 

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