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Posts posted by tori@thehomefront

  1. Good advice above on deciding what you need from the journal before planning it out.  Here’s how mine will be set up for 2022:

    pg 1-19 for trackers (workouts, 5x5 log, etc)

    pg 20-123 for weekly spreads (2 pg/wk, probably laid out 2 at a time through the year)

    pg 172-195 for sermon notes at church

    pg 196-239 for journalling

     pg 240-251 for health notes (physicals, appts, etc)

    That leaves some room after the weekly spreads blank for making notes, planning projects, brain dumps, etc.  Based on previous journals, I’ve narrowed down how I use it and how much space I need for various areas. I want all my weekly spreads together so I can flip through them easier.  And every one is pretty much identical, lol, so it’s boring but very useful.😊

    Also, I hate indexing, so I use the first Index pg as a future log, and the second to note (very few) important pages in the journal that I don’t want to lose track of. I put my year at a glance calendar inside the front cover.  HTH

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  2. I only babysat once, and I hated it because I had to watch my own brothers after school all the time already, and I hated little kids.

    First (and only) paid job was a DJ at the local radio station when I was 15.  It was an awesome job, lol.

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  3. Wow, I had no idea it was so expensive other places!  It wasn’t so much the extra $45 that bothered me, but what seemed to me to be a double standard.  I’m very glad the Hive helped me gain some perspective.  ?

  4. Ok, thanks, ladies.  I will call the district office and see what I can find out next week.  Probably, we’ll just end up biting the bullet and paying, regardless.  Lol, it kind of makes me feel better to know that there are other situations of fee/opportunity imbalances, like I’m not being singled out.  I have a tendency to be easily offended when it seems to me like I am being treated unfairly because of homeschooling.  Thanks for the replies!?

  5. Our local school district (in IL) is very easygoing about driver's ed.  They don't require a transcript, birth certificate, you don't have to be from this district or anything - they also seem to let any kid who can reach the pedals take the class.  Two years ago, one of my boys took it with a couple kids who claimed to be middle schoolers. 

    Anyway, my issue is that their flyer for summer driver's ed says in-district students pay $55 and out-of-district students pay $100.  (This is for the classroom part, the driving practice part is done separately, later in the year.)  So, we are in-district.  But when I contact the school for more details, they say that homeschoolers have to pay $100 too, even though we are in-district. ????

    Can they do that legally?  Two years ago when we faced this, the guidance counselor was having some health issues (which we found out about after the fact) and wasn't very communicative, and I didn't fight it.  I contacted HSLDA, and they said schools can charge whatever they want to charge, up to the state's maximum allowed fee, which also doesn't seem right to me, but I'm no expert.

    What would you do?  Fight it?  Or am I just wrong, lol?  TIA

  6. Our church doesn’t host showers, but when a baby is born in the congregation, they put a large basket out in the foyer in which people can leave gifts if they desire.  There’s an announcement in the bulletin that Baby Smith was born on this date, to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and the basket will be in the foyer until X date.  Then the basket is delivered to the family in a few weeks.

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  7. I'm following along...we was told when my son very young that he had celiac (had no symptoms, was scoped for a different reason and found damaged vili) - but then a different dr told us later that if he didn't have any symptoms, he couldn't be celiac.  We've not done GF since seeing the second dr.  :(  I've never heard of silent celiac before this thread.  Thanks to all sharing info!


    My question would be, if he gets the blood test done again, now, would that show whether or not he has silent celiac?  Or would he have to be scoped?

  8. Ok, I was writing this long post about why the bathroom floors are such a PITA for me to keep up on, lol, and my sweet, awesome hubby came in and told me to just order a refurbished Dyson.  :hurray:  :001_wub:  So, my conundrum is solved!  Yay!  I feel a little queasy spending that much on a vacuum, but it will make my life so much easier!  Thanks for the input, ladies!

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  9. Have you thought about a swiffer? Or, it's more expensive, but a roomba? :)


    We have a Swiffer, and homemade washable pads, but I'd really really love to be able to just vacuum the 2 bathroom floors every morning.  The kids Swiffer, but it's just not as good as vacuuming.


    All the stick vacs I see online don't look like the stick part detaches from the roller head, and I don't think the roller head will fit in our bathrooms very well.  Thanks though!  :)

  10. Is there such a thing as a cordless stick vac that doesn't have the flat brush roller head?  Or do all the stick vacs out there with roller heads come off from the bottom, so there is just the stick?  Anyone have a favorite to recommend?  I'm looking for something to grab and do kitchen/bathroom floors real quick every morning, without having to lug the corded vacuum through the house, and change outlets repeatedly.  TIA

  11. Hubby ate squirrel growing up (VA/NC).




    It might not be normal now to eat these items, but not long ago in our nation's past it was quite common.

    My dad grew up in the midwest in the 50's and 60's with four older sisters and a divorced mother who supported them by taking in sewing, and they got by largely because of the garden and him hunting squirrel and rabbit. My grandma ate squirrel regularly her whole life, if someone would bring her some (can't find it at the grocery store). 😉

  12. I used to be a VB fan, but the purse and wallet i ordered earlier this year were really poor quality and reeked of some chemical smell. I returned them and got a bag at WalMart. It's pretty much the same size as the VB Hipster, and they had three different patterns at my store. Mine is black with a multicolored swirl/floral pattern, not bright and flashy, but not boring solid color either.

  13. As to Hans, one of my kids has a theory that he acts mainly as a "mirror," reflecting people's emotions/dialog back at them, up to the moment he refuses to kiss Anna and shows his badness. The theory has something to do with the original fairy tale having a magic mirror, and my kid thinks Hans is Disney's representation of the mirror. I don't know the original fairy tale, so not sure, but figured I'd toss that in to the discussion, lol.

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  14. I had heartburn that we eventually figured out was caused by snoring. Stopped the snoring and stopped the heartburn. Except, the doc put me on a PPI before we figured out the real cause, and it helped for a couple weeks, then the hb came back. So he wanted to put me on a second PPI in addition to the first. I had researched enough on my own by then to decline and figure out how to stop the real cause, but it took more than a month of weaning off the PPI and enduring significantly terrible hb before my body readjusted to not having the PPI eliminating my stomach acid, FWIW. Hope you get some relief soon, OP.

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