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Posts posted by higginszoo

  1. Oldest never really attached strongly to anything.


    Second switched allegiance every 6 mo-year ... some of her favorites included a Magenta (Blue Clues), a stuffed craft bear that she literally loved to death, a donkey that had belonged to her great-uncle, a stuffed giraffe ... probably the longest-standing one was a stuffed lamb.


    My third is still very attached to his duck. At 11 1/2, he is finally getting to the point where it is ok to sleep without the duck. Up until recently, the duck has gone camping, etc., but he didn't go to week-long Boy Scout camp, and the duck has spent a couple of nights with various neighbors without ds.


    My fourth has a Build-a-Bear hippo. She wasn't attached to anything until she got the hippo for her fourth birthday. Recently, she was sick all over her bed and the hippo had to go into the wash overnight ... she did fine ... better than her brother would have done separated from his duck at that age (7).

  2. My kids usually go through a phase in August/September for a few weeks where they want to gather for a formal opening to the school day ... prayer, pledge, song, etc. I neither encourage nor discourage it, and after a few weeks, the novelty wears off and we go back to our staggered start. Some of their activities (scouts, for example) include the pledge.

  3. Having grown up all over the place, with brothers and sisters-in-law and nieces and nephew spread all over the country and the people I grew up with spread all over the world, Facebook is so nice to be able to keep in touch with everyone. Yes there are nasty things posted by some people sometimes, but I just hide or unfriend people who do that.


    I can understand that it causes some people undue stress and that some people still live in the same community where they and everyone that they know grew up, and in those cases, FB might be at best a waste of time, but between my busy schedule and my parents' busy schedules, sometimes it's the only way I keep in touch with them, and I can see the same thing happening as my dc leave the nest.

  4. Not as a rule. But our denomination has very strict rules for people working with kids (from background checks to training to ratios of adults to children), so when my ds jumped up and ran off to children's church the first time we visited dh's parents' church (they were new to the church as well), I wasn't concerned ... though it WAS very out of character for ds ... more expected of dd, who wasn't old enough yet.

  5. I haven't heard for sure yet. I think that the adjacent county has allowed the stands to open, but we're in a severe drought. My city's professional display is shot from about 200 yards from my house (the distance between being grassland that's getting a bit crunchy), so I will be completely understanding if they cancel again. And totally annoyed with neighbors who shoot illegal ones into my yard like they did last year when they were quite definitively banned.

  6. I have a freelance job providing content for a company that wants me to specifically write about things for homeschoolers in Central Texas. They distribute these on the web, and sometimes to other news/magaine/web outlets. So now is your chance, if you have a group or field trip site or some other thing that is both local and of interest to homeschoolers, let me know, and I'd be happy to do a feature on it and get you some publicity. They'd prefer long-tern type things, but I can also do upcoming events.

  7. They do ... but Colorado has 3000-5000 foot drops in places and Florida is flat, so it's not as possible to get to all areas in CO as it is in FL. The areas that are burning right now (the two big fires) are along the front range -- where the Rockies rise as much as 10,000 feet above the prairie in the span of less than 10 linear miles ... no way to control burns in that kind of terrain.

  8. I don't see anything wrong with an hour or two as soon as you're comfortable being out and about chasing a 3 year old. I wasn't supposed to be lifting the baby carrier, nor did I want to drag my mom and my other 3 dc along when I had an appointment about a week after my c-sec, so I left them all home. It was impetus for the midwife's office to get me in and out quickly knowing that I had to get back to such a new baby, but I also took a few more minutes to pick up a smoothie on my way home.

  9. You just have to make your best guess. I wanted my mom for my births and the time immediately after. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't.


    With #1, she picked a date 2 weeks before my due date. He was a 35 weeker.


    With #2, she went 3 weeks before the due date and dd was born 21 hours later (since m-i-l had just had surgery and couldn't keep the other baby, this was very good).


    #3 made attempts to get out early, so she came 4 weeks early, but could only stay a week. He was born at 38 weeks, well after she left. Having her there to wrangle the toddlers probably helped keep him in longer, though.


    I had been on bedrest since week 25 with #4 ... my mom came out at 36 weeks (when the bedrest was lifted), and baby didn't come until 39 weeks. My mom had scheduled to stay for a month that time, though, so she still had a week after the baby arrived (by c-section, so I really did need help after).


    She never got to be there at any of the actual births ... of the two that she was in town for, the first, we had nobody else for our 13 mo old, and for the last one, she was going to come and bring the dc, but then only dh was allowed back when we had to switch plans ... she did manage to time it so that she arrived with the dc just as they were wheeling the baby out of the OR, though.

  10. I have my boys keep pages with their in-progress cards and ones with their completed cards (the official card with the blue card stub behind it). So far, younger ds is better at keeping track than older ds, (we started this process mid-way with older ds). Ds1 can't even seem to keep track of the badges long enough to get them onto his sash.


    When I was doing advancements, I kept a log of blue cards, and usually had to issue a duplicate or two for most badges for most boys, but the start date would be the date they pulled the first one.

  11. If we were to add another one, I'd probably want to fill the 4 year gap between my third and fourth. I don't think that we're going to actively pursue it, though.


    While I have my moments when pregnancy and/or another baby sounds nice, the reality is that I don't do pregnancy or babies that well, so I'll be happy to get my fill with nieces/nephews and then grandchildren. I wish we were closer to the nieces and nephew that we have. Both dh's and my siblings are pretty spread out ... I haven't even met one niece (she's almost 2), and haven't seen her almost 5 year old sister since she was a toddler.

  12. No matter what level they're working at, I keep them with their age-grade for talent searches. The reasoning behind it being that those programs are for the kids like them. Even my oldest, who scores in the top 10% of the talent search group, has found that when he has participated in activities that he qualified for from the talent search, age-grade is most appropriate, and the fact that it is talent search kids levels things appropriately (they're ALL academically several years ahead).

  13. It's probably worth a call, but probably not anything too terribly concerning.


    But likely, with it being summer, plus nursing, plus the pregnancy, plus chasing the baby around, she's likely getting dehydrated, which can cause earlier contractions. I ran into this with my third -- it was hard to keep track of my own intake while chasing the other babies.


    I'd recommend that she try to make an effort to get more liquids in and reduce her activity level as much as she can when they happen -- my midwife told me that they were my body's sign that I was trying to do too much.

  14. I have a small band and larger cup. There are only two places in town that I have found something that fits -- Soma in the Arboretum (same shopping center as B&N) and Petticoat Fair by Highland Mall. Both are kind of pricey. Once I was desperate and went to Fredericks in the mall and found something that would work with a certain dress, but I could understand not wanting to drag a teen in there.

  15. I have a homeschooling friend whose dh is stationed at the academy (I'm not sure quite where they live), and their family has chosen to evacuate down to Peterson. Last I heard, they were having difficulty locating one of their cats as they were packing up and it had the dc very concerned.

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