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Posts posted by higginszoo

  1. My dd is counting down until she can join Venturing. 18 mo today.


    Our SU has been AWFUL about getting her in an age appropriate troop, and my connections with moms with troops a year younger hasn't worked (she has tried 2 different troops). She has half of one Journey done that we tried to do on our own last year, and half of another one that she got done with her latest troop this year, but they're young 6th graders and in no hurry to finish. I'm thinking I'll have her do some sort of Take Action project on one and call it good. She'll be working on her Silver as a Juliette, but it pretty much has to be individual under the new rules anyway. It would be nice for her to get her Gold (I did), but getting any information about anything while on the Juliette pathway is next to impossible. At least as a Brownie leader, I might be able to get some info, but with all of our older girl/high adventure stuff having to be by troop, they're kind of forcing her out unless she stays with a younger troop (where she feels like she's babysitting).

  2. I love that it has the music without the words as well as with!


    When we play some of the tunes without the words, my kids have commented, "This music speaks... all by itself!" I absolutely love that.


    This. As my dc get older, they like it without the words more than with the words, but they do remember the tidbits of useful knowledge that are thrown in with the silly lyrics. It has been our car music for years (Volumes 1-4).

  3. Kinda sorta -- though my kids are so non-linear in their development that sometimes I really can't schedule the next 6 weeks.


    I'll probably do Kolbe Chemistry with the older two.

    They'll still be finishing LOF Geometry, and then ds will continue on that path, not sure about dd.


    I'll be doing US History (all 4)/US Government and American Literature (older 2, at least) ... I don't have my resources narrowed down for that one. Probably the Hakim series in part for the little ones (3rd and 6th grades).


    I have the RS4K Level 1 series that I'd like to get to this semester, but if I don't, I may combine both littles into that ... though younger ds really needs more ... I might get a middle school physical science text for him instead.


    The older two have expressed interest in The One Year Adventure Novel, so that is on the possibility list for them. I'd like to include their brother, but not sure he'll be ready then.

  4. Nice that she made a cake, weird that she insisted on him bringing it home, with him knowing that you'd be baking a cake for home. If it's his cake, it seems like he should have the option of sharing it at the office or sharing it at home, especially when sharing it at the office makes more sense in his case.

  5. Definitely chocolate (for you). Hang in there.


    My older dd did the peeing for attention thing when she was first training, too. She almost always did it to her dad (the at-home parent at the time, usually while I was at work). He had a difficult time tempering his reaction, so she got the (negative) attention she wanted. When we switched (he got a FT job, but it was 100% travel so I had to quit mine -- daycare for 1, 3 and 4 year olds was more than rent), I was more able to calmly give her a towel and ask her to clean up (and then go back for a more thorough clean when she wasn't around), and she only did it maybe twice to me.

  6. a couple of mine didn't have the physical coordination to train until they were just around 3. A couple of others were stubborn and decided not to train until 3. For us, that was the magic age -- they were all within a few weeks or days of their third birthdays. Sounds like you were lucky with your first, but your second may just need some more growing time.

  7. Just select quality tv shows. Keep reading to him or listen to books together. See if you can swap toys or puzzles with a friend so he has some new things to do. This too shall pass.


    This. Between severe pregnancy sickness weeks 3 through 21 (at least I stayed out of the hospital that time), bedrest for early labor from week 25 on, and then a c-section, we didn't get a lot done the year my older dc were 4, 5 and 6. I was careful about WHAT they watched on TV (lots of PBS, with some Animal Planet, TLC, Nick Jr.) -- we won't discuss of MUCH they watched ... sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do. We got books on tape to listen to from the library, and when I felt up to it, we read together. Games like Go Fish, Monopoly Jr., Memory got a lot of play. I was dreading end of year testing, but both my K and 1st grader improved over a year's worth without ever really having the opportunity to do any of the school I'd planned. A lot of the stuff I bought for that year didn't get used until the baby was in K.
  8. My oldest would bang his head on the ground or wall. He was later diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, and looking back, I think that this behavior was the early manifestation of it.


    I'm not sure that there is anything that we could have done differently had we isolated the cause back then. He did start counseling and then medication when he was 9 that has helped tremendously, though I think that it is likely something that he will always have to deal with on some level.


    At least the only time that he gave himself a concussion with this behavior, we were already at the pediatrician's office (m-i-l was one of the practitioners. We came to have lunch with her, but she was on the phone, which frustrated him and spurred an attack. His regular practitioner was in the next office and saw him do it, and evaluated/treated him right away.


    My kids are jealous of the bi-racial kids that occasionally show up at our church. My girls LOVE the little girls' hair.

    I remember this from when I was in kindergarten and then in second grade. In each class I had a friend who was of African heritage and had great curly hair that she could wear all kinds of barrettes and ponytail holders with beads and braids. (I remember the second grade friend got cornrows that she was so proud of -- rightfully so as I now realize how long she must have had to sit still.) I was so jealous because with my straight, babyfine hair, I couldn't even get a bobby pin to stay to keep my bangs out of my face, so my mom wouldn't let them grow out.

  10. No, we didn't. With the first, we didn't have a good enough washer, would have had to schlep to the laundromat. Then we had two more in close succession, so I had 3 in diapers, with dh working 16 hour days with an hour commute each way and no family within 1000 miles (we moved there when the third was a newborn, so no time to make friends for a support system).


    I considered it with my fourth, but dh wasn't supportive, and the laundry was his domain.

  11. My older two are readers. They probably read 20-30 novels in 6th grade. My next one coming up is not so much of a reader, but I still would expect the count to be 5 for school and maybe 5-10 more for fun for 6th grade next year. This year, he has read two novels, read along in the book with 3-4 more on tape (he has dyslexia, so this is an adaptation that we find helps), and is working on The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (I found a large print unabridged version). He'll also read White Fang in large print this semester.

  12. Yes. It would bother me. Agreed that individual contributions should be kept private (listed as a lump sum), but where the money comes in and where it goes out (again, I don't necessarily need to know what individual employees make, a general 'payroll' category is sufficient IMO) should be available if members want to see, otherwise, they shouldn't be in any way pressured to contribute.

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