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Posts posted by tori@thehomefront

  1. This is disturbing. This is my hometown, as well. I would question how a minor can be capable of signing a contract that would send them away like that. How can that be legal?


    As far as the allegations of abuse at Pinehaven go, I don't have any firsthand info. But, I would be interested in learning what's being done to find out the truth. Is there an ongoing investigation right now? Is this somehting that was alleged in the past and was unable to proven/disproven?


    I know that the Ranch is highly regarded by some people whose judgement I would trust to a very great degree, and I'd be shocked to find out that they would recommend kids be sent there if there was any tiny grain of truth to the accusations.


    I have heard that some kids who are sent to the Ranch have behavioral problems that would result in them needing to be restrained to keep from harming themselves or others. Is it possible that the choking mentioned in the video was used in that type of situation?


    Very disturbing.

  2. I'd go for it as long as you realize what you're getting into. :tongue_smilie: We have 4 boys, ages 15 to 5, in a similarly sized house (not sure on the exact footage, but pretty close). It was a shock moving here from a MUCH larger apartment, but I have come to really like it. It forces us (mainly, ME) to pare down belongings to the useful and well-loved things instead of junk. It also fosters better relationships and "getting-along-edness" between the brothers, because what other choice is there? Good luck!

  3. My family started eating healthier a couple years ago, and it can be really hard. I didn't have any fantastic cooking skills, either. My advice would be to keep it simple. We do a lot of chicken, sauteed in a skillet (which means, spray the nonstick skillet with olive oil spray or similar, and brown it up till it's cooked through). ;D


    I would advise that before you go out and spend a lot of money on healthy cookbooks, see if you can borrow some from the library or friends. A lot of the recipes are very similar, for example, lean protein cooked up with some kind of sauce, veggies roasted with different seasonings, etc. Once you have seen a lot of different takes on cooking healthier, it's easier to adapt food you already eat to a healthier way of cooking.


    Good luck!

  4. I had a neighbor do this repeatedly to me. We lived in the same apartment complex, and she would see me and my kids at the playground and send out her very hostile 3 yo to "play" with us while she did her own thing. The woman didn't even know my name, much less whether I was a trustworthy babysitter. The boy would fight for no reason, take insanely dangerous risks on the equipment, etc.


    I asked her not to do it anymore, but finally had to just leave everytime she sent him out. I hate it when people impose like that!

  5. We used MOH vol.1 a few years ago, for my boys when they were (I think) 6th, 2nd, and a littlun just listening in. We're going back to it next year for vol. 2. My kids found it really interesting, and we did a lot of the quizes/tests orally. I'm not big on formal "testing," especially for younger kids. We also didn't do a lot of the more involved activities; mostly by my preference, as I'm not a "crafty" type. Some things they did on their own, and we did a timeline, but a lot of lessons they just illustrated. That's what they wanted to do, and it helped reinforce the lessons, so I went with it. I like that there are activities planned out if you want, but you can also be very flexible with it. We're all looking forward to using it again. :D

  6. My ds is using Apologia's Exploring Creation with Chemistry, first edition. I'm trying to find out how I can get the answer key for the review questions and practice problems at the end of each module. I tried contacting Apologia, and they said that they just don't exist. I tried the company I bought the book from and they said that the answer key exists, but is out of print. Anyone have an idea of how I could get that key? Thanks!

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