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Posts posted by higginszoo

  1. Total hijack (which doesn't negate my appropriate respect and concern for this friend of yours) but does anyone else find this hilarious? Every time I see that this is offered it cracks me up. Maybe others had way different births than I had but I did not feel like a fancy candlelit dinner the night after I birthed either of my daughters. :lol:


    I was totally not up for something like that, and it was like $200-$300 or something like that. I delivered my older 3 dc at a private hospital in Denver known for serving a certain stereotype -- I didn't really fit it (I was there because my m-i-l's pediatric practice preferred it -- they also served that population, though).


    I had a Chipotle burrito (when they were just a local chain) and a large Sprite after each of those first three births. I missed my burrito when I had my youngest in another state ... and while there was nothing wrong with the hospital, it was not nearly as nice as the one I had been to before.

  2. I would think that it would depend on the particular hospital, and maybe even the floor (I was in one hospital that had an option of a fancy candlelit dinner with wine served to mom and dad the night after baby was born). In general, though, I would expect this to be against hospital policy and would prepare the person trying this not to be surprised to have it confiscated, and maybe even to be escorted out and not allowed to visit for the remainder of the patient's stay.

  3. Maybe ... I don't know where you go for routine renewal ... this was for renewing a temporary, which was something that they didn't seem to have a procedure for. It took DAYS on the phone, but I NEEDED to rent a car in late June, and my temporary was only for 60 days. I didn't blame the car rental company for not wanting to rent to someone with a dubious looking, expired paper license. They very grudgingly gave me a 30 day extension and a new piece of paper.


    I was going to go back down to that office to do a second renewal, but waited a few days until I was going to be down that way anyway (to drop my ds at your house for the math team prep your dh was doing), but the real ones finally came.

  4. Nice slacks (at least Dockers), and preferably a button down shirt. A tie and a sweater vest would dress things up without investing in a sportcoat/jacket that an 8 year old might not wear again, and may well be appreciated in Colorado in September. My s-i-l was married in Breckinridge on Labor Day weekend, and I was glad that I'd opted for sweaters for the older dc. Little guy was in the wedding in a tux.


    With the teen, I'd probably compromise and let him have the short sleeves, but have him wear slacks ... he'll probably have natural consequences from the temperature that way, though.

  5. Here in Travis County, the paper temporary now has your photo (in b&w) on it. I wonder if these things vary by county as much as by state?


    ETA: I got my new one last month. The photo was consirably less flattering than my avatar.


    A bad picture is better than none. They took our Utah licenses in '09, so it was a good thing that we had passports for travel. We were in Travis County, too, but up on Research initially. When I had to renew, it was down on Lamar, not at the regular place, but at the office building nearby.

  6. LOL, no problem. I'm incognito here on purpose since the board is so much more public and how we school + where we live is not the best mix.


    So, I first read your post as April 10 to April 20 and was thinking "10 days isn't bad.....is she really that impatient??" then I re-read. Oh. August. Yea, that is insane. I'd expect that kind of delay here in Brazil, but not in TX. that's just crazy.


    Yes, it sounded like your FB story today. Dh was traveling 100% of the time, and had to ride with a coworker for several weeks because he couldn't rent a car on an expired temporary license. They kept on insisting that Texas DPS knew what was going on, so we wouldn't get in trouble if we got pulled over ... which would have worked in TX, but since we were only half as far from a lot of family, and dh was gone anyway, I traveled a lot, all out-of-state trips.

  7. Huh, that is not the normal situation in TX. Usually the paper one is handed over, then the plastic one is mailed and you get it within 2 wks or less. I've never had to renew the paper one.


    But having always lived in TX (until Brazil), I had never heard of people getting a plastic one right away, no waiting.


    We went in on April 10, and finally got plastic ones on August 20. It was ridiculous. I have another friend who moved here recently (Jan-Feb?) and had a similar wait -- got hers in April or May (she asked me about it).


    And I just now put together your username here with who you are. LOL


    When I first got my driver's license, in VA in the dark ages, it was two pieces of paper in a plastic sleeve similar to the ones you put baseball cards in. You got a temporary piece of paper for one part of it for the first couple of months, and then had to go to court to get a real one, which gave the judge (or some court official dressed up in a robe) the chance to give us a lecture on how important a responsibility driving was and put the fear of the judicial system into us :).


    I remember this from the '80s when I was in VA ... I was a Navy kid and had a LA license for simplicity's sake because that was our home of record. But my friends had the papers in the baseball card sleeve. By the time I was back in VA as an adult in '94, though, it was a regular plastic license handed to me when I turned in my TN license. I also find it interesting that most states take your old license -- 6 out of 7 times I changed states -- but Utah punched a hole in my WA license and handed it back, so I still have it (lovely picture, too, I had my 3 babies 2, 1 and newborn, in tow for my typical DMV wait).

  9. We use the library and Netflix streaming for this. Liberty's Kids, Signing Time, and Magic School Bus are all popular here.


    For free online stiff check out pbs.org -- they have some shows, but I haven't been there in a while, so I'm not sure which ones.

  10. Texas is the first state out of 8 where I got a temporary paper one and they mailed me a plastic one. In the 7 other states, going back almost 25 years, I always walked out with my real license. It wouldn't have been bad, except they took so long to mail the license. I needed to travel and rent cars, so I had to renew the temporary (could only be done at the main office in Austin -- thankfully, I'm just a few miles away and not in El Paso or somewhere), and then the renewed temporary expired before we got our real licenses (dh and I went in to change our license on the same day). Needless to say, we haven't been impressed with the state government here, and I've lived (and had driver's licenses) in such backward states as TN ('92), SC ('88) and LA('89). (Other states were VA ('94), CO('95), WA('01), UT('03).) TX was ('09).

  11. I am going to encourage my DDs and DS to do it when they get old enough since they won’t be able to do a more traditional JROTC experience like they would in public school.
    My ds's squadron is about half homeschoolers, with most of the rest private schooled (and the new Cadet CO goes to a charter school), so my ds and one of his friends have started referring to it as 'homeschool JROTC'. Not strictly accurate, but sometimes it seems like it. There's a big press to get O flights in before NavCon in September or October, and a lot of them will be during the day, even after school starts, because 2 of the senior member pilots are retired, and many of the cadets are more available during the day than in the evenings.
  12. The asking might not have been all that weird in itself. Just an impulse. But the persistence would have creeped me out. The only time I had strangers hold my baby is when I was flying from Denver to Seattle with ds 10 weeks and dd 19 mo. Ds was sleeping and dd was a handful, and the flight attendant had some extra time and asked to hold him. The flight crew passed him around back in the galley for a while and I took care of my wiggly toddler (who was in her carseat to keep her from climbing around, but was not happy with that).

  13. We started today -- just multiplication test and states and capitals (my middle schoolers didn't score much better than my third grader). The big kids will start Algebra review with Khan Academy tomorrow and the littles will work on Olympics lapbooks.

    We probably will just do small projects and review between now and when we're heading to the beach in mid-August. Then, after we get back, we'll get to our regular curriculum.

  14. Absolutely wrong for them to ask.


    Now, I did voluntarily send funds through the personal option for some books recently ... it was someone on my parents' local board, and as soon as we'd agreed on price and before I was sure that we were set on how to transfer, she'd dropped the books off at my parents'. Since they weren't there and couldn't pay her, and I didn't want to try to figure out how to add fees in, I just made it a personal transaction (I had already received the goods, after a fashion).


    Usually, I would expect the seller to wait for payment before delivery/shipment to the buyer, so therefore, the regular Paypal system gives protection that I refuse to give up as a buyer unless I know the seller well.

  15. My older ds has been involved for a little over a year and is his squadron's flight sergeant. My little guy is anxiously waiting for his twelfth birthday so that he can join. Dd tried it but decided not to join.


    It's a great for leadership and discipline, and they get science and physical fitness as well. My ds's favorite part has been the state encampments. He went through Cadet Basic Training in December and then went back this summer to staff (he was in the kitchens and worked hard, but loved it).


    I was a cadet as a teen and enjoyed most of it (I wasn't a big fan of the marching ... there's lots of marching, but I was willing to do the marching to get to do the fun search and rescue and flying and rocketry stuff).

  16. One thing we did to cut down on the touristy stuff when we went to that area was to rent a cabin on the other side of the park, in Townsend. Further from the 'strip' of Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge/Sevierville, but close enough if we'd wanted to go there.


    You can bike IN the Cades Cove area, but you'll probably want to drive TO it, as the way to get there is narrow, winding roads full of tourists not paying attention.


    Here's the link of stuff to do in the park. http://www.nps.gov/grsm/planyourvisit/things2do.htm


    We enjoy finding a part of the Appalachian Trail to day hike when we're in that area (we usually spend some time further up, as my parents live north of there.

  17. One of the big tricks is to take a walk on lunch break. I found that all but the most rainy days had a dry spot from 1-3, and I'd try to walk my dog then. Also, a source of radiant heat to dry things on, or a little gas fireplace was helpful. South facing windows with a chair to sit in. My school room has north facing windows, but one whole wall is windows and I bounce the light into my face with while V. blinds. I really don't mind it.


    He did this to the best of his ability because he'd heard it would help, but we were there in 2001, he worked in SoDo, on 1st, not far from the Starbucks building (the ground floor of his building was a Starbucks training center). The area that was hit really hard by the earthquake the second week he was ther e(the dc and I were still in Denver). There was SO much construction, so many blocked sidewalks (the building next to his was one of the ones that collapsed) that for most of the time we were there, it wasn't very safe for pedestrians. It was a temporary issue, but apparently was bad for 2-3 years.

  18. I used to be a seasonal worker at Penneys, which is the closest mall store to the theater. We lived in that area for most of the first 8 years we were married.


    I'm still waiting to hear from my insurance agent (a friend who is kind of the information hub for our friends there) about dh's goddaughter and her twin sister. They're 14, and it would be like them to go to a movie premiere ... this is the closest theater to their house.

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