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Posts posted by higginszoo

  1. Two of my three who have completed third grade knew states, capitals and Presidents. One didn't, doesn't have a mind for that sort of thing (gets lost trying to get to her friend's house 1/2 mile away). My youngest just started on third grade materials ... she knows most of the states, and probably 1/3 of the capitals and about 1/3-1/4 of the Presidents.

  2. I do think that it's important for your ds to go. If you and his dad think that it would be helpful for you to be there to help him process it (it might, since being there is a show of support), and both he and his fiancee are ok with that, then yeah, you may need to go too, even though it's going to be a bit awkward.

  3. I just issued the edict, effective this coming semester. My youngest (7 in February) is still learning, so I may not make it ALL cursive yet for her, but for the 11, 12, 13 year olds (11 year old has had about two or three handwriting workbooks in cursive), it's cursive only. They boys' cursive is just so much more legible than their print. My older two were required to do cursive-only by the end of third grade when they were in ps, however, I think that this was specific to the GT magnet program that they were in.

  4. I can, but I try not to, especially when on the phone. Dh talks to someone at work after he has called me all the time, and from the other end, it's annoying, so I try not to do it to other people. If dh or my parents call, I'll often excuse myself at the beginning of a call to put the dc onto a task if I think I'll be a while, but if there's no blood, I expect them not to interrupt.

  5. Definitely. Three of my four children were born in a 30 month span. You'd think that with an average age difference of 15 mo, I'd be able to combine them ... well, not so much. Ironically, as the oldest two are getting older, it's getting a little easier, but even with the same materials/syllabus for math and science, how I approach it with each child is still different.

  6. The elves need time to make the toys. They have to get them all made so they can wrap them (even if not in wrapping paper, then shrink wrap), boxes, etc. and get them loaded in the sleigh at least 2-3 weeks before Christmas. (I actually told this to an older child -- she got the message on late requests and the illusion wasn't ruined for little sister.)

    I do have one late requestor who will ask for it for his birthday instead, but he's the one with just 2 more weeks after Christmas to wait for that.

  7. We were all set to do this -- dh was going to install software at every Army and Navy Hospital in the Lower 48 (actually, he may have done AK and HI and some overseas bases too, but we wouldn't have gone with him). I had campsites staked out for the first dozen or so places (we were looking at 3-5 days per site). At the last minute, the contract fell through (Congressional budget issues), so we didn't actually do it.

  8. Mass is at 5pm for us, so this year I am doing White Bean Chicken Chili in the crockpot so it is ready when we get home. We'll also have toppings like tortilla chips, salsa, sour cream, and cheese and a salad. Christmas cookies for dessert.

    Mmm, chili AFTER mass sounds so good. I'm just concerned about whether sandwiches earlier would be enough to hold my little one who is always wanting to eat. She's going to have a mic on this year for choir, and I can see her stage whispering that she's hungry at some inopportune moment (like right before communion).


    At least we're not doing the main church mass -- there are actually three all at the same time -- in the church, in the auditorium and ours in the activity center. Since we only have 2 priests, I think that we may be getting the 'borrowed' priest -- usually one of the two elderly retired pastors.

  9. My dd started learning to knit when she was about 5. Until she was 8, she'd always get frustrated and go back to the mushroom or loom. she didn't really take off with the knitting until she was 10 or so, but she did enjoy the early attempts, even if it was just endless strings on the mushroom. My current 6 year old dd doesn't have the patience yet -- she has tried, but loses interest after 3-4 rows on the mushroom (4 pegs).

  10. We've had skips and double skips in our family over several generations, and more suggested (including my older ds). Sometimes a one grade skip worked out ok, but sometimes even a double skip didn't provide the challenge needed, and it never worked out socially for anyone in the family who tried it (me included, on both the no challenge and the social issues). Most family members (including dh, the dc, myself, usually test most often as HG, though some scores have edged up into the PG range, especially with dh and older ds, probably younger dd, though she's untested).


    My ds who was supposed to be double skipped when he was in school is just finishing his first two college classes, but is generally happy for many things that are more social to be considered to be halfway through eighth grade.


    My second is working 1-2 years ahead, but wants to go back to public school for high school. While she could probably handle a single skip maturity-wise (if she had stayed in Catholic school, she would have been skipped in the middle of fourth grade), she's already a late July baby and is mature enough to see that she'd probably prefer not to be with kids almost two years older, so she has decided to stay with her age mates (we really did give her the choice, if she wanted to start high school this fall, we would work to make it happen).


    My third is still working on incorporating some dyslexia coping skills. He was very advanced academically until he was 7 or so, and then that started to get in the way sometimes, so while he might have looked like a good candidate to skip when he was 4, it wouldn't have been a good plan by the time he was 8 or 9.


    My youngest tends to be more socially mature, and is working 2 years ahead academically. For various reasons, it has made more sense to give her a single skip in social situations. She keeps on trying to tell people that she's in third grade, and I keep correcting to second, when age-wise she'd be in first. We may well put her in school in the next couple of years, and it will likely be a year ahead of where she 'should' be.


    The nice thing about homeschooling is that what level of work they're doing rarely has to have anything to do with what grade you call them.

  11. My dress was just over $700, no alterations needed. I loved it!!! (Still do.)


    Our youth pastor just proposed to his girlfriend on Friday and yesterday she bought a dress on clearance for $160. BUT, she's a very skinny girl, probably size 1, and the dress is a 12. ??? I never understand the concept of getting a dress because it's cheap and paying a ton to get it altered a LOT. But hey, it will probably still be cheaper than mine was. lol I just always wonder if that really is THE dress of the girl's dreams and it just happens to be 90% off. :D I know that many are on a strict budget, though, and it's only one day of the rest of your life!

    This was me. A size 2 in a size 8 dress. I liked the dress well enough, but it wasn't about the dress or the even wedding for me, and money was definitely a concern.

  12. My dh, ds and I took a quick Savannah tour on our way to Orlando 4.5 years ago. We didn't have time to do much at all, but did fit in a tour of the First African Baptist Church. I'd certainly like an opportunity to do more exploring there.

    There's a lot to see. I remember being fascinated by all the pirate stuff down on the wharf as a child. But there are many beautiful old churches, just walking through all the squares/parks is nice.

  13. We will also have only one service on New Year's Day (rather than the four regular services).


    It does seem odd to me that in order to celebrate a Holy Day the church reduces its services. It seems even more odd that this is also done for New Year's Day.

    This does seem odd for a Holy Day of Obligation, to only have one mass. We'll have one less mass (the Sunday evening LifeTeen mass) on Christmas and New Year's(Solemnity of Mary), and lots of extra masses on Christmas Eve, but otherwise, pretty much the same schedule as usual.

  14. They have some reasonable places on Hilton Head Island (sorry, been a LONG time since I was there). It would definitely meet your halfway between goal.


    I need to start looking at this, too. Next year is the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouts, which started in Savannah, and my mom's grandmother was from Savannah. I grew up as much in Charleston as anywhere else (5-6 years before I was 18, not all at once), so I'd love to go back there. My mom and I have talked about me coming out with my girls sometime next year. (She's up on the other end of the interstate that goes to Charleston.)

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