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Posts posted by tori@thehomefront

  1. Thanks ladies, she looks awesome. I can get her on instant video on Amazon!!


    Do I get the 2,3 or4 mile one??? Which one is the best?

    Pretty much any of the lengths is fine. I have 10 of them, and every one lets you choose how many miles you do. Some days I feel like doing 2; sometimes I'm in the mood for 5. ;)

  2. The board has a tendency to be intolerant of incorrect information presented as fact or possible fact.



    Opinion (paraphrasing) ---> I don't like computerizing all medical records for a list of reasons.

    I didn't see anyone complain about this?



    Presentation of information as possible fact (paraphrasing) ---> The fingerprinting is probably done because of Obama. Thanks, OBAMA (in case you didn't notice, that was sarcasm)!

    This is incorrect, has no basis in fact that I can find (if you can find factual information elsewhere, please feel free to provide it) and is unnecessary partisan rudeness.

    I'm assuming that it's my post that you're paraphrasing, so, apologies if I'm wrong. But, I didn't intend any partisanship by using the term Obamacare. That's just how the Affordable Care Act is referred to most often in my experience, in my area.


    Also, I have not read the entire ACA, and I cannot quote any part of it to prove my "accusation". I was just sharing what was told to me. In light of Martha's post that I just saw, probably the ACA is not to blame for her experience, or for mine. I didn't claim to know that as an absolute truth. I initially said I "wondered."


    And I'm honestly not sure why my original post was taken the way it was.

  3. Tori,


    This is a diverse board. It includes posters from many places geographically and politically.


    Some even support the Affordable Healthcare Act and don't necessarily believe all the things reported as negative about it.

    I understand that. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I was just trying to clarify my opinion and my previous post.

  4. Whether it is or is not part of the ACA legislation isn't a matter of opinion. The only thing I see in the ACA that has to do with fingerprinting only pertains to certain health care providers are required to submit fingerprints/background checks.

    All I know is that the situation was presented to me as existing because of Obamacare.


    I was trying to say that it is my opinion that having my records online is not a good thing. I don't want them hacked. I don't want the government to be able to access them on a whim, if at some point in the future the powers that be decide to check up on me. My kid's chart now has questions on it about his nutrition and exercise levels, questions which the nurse said they are mandated to ask now. They weren't asking because of any concern they had for my kid; they were asking because it's a box they have to fill in. I am allowed to dislike the way information about my health is put at risk.

  5. Oh, ffs. Really?


    And yes, it IS an advancement for any doctor or medical professional you see to have immediate access to allergies, current medications, and your medical history.

    Just sharing my opinion, and I don't think it's good. ::shrug::

  6. We had this (the photos and fingerprinting) at my kids' pediatric dentist before Obama was ever elected. What a ridiculous assertion.

    I was just wondering. The lady explaining it to me presented it as part of my state's efforts to comply with the new health care system.

  7. That is weird, and I wonder if it's all one of the great "blessings" of Obamacare? Yes, that was extreme sarcasm! I had to take one of my kids in yesterday, and they needed my maiden name for his chart, so that his records could be accessed by any medical office in the state, electronically. So, it won't matter where we go for treatment anymore. I gather from the receptionist's attitude that this is meant to be a great advancement. Bah.

  8. I am reading reviews and the negative ones are speaking to me......go off all caffeine and sugar and eat mostly a clean diet. That doesn't seem like new info. Am I missing something?


    And really, go off caffeine......not really sure you want me to go off caffeine.



    The clean eating, no caffeine, etc that she mentions as a starting point aren't new info; you're right. But she also lists (fairly comprehensively, it seems to me, as a layperson) how to determine what kind of imbalance you're likely dealing with, how the imbalances operate and affect each other, different supplements to support resolving imbalances. In the back there's a table listing normal and optimal hormone ranges. I found that very interesting, because I've been told repeatedly by GYNs that testing is useless because everyone is different, there is no acceptable average, etc.


    It's true that there is little detail on an eating plan, other than a basic outline for a day's meals. And on the author's website, I saw a lot of signature products that she is selling. I won't be buying into all that hype, lol. But, IMHO, there is enough factual, helpful info in the book for me to feel comfortable recommending it. Don't know if that helps or not. :)


    I admit, I'm kind of feeling "high" just from reading some validation to my own suspicions about my situation. ;)

  9. Have you read The Hormone Cure by Dr Sara Gottfried? My neighbor gave it to me because my post baby hair loss was that noticeable. Anyhow, it's for all hormone issues that women experience. She has a detailed questionnaire to help you figure out what hormones are going wacky. She includes scientific explanations about hormones, what they do, etc. and research on the effects of lifestyle changes, herbs, and prescription drugs on hormones. She also gives plans for correcting the hormone imbalance (from least risky lifestyle changes to prescriptions). I found it helpful. While my hair has not grown back, the fatigue, "drying up", sex drive, ability to cope has all improved from the lifestyle changes and some herbs she recommended. Too bad there's not a book for men. ;)

    I bought this for kindle last night, and for the first time in many months I feel like I can see a way to begin addressing my issues. Even without yet finding a dr willing to listen to me. Even though I had been beginning to think that maybe I am just weak/crazy/unhelpable, and prozac was the answer.


    Great book! Thanks for mentioning it!

  10. I'm currently suffering due to the treatment offered to me for peri-menopause. The bio-identical hormones are great (for most), but testosterone should not be given to someone who has PCOS. I was puzzled by my 40 pound weight gain over the past 2 years- the amount of time since beginning bio-identicals. Now, I have insulin resistance and have pre-diabetes. Getting old isn't fun and things certainly have gotten complicated since I turned 40.

    See, this is the kind of info that so desperately needs to be shared! I have friends and family IRL, but we don't talk about this stuff. :)
  11. Can you give some specific examples of what needs to be done, and your children's ages? That would probably help you receive more specific advice.


    One big thing that helps in our family is getting everyone up early. Just because we homeschool doesn't mean we can sleep until 8:00 every morning. When the kids are up by 6:30, just as if they were "going to school," we are all more productive. That means that everyone, myself included, needs a decent bedtime.


    I have also found that whatever is highest priority needs to be done early in the day.

    Getting up early is my biggest fail right now. :(

  12. How do you find one? I am convinced that the last 2 yrs of my life have been a wreck ( emotionally/ mentally) because of unbalanced hormones. I have been to three OB-GYNs, and all refuse to do hormone testing. They say it's not reliable, and there's no "right" level to compare to anyway. All they'll do us prescribe prozac and say things like " you have 5 children?! No wonder you feel crazy! Haha" Argh!


    I want to find a medical professional who can help me find the root of the problem and fix it, but I am in a very rural area, and am having no luck in my search. Anyone have advice?

  13. BJU Space & Earth Science?


    My DH said that the Insititute for Creation Research (ICR) might have some materials you could use. The only other thing he knew of was The Geology Book and possibly searching Creation Ministries International's website for geology articles (they have a huge online database).

    Thank you!

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