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Posts posted by tori@thehomefront

  1. I have a few pregnant questions...


    I am much bigger with the pregnancy but my midwife doesn;t think it is twins as it isn;t measuring up to twins and she is not hearing two heartbeats with her fetalscope. No ultrasound planned for this pregnancy.


    1)Anyone huge with their 5th child? I am 21 weeks but look and feel full term and other people say I look full term.


    I'm at 35 weeks with my fifth!! I haven't gained as much with this one, but I think that's because it's a girl after 4 boys. It's been a very different pregnancy.


    On top of this I am having severe pelvic bone pain with this one and much earlier than my last one. My last one -I didn;t have any till the last couple of weeks where I literally had to crawl around to get to one room to the other.


    This one....um happening at 21 weeks.


    2)So does anyone have suggestions for this pubic bone pain-the grinding, cracking, popping sound and the pain when walking, rolling over etc?


    I had the worst pelvic pain I've ever had, and it was relatively very early on too. I just relied on a steady dose of tylenol and being very careful how I moved/sat/etc. Sorry I don't have any solutions for it.


    3)ALso apparently I am most comfortable and least amount of pain sleeping on my back. What should I do as I know sleeping on my back is not good at this point forward?


    This is the first time I've been unable to get comfortable on my left side. I just slept on my back until recently, when I actually started to get side effects from that position (bp rise, lightheadedness, etc). Now I use oodles of pillows to prop me up where I need to be, on my side.




    :grouphug::grouphug: I don't have any experience with keeping the contractions at bay, but I hope you get to feeling better soon!

  2. :grouphug: I had this at about the same point this time around (my 5th pregnancy). The pain in the ligaments and my hips was much worse this time. I was able to get by with taking tylenol and just lying down. It kills me to be sitting when there is so much stuff that needs done, but I had to do it. Rest now, take it easy, and don't stress out over stuff...that's the best advice I've got. Hope you feel better soon.

  3. This has probably been said before - ladies here are so knowledgeable and helpful! My 11.5 year old son is entering this stage. My key "weapons" are:


    1 - extremely limited video game / screen time - this just seems to trigger more bad behavior and attitudes, in our case


    2 - lots of physical activity - we don't do organized sports, and ds is typically a lay-around-and-read type of kid, but I force him to go outside and find every physical chore I can when he's in a funk


    3 - Dad's influence is huge - my ds fights with his brothers sometimes (usually not violently, just roughhousing) but he would NEVER show aggression to me, because dh would put him in his place. Even an attitude of aggression (angry speech, etc.) toward authority figures or me particularly would be addressed swiftly and thoroughly.


    :grouphug::grouphug: It's a hard time...I sometimes wonder where my sweet boy disappeared to.

  4. We load up one cart to get to the checkout, but often use two to hold the bagged groceries. I'm a little - ok, a LOT - OCD about how my groceries get sacked. There's a method to putting it in the cart, checking it, sorting the bags once loaded, and getting it to fit in the car.


    Wow, now I feel quite freakish! :blushing:


    Anyway - we have a family of 6, every other week is a "stock-up" on staples.

  5. We're doing a self-designed course, since we have so many books about American Government already. I went to the AP Government site and copied the test objectives, then went through our books and found the corresponding info. I threw in some papers, charts, slideshow, etc. assignments, and we're calling it good. I would think you could probably do something similar with library materials, if you wanted.

  6. I understand your concerns...we are a *very* tech-heavy household. My ds 15 has a desktop pc in his room, and he and the younger boys have a laptop which they share. My dh set up our online security so that only a specific list of websites can be activated, so we know what they're doing online.


    I fall into the "extrememly over-protective" camp when it comes to tech/online issues. The kids get a limited amount of screentime per day - 20 minutes for fun/gametime, and the 15 yo gets longer to indulge in his hobbies (graphic design and computer coding). But all computer use is done in the open - living room, bedroom with doors open, kitchen. Our policy is that dh and I can check anything we want at any time (histories, timers, email, etc.).


    It may seem draconian to some, but it works for us, because it makes the rules clear up front, and there is total transparency. After all, if there is something ds15 is doing online that he would be hesitant to share, probably he shouldn't be doing it. (And that goes for dh and I as well, FWIW.)

  7. I'm no medical expert, but I say that's bunk! I'll be 33 when I have my baby in August, and my OB was not worried at all by my age. In fact, my previous pregnancy ended 10 weeks early with preeclampsyia, and she doesn't feel that that situation is sufficient to give me any discouragement for having more.

  8. Depends on how much you need the built-in storage. FWIW, we have very similar bunk beds from wal-mart (just a different color of wood, I believe). they have held up to a series of rambunctious boys for 4+ years now, and you wouldn't believe how much we can store underneath. :D It's not as pretty/neat looking as having the built-in type of storage, but could probably be dressed up/covered with a curtain of some kind, etc.

  9. When you say "gaming" do you mean video gaming? Because regardless of anything else, if he has a problem with excessive video game playing, I say run for the hills. I know a lot of people don't believe you can be addicted to video gaming, and I don't want to start something controversial, but I've BTDT and you don't want to hook up with someone with that problem. Sorry I don't have any better advice.

  10. I would be a little worried. Can' t paranoid types lash out if their delusions make them believe they are cornered/threatened.


    While it is pretty bizzaro-funny that she would stoop to this, I'ver heard recently about a man at my dh's work that thought he was being "surveiled" by his co-workers...and eventually snapped and attacked his family. Gives me the creeps...wishing you all relief (if she's just goofy) & safety (in case she's truly nuts).

  11. I absolutely get where you're coming from. We had a rough 2 years, when my dh was unemployed and home 24/7. Now, he's on mostly second shift, but it switches sometimes, and we just do our best to slide around with him. When he's home, which is mornings right now, we have Dad-time (free time, video game time, etc.). After lunch when he leaves we do serious schooling. It's tough, but it's where we're at. I've been trying to get the kids to be more independent...so they know what's expected everyday, and can work on it if they have time before Dad gets up. That helps us some. Good luck finding a schedule that works for you guys!

  12. First of all, hugs for momma! :grouphug:


    My 11yo ds recently went through a stretch where he would wake up at night with panic attack-like symptoms, and he would say similar things. Like your dd, he seemed perfectly fine the rest of the time.


    I'm not familiar with depression in kids, but in our case, having him talk with dh helped. I don't think he was technically depressed, but just at an "in-between" stage...growing up, leaving the goofy-little-boy stage behind, thinking about more mature things. [sorry if that's not very clear...I'm not sure how to explain it. :D ]


    Hope this is the case with your dd, and this is just a stage. It is very worrisome when your kiddos come to you with statements like that.

  13. You poor thing! We had roaches in the house we are renting. It sat empty and uncleaned after the previous tenants left. The landlords don't do any pest control (because they probably knew it would cost them an arm and a leg to get it done!), but they do it on their newer apartment complex right next to us...which drives them our way. :glare:


    I would advise sprinkling boric acid along baseboards, along the insides of cabinets, anywhere where they might travel. They pick it up, take it back, and it wipes out the nest. We had to put it all over, even though we have kids, just be very careful that they don't get into it.


    Also, I've heard of people using diatomaceous earth in the same way.

  14. What does your DH think about it all? He needs to be the one to communicate your joint decisions to his mother in a way that doesn't paint you as the bad guy.


    I agree! Also - I totally get your feeling that it's different having some one else's family mixed in with yours, even if you all get along fabulously and everything. I'd stand your ground and not let her guilt you into anything. You have been far more accommodating than I would have been!

  15. Tori@thehomefront--I understand what you're saying about people in this area supporting the place. A lot of churches, drs, and various officials in this area support the place big time. But you have to ask yourself---do they know? Or are those people accepting of those values? Or is Pinehaven deluding people? I don't think that these people in our town that we may respect are infallible--if you know what I mean?



    Sorry that I don't know how the quote works yet! I believe I know you from our local co-op, WalkingIris, - Archers? LOL I thought it was probably you, but I'm fairly new here and didn't know proper etiquette for saying howdy. :tongue_smilie: I have four boys with one on the way, and am teaching the m-and-m math class this semester.


    In my comments earlier, I didn't mean to argue with you. If there really is abuse happening at the Ranch (and the anecdotal evidence is very persuasive that it is), then the individuals I was referring to are being misled, I have to believe. I totally agree that no one is infallible, and we can't just accept what someone says because they're respected, etc.


    It's just so sad, because how do you know whom to trust? In cases where you don't have any first-hand knowledge. Personallly, I feel that CNN has more of a liberal slant to their reporting, so I can imagine that might have influenced their reporting. (Not saying the abuse allegations are untrue, just trying to keep an open mind.) It's so easy for a story to be presented skewed, by either side. So, I don't know what to think about that part.


    The thought that that Ranch could be considered as a viable place to send kids, while there are allegations outstanding or investigations ongoing, is really bothering me. When kids are involved, especially, wouldn't it be wiser to be cautious and not send them there until the facts are uncovered? Also, a truancy officer / court official / judge having the power to take away kids always makes me uneasy. I mean, what if someday they that homeschooling is harming my kids? Very scary.


    Anyway, sorry I got to rambling. :001_smile:

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