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Posts posted by EMS83

  1. Weddings bring out the crazy, narcissistic traits of many relatives which is why I encourage couples not to have them, elope instead, grab a friend and go to the justice of the peace, or head to Vegas.


    Or pay for it yourselves.  Then all anyone can do is throw a hissy fit and not come.  DH and I joked about eloping.  But my do over would involve a church wedding, and more focus on the marrying part than the event surrounding the marrying part.  But for that to happen, I do think many times the couple needs to hold the purse strings.  Even if a wedding is in a fancy church, the components don't have to be fancy.  


    I'm sorry yours was such a trainwreck.  This thread is sad and comforting at the same time.

  2. Yes, I am.  It wasn't quickie, or cheap, and all the details were spot on.  It was by all accounts a beautiful Southern outdoor wedding (in June, lol).  We could have done with about 80% fewer guests, and 95% more agency.  But like DH says, the point was to get married, and that we did.  It took me a little while to embrace the pragmatism there, but I have.


    ETA: that was 12 years ago. 

    And I feel you; I'm feeling like an island unto myself tonight, too.

  3. Slow here


    Kids are still under the weather, but improving with sufficient couch time.  ;)

    Since DH is home and can field squabbles, I spent a couple of hours whittling away at the garden, and plan to head back out in a minute.

    Dinner is whatever we had last night.  :D

    I'd really like a nap

    I really ought to exercise

    take care of the little pets (hamster, fish, birds)


    That's it.  :)

    • Like 6
  4. I used to flat out refuse to leave messages.  I'm better about it now, through forced practice.


    DH and I started our dating relationship with written conversations, and still when I have something that's particularly difficult for me/us to talk about (currently it's faith), I write it out for him to read later.  I keep a private blog for that purpose.

  5. :lol:   Honestly, I could have accidentally thrown it that far.  I've accidentally sliced my leg on a plastic trash can, though, so...yeah.


    But I'd make him either get the tool, or replace it; either dock his earnings or withhold payment until it's retrieved/replaced.  I made my 7-year-old (now 9) do all the chores for 6 months to pay off a shattered windshield, though.  No yelling, no spanking, no grounding, just very matter-of-factly, "you're going to fix this."  I did point out when he said "I wasn't trying to break it" that "I'm sure, but you weren't trying not to break it, either."  Very important distinction; keeps us out of a lot of trouble--even as adults.  ;)

    • Like 1
  6. Many years, Selkie!   :hurray:


    Adding to my "to do" list: install a shade using instructions that are written in what appears to be Chinese.   :D


    ETA: So I put a hole through a metal plate that is in between the drywall and a layer of plaster/spackle, and knocked a good chunk of the plaster off of the plate, to be fixed later by...someone.  Not sure if I'll want to hire that out or do it myself.  BUT it's installed (with 3 of 4 screws, lol).  However, I don't think I'll be hired as an instruction manual translator any time soon.   ;)


    And I made a dusty mess that I can't clean up because I still have no vacuum bags.

    • Like 4
  7. The kids have a bug. I may, too; we'll see.

    So since my help is down for the count:
    show them the Lion King musical I've had pulled for a week
    watch a clip on how popsicles are made

    clean & organize the living room by myself
    dishes, laundry, vanities, kitchen counters, (oh and feed animals)
    order vacuum vags & tea lights
    blend some thieves' oil
    have an extended rest time & garden while they (hopefully) sleep
    I don't know what's for dinner (ended being fish, roasted potatoes, and green beans)

    • Like 7
  8. It's decided not to storm to day, so:


    gardening (hopefully finish removing sod, create mulch paths, transplant)

         ^^I'm seriously considering jettisoning pretty much everything else today just to get. this. done.

         *I smell like a goat and I swear I've been outside for hours, but I have no idea what I've accomplished.


    IF it stays normal, though:

    chores (feed things, dishes, laundry, vanities, kitchen counters, bathrooms, sweep)

    seat work

    read aloud


    clean out hamster cage

    test fish tank water

    dinner -- leftovers



    Today is fail.


    • Like 7
  9. May I suggest you open a conversation with your folks about their plans for the elder years? Lightly, gently, while they are still spry.

    Sure! I've brought it up a couple of times, but it's been a year or two.

    Mine say, "don't worry about us." And I know they have things in order, but still...

    His don't seem to have a plan, or just haven't mentioned it. Not as sure there.

  10. We sold a 1997 sedan for $55, lol.  Price of towing.  We got it for free, though.  No sense in making too much off of it.  :D

    It was in really bad shape though, pieces literally falling off of it.  The guy wanted to fix it up, so why not?

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