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Posts posted by tori@thehomefront

  1. I gave my son the grades he earned. Mostly they were A & B's, but there were a couple of C's in there (biology comes to mind) and he had to do Algebra 1 twice ;)


    Ftr, he was fully capable of mastering the material and then some, but he did.not.care.

    I'm curious - how did you record the double Algebra 1 on your son's transcript? (If you don't mind me asking. ;) )

  2. I don't know anything about YE, but from my experience you won't be able to just skip a chapter about the age of the earth. Different ages of things are mentioned throughout all the texts I've seen, ie "This sedentary rock, xx million years old, was once an ancient seabed." It won't just be in a single chapter.

    That's what I was thinking. I have a couple secular texts I was thinking about using, but now I'm not sure. I mean, for example, volcanoes work the way volcanoes work; that's an observable phenomenon. But getting into the origins of things is going to be too much work to differentiate between the two views. (At least, too much work for me!) :)


    Thanks for helping me to "think" it through out loud, lol!

  3. Master Books has some guides for using the Wonders of Creation series.


    BJU's Earth Science middle school textbook is pretty good.


    We've had no problem using secular science texts though. Our kids know what DH and I believe, and we don't shield them from contrasting views. *shrug*

    I'll look up those resources. Thanks!

  4. My ds11 wants to study geology next year, and I'm looking for opinions on texts or programs that have a young Earth basis. TIA


    Also, do you think it would be possible to cover the basics of geology from a secular textbook, and simply skip the chapter that covers the age of the earth from an evolutionary viewpoint? Not interested in debates, just reviews. Thank you! :)

  5. My kids had warts a couple of years ago that looked just like this. Duct tape was very difficult to keep on consistently, for us. We did apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball, held on with super sticky band aids, and replaced as needed so that it was always covered. Started to see results in about a week.

  6. I didn't like Robert Jordan's books, only because the woman were awful. They were angry all the time. All the time! No matter what the male characters did, the women were angry. It made me wonder what kind of jerk the author was that he only saw women as angry. Was he constantly doing jerky things and that's why he only sees women as angry nags?


    If he had written the women with other reactions other than anger and irritation to the male characters, I would have loved it. But I would cringe at every interaction between the sexes and had to stop reading because I was getting....angry!

    You have a point. This was the one thing I really didn't like about the books, but I overlooked it for the sake of the greater good. :)


    Also, just thought of a couple 5-book series by David Eddings: the Belgariad and the Mallorean.

  7. I was just coming on to recommend this as a series that holds up at least through the first 5 books or so. I read these in high school and dropped out around book 6 or 7. I am now re-reading them and am in book 4 right now and am still amazed at how good the story and the setting are. Jordan really did create a masterpiece. And THIS TIME I plan to just muscle through all 14 (???) books and finally know what happens!

    I thought the last book did a good job of summing things up. It was very satisfying, which I find a lot of series just can't deliver at the end. :)

  8. And if you like a challenge in reading endurance and go beyond trilogies, look up Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time Series. At least you don't have to wait for it to be finished.... That was a long wait. And yeah, I was frequently one of the weirdos waiting at the store at midnight to be sure I got a copy the day it was released. ;)

  9. Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn by Tad Williams - first bk is The Dragonbone Chair

    *technically a trilogy, although bk 3 is so large it is usually found in two volumes*


    The Elenium (1st bk is The Diamond Throne) and

    the Tamuli (1st bk is Domes of Fire) both by David Eddings


    The Winter of the World by Michael Scott Rohan -first bk is The Anvil of Ice

  10. Dh and I met when I was 16 & he was 18. Married a week after I graduated hs; I was 17 & had to have my folks approve our marriage license. Started our family when I was 18. Will celebrate our 18th anniversary this year with our five kids. ;) Life is good!

  11. Once, when we moved, the phone co. gave us the # that had previously been the ambulance service. A lady called once in the middle of the night saying she had cut herself and needed help. I Told her to call the police. Sheesh...


    And over the last two years, I keep getting texts from a stranger. They're always elaborate plans he or she is making with someone, so I text back that they have the wrong number. Then they ask if I'm sure it's the wrong number. Then nothing for a month or two, until they text again, and are surprised that I'm not their pal. For two years. Crazy...

  12. I haven't made it through all posts yet, and I'm not technically "qualified" to post ( having only 5), but I have to say thank you to all MOM who posted. You made my day! Nice to hear from others that make me *not* feel like a weirdo. ;)

  13. We couldn't afford the ortho's new "extended treatment plan" that was brought up when my son was supposed to be finished with his treatment. It was purely cosmetic, and no one wanted it, except the ortho who was making money. :( After a few different docs refused to remove the braces, we went back to the original dr and they removed the braces for free. We had to sign a waiver, that's all. The drs who refused to take the braces off we're worried about liability issues, and I think that's what spurred the original dr to help in the end, also

  14. We have a 2006 grand caravan. Bought it fairly new, only 19,000 minor so. Now it has over 114,000. Never had any major repairs (trans., etc.) except for last fall when I hit a deer. We love it, and I intend to drive that beast into the ground. ;). Lots of storage space, flexible ways to fold down or remove seats. We have hauled some pretty lg items, too, mattresses, bunk beds, treadmills, giant desks, etc.

  15. My mom taught 3rd grade her entire career, and the name that stumped all the teachers the worst was Le-a. It was spelled exactly that way. They thought it was "lee-uh" or "lay-uh" but finally the mom got angry and came in to the school to complain because it was pronounced "Lay-dash-uh". I'm guessing the girl didn't care for it either, since she happily let the teachers call her by the more common pronunciations without comment. Poor kid...

  16. I hope you get your shipment. We have Prime, and have never had a problem until this year. Ordered a large (in size/price and importance) gift for Christmas that should have arrived last week, but got lost somewhere. They kept insisting it would be delivered, until finally, it's too late to order anything to replace it. Grrr... I love Amazon, but when they do mess up, they go big. :(

  17. I don't like answering the door, whether I'm alone or not.


    We once lived in an apartment complex, and the terminex guy that came around every month to spray gave me the extreme willies. I don't know why exactly, but I really felt uncomfortable being in the house with him without my dh. So I decided to ignore the doorbell the next time he came around, figuring that he'd leave a little note saying what day he'd be back (which was standard procedure). Instead, he let himself in! The landlord had given him a set of keys for the empty apartments that apparently had all the keys on it. Talk about a freak out...

  18. I'm delivering my fifth in two days! I had 3 v@g deliveries right around my due dates, then an emergency c-section 10 weeks early, and this time, a scheduled c-section at 37 weeks. This time, like last time but not as severely, my bp is rising, and I'm already beginning to be effaced, so my ob said let's go! I'm so excited!


    Best wishes to all the other very soon to be mommies!!

  19. These are too funny! I don't get any interesting misdirected texts, but I got a scary phone call once. Right after we had moved, the phone rang in the middle of the night, and a woman said, "I cut my hand realy bad and I need help!" I told her she'd have to call 911. Turns out the local ambulance service had just gotten a new number, and we got their old one. Definitely had that switched, pronto!

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