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Tree Frog

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Posts posted by Tree Frog

  1. I thought we had joint accounts, too. I've signed on our mortgage and car loans. However, when we received bills and statements, they were addressed only to dh, not dh and me. When we moved, I wanted some on the utilities to be in my name instead of dh's to build my credit. We also began using a credit card I got in college with dh as an authorized user. I'm more comfortable now that we have bills in both our names. I think if our original statements had come addressed to both of us, I would have been less concerned. 

    I don't know if the way the bills are addressed is an indication of joint statements or not, but I think I asked our original credit card company 10+ years ago if I was an authorized user or if it was a joint account and was told I was an authorized user. I think that's why we began making changes to who owned the account.

  2. 1 hour ago, fairfarmhand said:

    I don’t marinate. I brush with Italian dressing shake Montreal Steeak seasoning on it and grill. Yum!

    I marinade with bottled Italian dressing. I'll have to try it with Montreal steak seasoning. Sounds delicious!

    • Like 1
  3. We had significantly fewer in our neighborhood this year. Based on FB chatter, collectively neighbors spent upwards of $15K each holiday to set of their own fireworks in front of their houses. Each year, the HOA sends out a message that fireworks are against the covenents. This year seems to have made a difference. I think there were maybe 2 fireworks instead of the normal hours long shows. The ones most vocal about setting them off tend to be the ones who are the biggest jerks. 

    My dd's coworker had a friend over for grilling on the 4th. They were in the backyard and didn't realize friend's car was on fire because fireworks. It's a total loss and insurance has said they may not cover it because the car shouldn't have been parked on the street on the 4th of July. How do you prove whose fireworks caused the fire if no one is willing to take responsibility? And honestly, if it was like our neighborhood, it wouldh've been very difficult to determine which embers fell from which fireworks because there were so many.

    • Sad 3
  4. 17 hours ago, regentrude said:

    I'd expect a food truck business to serve *their* food at their launch party. Pulled pork, but it's a dessert truck? Not sure I get that.

    I would have this same expectation because I'd want the opportunity to try what she is going to offer. Maybe desserts will be served in addition to the pulled pork.

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  5. Younger dd and I are taking an Alaskan cruise on Holland America in June. It's our first and we're really excited! 

    One of the things I have a question about is whether I should be concerned about sea sickness. I don't get sick on smaller sailboats or ferries-the longest one I took was across Lake Champlain- but ocean going is different. Any suggestions?

    • Like 1
  6. 13 hours ago, PeterPan said:

    The Carnival Panorama is going from Long Beach up to Alaska then over to Japan. It's a transpacific, I think 18 days. I'm so kicking myself that my butt is not on that ship. They just dropped the prices so you can do Alaska AND Japan for way cheaper than you ever imagined, like under $2k for two people. Now you'll pay to fly back from Japan, but hey you went to Japan too!!!

    My dd just moved to Japan and we're trying to figure out a way to visit. It has to be summer because of teaching, but cruising is one of the ways we're looking at!

  7. 30 minutes ago, Bambam said:

    Depending upon where he lives/will be traveling to - consider getting an EZTag (toll tag) for his car. So much easier. Free, so why not? 

    The tag is free, but the tolls aren't. I agree with this advice, though. We visited our dd, thought we were using the hov lane, but received a bill later for using the toll lane. It was dropped because it was the first time it happened, but it's a steep charge if you use the toll road without the easy pass.

    My dd lived in Houston for 4 years during med school in 2 different places, both with roommates. One was a gated community close enough to walk to NRG stadium, but not in a better part of town. The second place was a non gated townhouse where she sometimes needed to park on the street. Her vehicle was never broken into. She loved the diversity of living in Houston.

    I hope your ds is able to find someplace you're both comfortable with.

  8. We bought High Sierra luggage and have been satisfied with it. It's not really expensive, but hold up well.

    We looked there first because I took one of their shift side bags with me when I was an exchange student in high school 40 years ago and it's still my favorite suitcase to pack. (Though at this point, I wish it had wheels!)

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  9. 1 hour ago, TechWife said:

    Be wary of the “professional” fitters in department stores. I had one my band to be four inches smaller than I needed. She kept telling me what I was trying on was too big, so I tried one she picked out and it felt like it was cutting me in half! 

    I went to Dillard's to be fit because I need either a racerback or strapless for the dress for dd's wedding. They told me to try on a particular brand and style bra and when they found the right size, that would be my size. So we did that and they brought in other styles of the same brand in that size. None of them fit. It was the strangest "fitting" I've ever had.

    On another note, why do stores only carry small band sizes? It seems stores only carry stock up to a 38. I ended up ordering from Amazon. We'll see how that goes.



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  10. 3 hours ago, wathe said:

    This happens all the time.  

    You quickly learn to ask about medical conditions in at least 3 different ways when taking a history, and even then will miss some.  People often say "no" when asked if they have any medical conditions, even when they clearly do.   Then, when asked about medications, will produce a list of medications as long as my arm, with meds for at least 5 different chronic medical conditions. Which I will then guess at based on the meds, and the patient will then endorse.   Or worse, when asked about meds, will say "Oh, yes, quite few," but not have brought them or be able to name them.  Or will name medical conditions that they actually don't have (often occurs when pt uses medical vocabulary that means something different than the patient thinks it does - not blaming patients here, medical terminology can be complicated). All.the.time.

    Always believe the patient.  But also, patients (and families) sometimes say things that are objectively wrong.  It's not always easy to find the balance.

    My mIl did this when we went to the ER due to difficulty breathing when there was a nearby controlled burn. She told the medical staff she had no medical problems. Thankfully, someone here said to take all her meds with us, so I took them all in a bag. When I asked why she had so many prescriptions, mil downplayed each one. "Oh, that's only when I'm short of breath." or "That's just my water pill." or "That helps my heart." Even when we think we remember, sometimes we might not remember the medical condition, but only the effect/reason to take the medicine. I can't imagine how much more difficult it would be in an actual emergency in the air.

    • Like 1
  11. 40 minutes ago, City Mouse said:

    If he has a will, or doesn’t have a will, his estate will have to go through probate

    I think this might depend on the state he lives in. Different states have different laws. In my state, with a $400,000 estate and a will, the estate didn't have to go through probate.

    @Tap, it might be worth finding an attorney who is familiar with the laws in your states and can speak to your concerns specifically. 

    • Like 1
  12. Today I learned that if you hold a $2 bill, your face will melt.

    It actually really frightens me how easily kids believe random stuff. I have a different 8yo student who watches TikTok and believes whatever they see.

    This student was very serious about this being true, even when I told them I've held a $2 bill and my face didn't melt. 

    • Sad 6
  13. 5 hours ago, cintinative said:

    ETA: i just saw you said she is in assisted living. Can you clarify--is she AL and also hospice? That's a new scenario for me.

    I'm not the OP, but my MIL was on hospice in AL. The AL facility offered stepped up care, so as her needs increased, we used the higher levels of care. They allowed her to stay when she went on hospice. Eventually, we found a wonderful woman to stay with her overnight to help as needed. I was with her all day. We also looked into hiring a private nurse for a brief bit (in addition to the hospice nurse daily visits), but she passed before we found someone. I believe hospice also offered someone to come in to help with daily (or every other day) care.

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  14. 5 hours ago, Alte Veste Academy said:

    I have one like Maize posted, but it’s Breville brand. Love it. My MIL has an air fryer and was marveling over the air fryer setting on our Smart Oven because we can put in two trays and food isn’t touching like in many kinds of air fryers, so the air circulates for things to get truly crispy on all sides.

    Breville Smart Oven

    This is what I have too. I love it! It's perfect for just 2 of us, so now I use the oven to store the cast iron pots.

    I think it's a little loud, but it doesn't bother my dog at all. 

  15. On 1/5/2024 at 8:07 PM, Melissa in Australia said:

    Mine thinks when I am in a car going down the bumpy main road that I am running a marathon. It sends encouragement messages  and adds thousand of steps 🤣😂🤣

    I have a Garmin watch that thought I was running stairs during a flight take off. I got lots of stair runs that day! 😂😂

    • Haha 4
  16. We have a smart one and love it. Ours uses WiFi, though, which isn't what op is looking for. I use different codes for specific people and once needed to unlock the door from my phone because the person came at a different time than normal.

    We use 6 digits for our code. I read somewhere that for our lock brand whatever digit code you set up between 4-8 is the longest code you can use. So if you set up the primary code with 4 digits, the other codes can't be longer than 4 digits without factory resetting the lock. 

    We've found the 8 AAA batteries last just about a year. 

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