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Posts posted by Mona

  1. My oldest two have graduated, but I used the SWI videos and the continuation course videos with them. We did some of a theme book one year, but they really enjoyed watching Mr. Pudewa teach and hearing the students share their thoughts during class. I would sometimes pause so my kids could share their thoughts, too. Maybe, you can make writing the first thing you do after lunch, so it becomes a routine? You do not have to watch a video every day. Some days there is just an assignment. There are usually more than one source documents for each skill, so if you do the second source document, you wouldn’t need to watch the teaching again unless you want to. You can just do the second document as a skill reinforcement. There is a weekly schedule with a 4 or 5 day breakdown of what to do each day in the Teacher’s Manual. You can see it under Samples/Teacher Sample PDF here: https://iew.com/sites/default/files/videocourse/fileattachment/SSS-1A-T_Sample.pdf

    (You can see it on page 23)

    You can certainly use a theme book on your own so you can adjust for your son’s attention span. Seeing the suggested scheduling and Teacher Sample might help you plan your days better.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Momto6inIN said:

    We're planning on using it next year with my 8th grader along with GC's How to Be a Superstar Student. I have both the teacher and the student books, although I bought them used so I don't know if I'd get both if I had to buy them new.

    I forgot about that one. My kids enjoyed watching How to Be a Superstar Student. 😀 Good choice!

    • Like 1
  3. I used the DIY student books for two of my kids several years ago and remember being disappointed. I don’t feel it helped them with time management or different study skills. Afterwards, I ended up purchasing DK Study Skills for a reference and choosing a few strategies to use with them. Your PS student may benefit from the Order Out of Chaos planner that helps them see their free time so they can plan their “free” time wisely. There’s a video explaining how it works here: https://products.orderoochaos.com/collections/academic-planners

    Another helpful resource was The Learning Strategies Center at Cornell. Lots of topics covered here: https://lsc.cornell.edu/managing-time/

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  4. On 5/3/2021 at 2:36 PM, frogger said:

    What do you do to hedge against to inflation now?  I mentioned to DH we should buy land back in January but we were so busy but we have no excuse. We knew this was coming.  We can't afford rental properties but we might be able to afford vacant land. You snooze you lose I guess. 

    Gold is high.

    Stocks are high.

    Wages are high.

    Building materials are high.

    Housing is high.

    Maybe MV=PQ is actually correct. 🙄






    You can now buy gold in smaller increments. (Grams) You may find physical silver to be more affordable. The prices of silver are artificially low right now. Do not buy silver certificates. 

  5. On 3/19/2021 at 9:56 PM, Mona said:

    My youngest child is going to be in 3rd grade this coming year. 

    I’ve been struggling with putting a plan together and have been popping in here a few times to see if there is anything new and interesting I should take a look at 😊

    Bible, History, Geography, Lit: I think history was the subject that was the hardest for me to decide on this year. I’ve ordered Biblioplan Ancients for the first time and I’m waiting for it to arrive. If this works for us then we’ll be able to cycle through it twice before he graduates. I have so many of the resources already on my shelves from homeschooling the older kids.

    Math CLE 3

    LA  LLATL yellow, I also have Cursive First if we need extra handwriting and I picked up Spelling Workout C (We added SWO B this year and it is easy for him, but it gives him confidence so we’ll keep going with it.)

    Science  MB God’s Design for Life with extra supplements to keep things interesting

    swim lessons in the summer, Piano lessons and Brazilian Jui-Jitsu year round

    Art I don’t have anything really planned, but the history comes with a craft book that we may use



    I’m all set to complete the above plan, but then MCTLA was calling me. My son is the perfect age to start at the beginning.  What do I do? LLATL doesn’t take long to complete, so do I do both. Do I set it aside and try MCT? Do we just stick to the plan? Any advice about either ELA curriculum is appreciated. 😂

  6. Happy Mother’s Day to you also!

    My husband did the grocery shopping early this morning with my oldest son. 

    I’m getting caught up on laundry, and then I’m going to work on a quilt.

    Have a lovely day!

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  7. It’s possible that there is a connection. I’ve heard of others who have experienced this. My friend IRL has had painful cycles since her shot. Lots of painful abdominal cramping which is unusual for her. You should definitely mention it to your doctor, so he can include it in his notes. There has been a lot of discussion on social media about it. So much so that a professor at the University of Illinois who also experienced menstrual issues is collecting information. She has an online survey. I can find the link if interested. You can also look on VAERS and search bleeding. 

    I have also heard that unvax’d who are close to vaxd have had symptoms due to transmission via secretions, so it’s not unheard of @Hen

    • Confused 4
  8. We are required to school 180 days a year in Pennsylvania, so it wouldn’t be possible here. 

    I try to do two light days a week to work in activities outside the home and errands. 

    ETA: I see you plan to have them work the other two days. I think you can do it that way, but it would be beneficial to have math more than three times a week if possible. It could be flash cards or extra practice sheets, but teaching concepts on three days and extra practice the other two can work if needed.

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  9. Do dentists even use amalgams anymore? I thought it was standard practice to use composite only these days.

    Okay, I had to look it up. I guess the ADA says it’s okay, but the FDA warns about it.

    However, the last four dentists I talked to all said that they don’t use amalgams.

    My dentist retired and I’ve gone to different ones for myself or with family members on the search for a good fit and none of them use amalgams.

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  10. 6 hours ago, Maggie2354 said:

    Are you keeping homeschool books after being done with them?  Especially in light of how many books are being "canceled."  I am torn about whether or not to keep ours.  I have no idea if my kids will homeschool their own children.  Sometimes I think that I shouldn't keep them, as there are always new editions coming out, but then I second guess myself.  What are your thoughts?

    I had originally planned on giving our books away after my youngest finished with them, but now I plan on getting some more bookcases and save most of the readers and some of the curricula.

    In addition to books being canceled, early last year I saw news reports of schools throwing away the books and it seemed that it was mostly historical fiction in the dumpster. I think this was on the west coast; maybe it was in Washington state. Then I saw a mayor in Chicago giving an outdoor speech about no longer teaching history until it is rewritten. 

    • Sad 1
  11. My youngest child is going to be in 3rd grade this coming year. 

    I’ve been struggling with putting a plan together and have been popping in here a few times to see if there is anything new and interesting I should take a look at 😊

    Bible, History, Geography, Lit: I think history was the subject that was the hardest for me to decide on this year. I’ve ordered Biblioplan Ancients for the first time and I’m waiting for it to arrive. If this works for us then we’ll be able to cycle through it twice before he graduates. I have so many of the resources already on my shelves from homeschooling the older kids.

    Math CLE 3

    LA  LLATL yellow, I also have Cursive First if we need extra handwriting and I picked up Spelling Workout C (We added SWO B this year and it is easy for him, but it gives him confidence so we’ll keep going with it.)

    Science  MB God’s Design for Life as a spine with extra supplements to keep things interesting

    swim lessons in the summer, Piano lessons and Brazilian Jui-Jitsu year round  He doesn’t want to do this anymore 😞

    Art I don’t have anything really planned, but the history comes with a craft book that we may use



  12. LoL, I think like that, too. There’s a book called “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” that explains the differences in how men and women think, so they can better communicate to each other. I read it many many years ago.

    Basically, women’s brains are like spaghetti. Women’s thoughts are like noodles and each noodle overlaps and touches another noodle, so one thought can be associated with another thought and so on. However, men’s brains are like waffles. They have thoughts in each separated compartment (nook). They can focus on one thought and not get distracted by other thoughts. Women can find this annoying and think they are not paying attention to what’s happening around them, but they are not in the other nook or cranny. They can only be in one nook at a time. So, jumping around from nook to nook to make associations can be tiring from men. They also have completely empty nooks where they just rest. So, if you ask a man what’cha thinking about and they say, “nothing”, they really can be thinking about “nothing”, so don’t be annoyed and think that they don’t want to share their thoughts with you. After reading this, I remember explaining my associations so my husband can keep up with the way I was associating things. 

    • Like 2
  13. I had purchased a walker for my mom at a local medical supply store. They were adjustable for height. She had one with a seat and there was basket storage under the seat cushion which I thought would be great for tissues or snacks if she decided to sit outside. Later, I realized that because of the weakness in mom’s hands from her stroke that she really wasn’t able to control the brakes and would end up hunched over and I was afraid the walker would roll away from her, so she switched back to a cane. Recently, her PT said she needed a walker with slides so she didn’t have to worry about brakes and falling. All that to say, who knew there were so many options? I would suggest asking his PT which one they would suggest and if there is insurance, the medical supply store can submit the paperwork for it. 

    • Like 2
  14. Ticonderoga weren’t always made in China, but the quality has gone downhill since. I use The Write Dudes pencils made in the USA. You can find them at WM actually. My favorite pencil sharpener can sharpen any pencil even the cheap ones. The downside is that it sharpens them too well. The points are super sharp. 


    The sharpener lasts a long time. I haven’t needed to replace any parts yet. 

  15. 15 minutes ago, Corraleno said:


    That study gets linked and cited over and over by people who never bother to read it. Because if you actually read it you'll find that the control group was NOT no mask, the control group had a mix of N95s and cloth masks. One group was given 2 brand new N95s each day, one group was given simple cloth masks that they had to reuse each day after hand-washing at home (with no proof that they did wash them), and the "control group" was told to wear whatever masks they normally wear, which turned out to be a mix of N95s and cloth masks.

    So the result of that study was HCWs who had nice new N95s every day got the least infections, the workers who wore a mix of N95 and cloth masks were in the middle, and the group who wore nothing but cloth masks had the most infections. Duh.

    And, if you watched the video I mentioned, he explained that many people contacted him saying exactly what you just said and He said that he had to make that video to tell them that that was not the point. The point is, and i said it in my post, that cloth masks make people more sick. It is not a study to say don’t wear a mask. The control group wore them if they wanted to. And, they wore a variety. They didn’t wear them all day long. The point is that people who wore cloth masks for hours were a higher risk for viral infection. So, it is not saying don’t wear one. It is saying beware of cloth masks.

    • Confused 2
  16. Maybe, people are hesitant because this is a new type of treatment and the emergency prep act has released the pharmaceutical companies from any liability should anyone have a reaction or die. The amount of adverse reactions are high and HCP may be seeing this often enough to give them pause. I came across this article yesterday and the interview with Judy Mikovitz reminded me of the conversation here. She addresses why the shot causes inflammation and aggravates arthritis or any auto-immune disorder. I’ve also seen interviews with Dr. Delores Cahill address the problem with the shot and “pathogenic priming”. I’ll link the video with Mikovitz here: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/02/23/covid-vaccine-children.aspx?ui=b771022d913b28b8b0a55d1a3c4587b688c997f0c469a19349ae806c6c83aed0&sd=20201218&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1ReadMore&cid=20210223&mid=DM812648&rid=1091534084

    Also, I noticed there was some discussion of masks. There are many articles regarding masks here: https://themodelhealthshow.com/maskfacts/ 

    If you scroll to the bottom, you can watch a video where the gentleman reviews the 2016 study done at several hospitals and the result was that CLOTH masks increased the wearers chances of having a viral infection. So, if you must wear one, you should at least wear a disposable surgical mask. 

    There are many doctors who speak out regarding the shot, but they are usually censored from the more popular social media platforms. 

    My intention was simply to share information about why some may be turning down the shot. Not to upset anyone.

    And, employers can not mandate it as of yet. Some places have tried in my state, but were sued and lost or dropped the requirement within a few days. Our hospital system is not requiring it stating that it was because of general uncertainty. Many HCP are still opting to get it. 

    ETA: The 2016 mask study is not the only study on that page. There are plenty to look at. I’m not going to go back and forth on masks. There’s enough studies at that link to peruse.

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