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Posts posted by EMS83

  1. Orthodox here (or nearly, anyway).  I just recently muddled through this question after an unexpected compulsion to cover a couple months ago (in a parish that mostly doesn't).  I do during church services and formal prayer times at home.  Because I want to.  Like I wear long skirts in public most of the time and I could probably wear my swimsuit unnoticed in a restaurant.  I feel more "me" that way, more authentic.  At this point, to do the "normal" thing, I'd be uncomfortably wearing someone else's ideals.   :)  Plus, I've spent years doing the opposite (no hair covering/dyed hair, skimpy/weird clothes, string bikinis), so I figure I've BTDT enough.   :D

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  2. I'm still in the "starting out" phase, and my icon "corner" is one paper icon of Christ in a napkin holder (no napkins), and a wooden cross...right on my kitchen table.  :)  Far from ideal, I'm sure.  But it has to do for now for a few reasons.  One thing I do is make sure that corner of the table doesn't have clutter, that none of the kids fiddle with it/lean on it.  And one plus is that it's portable, and I can move it to a bedroom (to an equally cleared space) in the evening whenever I manage to pray with the kids.

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  3. My boys come in the bathroom with me still.  There are a few places I know well where I'll send them in alone, but on the road like that, I'd take them with me.  If someone pitched a fit, then we could step outside until they were done and on their way.  Rest areas occasionally have family bathrooms, and I use those when they're available.


    ETA: exception are single stall restrooms; I'll of course send them in alone there.  My concern is random weird stranger where I am unaware/can't react.  I'd still help a 4-year-old as needed with bathroom stuff, but successful use of the facilities isn't my hesitation in public.

  4. Not jealous at all. What irritates me isn't even the MLM hawking, but the encouragement to these people to spend their last few dimes buying into it.

    Especially coming from someone who was living near the poverty level, and should know better.


    It's not okay to prey on the desperate with your rah rah everyone can do it schemes. Sell whatever you want. The "join my team even if you're broke and you can be rich" makes me mad.



    My friend recently got into one, and she's excited and I'm happy for her.  I'm not signing up, though.  But I wish her well.  :)  So far she hasn't been pushy or said anything nuts like your friend, though.

    • Like 1
  5. We're looking at either the Florida panhandle (Cape San Blas or Saint George Island) OR somewhere in South Carolina (not Myrtle Beach).  We're looking for in September (maybe October, but want the water to be bearable).


    I am clueless bout hurricanes, though.  Where to they typically hit?  Is it crazy to even factor this into vacation planning?  

    We haven't had a full family beach trip ever, and it's been 10 years since DH, oldest, and I have had a weekend trip so of course I'm overthinking it, lol! 


    BUT I'd appreciate any advice from any coastal dwellers on the board! 

  6. So are shoes a common code for something??  I got a bizarre voice mail one time from some guy (didn't catch his name) for someone called "Star" and the guy was SUPER emphatic to bring boots at visitation that Saturday.  That number tried back several times.  I called the prison and said I'd had that phone number for 15 years and I had no idea who he was or who Star was, or why he wanted boots so badly.  It was all...weird.  Made me think of a weird booty call, honestly.   :huh:

    • Like 3
  7. I'd ask to go as chaperone, or if that wasn't allowed, offer to take the child just the two of us soon after the camp ended.  My 11 year old is NT, and I'd trust her not not do anything too risky, and to ignore pressure from others.  My middle I would be concerned about and would be more likely to say no or insist I go along.  So far none of my kids have even been to day camp, so it's a moot point for us.  We have a trampoline in our yard, and I've gone to a trampoline park with them,and jumped too.  So for me it would be the question of whether the counselors can keep up with everyone and how my individual child responds to peer pressure.  Just me, though!

  8. It's not raining this week, so I've been plugging away at the new garden area.


    Today I hope to finish digging out trenches for paths and fill them with mulch.

    The extra dirt is going on top of the future beds for added depth.


    I do a household task in between sessions, because I can only work for 30 minutes at a time.

    It is currently 78 degrees with 74% humidity (at 10:45 a.m.).  I know many places around the world are hotter/more humid, but gracious.   :svengo:


    IF I finish before 5ish, I'll mow.

    cook dinner (fish chowder & veggies)


    Revision: forget working in the afternoon, and the mower won't crank.  New plan is to alternate between coffee and water until it's time to start cooking.  Considering mulching what I've dug, planting seedlings around the perimeter, and finishing beds in November.  And/or moving to Alaska.

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  9. I understand how you feel and I'm an extrovert. So to this "seems like extroverts have a lot more and closer friendships...or at least, they post about all the stuff they do with their friends on Facebook a lot more" I would actually disagree. Some do post a lot about their activities and some don't. As to "more and closer relationships", I don't really think so. At least not in my experience. My BFF lives two states away. Here I only have two people I spend regular time with and one of those is really conditional, on what SHE is interested in doing.so it's not just you and it's not just an introvert issue.


    Yeah I do have to back that up.  There's hanging with people, and there's confiding in people.  I don't think most extroverts confide in ore people than introverts.  I think they are better at and more eager to hang out with more people, more often, and it doesn't overwhelm them as quickly.


    I think for an introvert, one wouldn't dream of just hanging out with someone they couldn't confide in.  Or maybe that's just me?

  10. I was just musing on this today, myself.  DH doesn't love my friends right now (all 2 1/2 of them).  The 1/2 he likes best out of anyone, but I'm not sure they're as available/interested as the other two.  But if I didn't have them, or if we moved to a new area, I have no idea what I would do!  Plus I don't do FB, and that puts me out of most loops immediately.  AND at this point I feel like we're culturally so polarized on so many issues that I won't ever meet anyone's checklist anyway.


    I'm not so much a homebody, though.  It's fine, and with the work around here, it's often necessary (I SO identify with feeling "punished" by enjoying time out with friends).  But if there weren't any hurdles, I'd be ok going lots of places, as long as I didn't have to interact too much or too long with too many people and there were places of quiet to retreat to.

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