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Posts posted by higginszoo

  1. Some practical considerations -- it was already mentioned here to look into whether or not the local ordinances allow this. Then, if the property doesn't already have it, make sure that you count the cost of running electric, water (or digging a well, buying a pump), and septic/sewer to the site in your initial costs -- it's really not going to be livable otherwise. You'll probably also want to pave (or at least hard-pack gravel) down for a path to get it in and out when needed and also an outdoor living area -- otherwise the mud will make life intolerable very quickly. When shopping for a motor home, make sure that it has enough insulation and a good enough heater for the worst possible winter conditions. Most motor homes don't take these things into consideration, as they're designed to be vacation homes only and it's kind of expected that people won't bother with vacationing in extreme temperatures, so while there might be a heater, it may not be designed to do more than keep the pipes from freeing in the worst weather, and because motor homes are designed to be light, there often is not a lot of insulation. Another thing you'll probably want is on-site, animal-proof storage ... a good, sturdy outbuilding in which to store ... well, everything ... there's just not much storage IN the vehicle for more than a couple days' worth of food and clothing for a family of 5. You may want to have one anyway, but you'll probably want to put that up before moving to the property.


    The general idea could be an adventure, but sometimes, you really do save money and hassle by renting nearby instead, especially if there's not careful pre-planning to take in all the possibilities ahead of time.

  2. Tracfone is about $20 every three months or so.


    If she is at the church does she need a phone? Can she just call using the church phone?

    My middles have a $10 Tracfone that they share ... since we've had Tracfone for years, I went ahead and got the 2 year plan -- 1200 minutes, 24 months of service for $150, so that breaks down to $6.25 a month, with more than enough minutes to call us when they need to be picked up, let us know that their plans have changed, etc.

    I have the same plan. I hate being tied to the cell phone, so only my dc and my dh have the number (well, my parents might, and the occasional babysitter).

  3. LOL I love the card idea.


    I think that the proper etiquette in situations like this would have been to wait until AFTER the wedding, then send a card saying 'We're finally married. If you'd like to see pictures of our special day, please visit http://www.whatever.com' It would be somewhat appropriate (but still a little tacky), to put registry links there. No mention needs to be made of whether there even was a reception near home or not, and it's obvious why everyone wasn't invited to Mexico.

  4. We'll be 50-ish, and i think we'll be mostly ready. I'll need to go back to work full-time when my youngest is 14 (which is fine, because she wouldn't do well as the only one home with me), and will probably continue to work for a few years to pad our nest egg. Doing what? I'm not sure yet -- trying to figure that out now, as I'm at a point where I could do something (work or school) from home at this point.

  5. My ds just got a phone on TMobile -- the planks $15/mo for unlimited text (10 cents / min to talk, but he and his friends don't talk anyway, they just text. We wentajead and got him a phone with a qwerty keyboard for $50 but other phones start at $20. He saved up last year to fer himself an iTouch, but now that he has the phone, he doesn't use it as much.

  6. I requested one this year because I hadn't gotten one in a few years -- that was May or so. I haven't gotten it yet, but like I said, I wasn't on last year's mailing list, so I don't know if that ended up mattering in the mailing order.

  7. Pet sitters come in, go to the specific area needed to care for the pets, do what they need to do any then leave. Inviting other people to come over or being anywhere other than where you specified they needed to be is not appropriate at all.


    Even when pet sitting for one of my best friends, we didn't go anywhere other than where specified to care for the animals -- even though we were routinely all over the house WHEN THEY WERE THERE -- they weren't, so we stuck to what they asked us to do.

  8. My boys were 4 and almost 7 when my youngest was born. I'm definitely in the 'that's what they're for' camp. A close friend's ds was about 5 when she was born, and always wanted an up close view when she was eating. (His mom is a LLL leader/LC, so no problem there, we all found it kind of funny really.) I always had to bottle supplement, so being right there also gave him a first spot in line when it was time to switch over, as the moms and kids in the group liked to pay pass the baby to finish her feeding.

  9. Not that it's a big deal, but it's called a micro usb. I'm guessing a mini might be something slightly different? We have a solar powered charger for devices and it has I believe 4 different sized USB type adapters on it.


    Could be ... I wonder if Radio Shack or somewhere like that would have an adapter set to convert one kind of USB to another?

  10. Oh my, she moved here as a teen (or almost teen), and she's already progressing? I'd definitely give her an extra year before starting on high school work. I don't think that anyone (employers, higher education) would hold it against her if she took an extra year to acclimate to the culture, language?, etc. before jumping in to high school.

  11. I have an Andrew Joseph who gets all of the above. We started off calling him Drew. As he got older, he switched mostly to Andrew. His siblings often call him Andy (which really fits him well). And my dad calls him AJ. I usually refer to him as Andrew, but call him DrewDrew, Drewsie, AndyDrew, or AndyJoe (which he hates anyone but me to call him ... it's one of those buttons his siblings push sometimes).


    Oh, and then there's the other nickname that the neighbor gave him. When we moved in, she asked him if he went by Andrew or Drew. He replied, "Both." And "Both" it is with that family, kind of his own little joke with them.

  12. I used to plan meticulously, but things never worked out. Some things, the dc already knew and we'd end up skipping. Other things, they'd get stuck on and we'd need to slow down. Eventually, the loss of weeks' worth of work I'd put into planning became frustrating, so I stopped. Now, we just look at 'what's next' and go.

  13. My brother was balding as a teen ... and he actually started with a receded hairline to begin with. He was also only 5'6" - 5'7" for a long time ... I think he made it to 5'9" as a senior, and then gained 3 more inches his sophomore year of college. It can't hurt to get checked by an endocrinologist, but even if they don't find anything, there's still hope for his height. The hair is something my brothers have just learned to deal with (and not to be left out, my natural color turned to gray before I was 40 -- though I can color that, and will probably continue for a while).

  14. That's interesting, thanks!


    Here's a picture I took less than an hour ago, while sitting at a red light on route 9 in Summit Co.


    My in-laws have a place behind Wal-Mart in Frisco, and the forest has been mostly dead due to beetle damage for a few years now. (I should check the pictures taken in the park across the street from s-i-l's wedding 8 years ago.) I've been wondering about fire danger there, and for my cousin who lives in Silverthorne or Dillon (can't keep track of which -- he works at Keystone year-round).

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