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Posts posted by Frelle

  1. I only have a sec. I have a good friend in another state who has a child, now 8, who has always reminded us of L. She and I had a long talk about L. today, and about her daughter. Her daughter has been diagnosed with ADHD and is on medication. My friend told me that she has heard and read about enough similarities between our two children that she is encouraging me to have L tested. I nearly fell over when she told me about having her daughter tested and medicated, as this is totally NOT a person who in a million years would ahv ever admitted to, let alone agreed to have her child tested for ADHD. So her experience and advice carries a lot of weight for me. She talked to me about the lack of reality check that her daughter would have.. doing outlandish things like this haircut, making experiments out of dental hygiene supplies, squirreling food away.... really odd similarities.. and we've had several people mention that they think L is bent in that direction. So having my friend explain to me that maybe this really ISNT willfull disobedience, just a very clear example of lacking that moral compass check due to ADHD really gives me pause.


    Am I making sense to anyone?


    L has sensory issues, not serious enough for therapy, but I know that ADHD often accompanies sensory issues. My oldest, G, is in therapy for sensory issues and hers are stronger and opposite of L's. Ive elarned a LOT about L in reading sensory books for the purpose of helping Grace. So Im going to read up on ADHD and see if any bells start going off.



    RE: the issue at hand about the hair:

    So Im still thinking about the consequence. Likely its going to be specific chores to work off the cost of the haircut, and closer supervision.


    F doesnt seem to notice that it is any different whatsoever. Its really crazy. How do you not notice 10 inches of hair being gone??

  2. I am curious if you are in the camp who feels that since L (age 5 1/2 ) gave F (2 1/2) a pixie cut in the bathtub that she should also receive a pixie cut, or if you think that giving an identical haircut would be harsh and emotionally scarring to L.


    If you are in the camp that says NO to the pixie cut, do you have any suggestions for a natural consequence for this?


    L likes her handiwork, and shows little remorse.




    I was at the store with G and J, and my husband was home with L and F. They were in the tub together (and of course, my husband was NOT in the bathroom with them. Not smart, but not on my watch either.)


    We know from separate interrogations with L that:

    1) There was intent to cut F' s hair before she even got in the bathtub with her (jealous of her long hair)


    2) there was willfull disobedience in getting scissors she is not allowed to have.

    By the way, we keep ALL scissors in my sewing kit unless we are using them for crafts, and even I have to stand on a chair to get the scissors, so we know that she found a pair somewhere and hid them to use later.


    3) And there was willfull disobedience by cutting hair.

    We have spoken to her about other things she has cut when given the opportunity to have scissors, and we have expressly told her that she is not allowed to cut her own hair or anyone else's hair, or her own or anyone else's property. Just paper or craft stuff, and just when adults are around.


    3) there was crossing the personal boundaries of it not being her own hair to cut.


    I need to address the fact that while it may be that she wants more attention, she has a habit of being mischeivous and destructive. She could have 4 hours of mommy time every day, and she would still find dental hygeine products to make experiments with, or use peanut butter to paint on the walls. She is bent in this direction. I keep her in my sight more than my 2 year old. L cooks with me at least once every day so that we give her an outlet for making experiments, and she gets lots of craft time, too.


    It doesnt seem to be enough.

  3. My oldest DD has Sensory Integration and Sensory Modulation issues. I dont have any particular ideas to help with your situation, but can recommend several good books:


    The Sensational Child

    The Out of Sync Child

    Raising a Sensory Smart Child


    If after reading them you feel like your child needs OT or sensory therapy, ask around to see if anyone has any local recommendations.

  4. We made ours from one of my husband's favorite thologian/writers. It might ahve been John Knox Academy or Gresham Machen Academy.


    Ours is called St John Chrysostom Academy. The St. is a nod to my Catholic upbringing, DH thought it would please my mom :)


    I think if you like the word Piazza, you should work it into your name. Or you could call your homeschool blog The Piazza and get use of it that way.

  5. We used it at home last year, and while I had the audio CD, we really never used it. The Foundations book is the most important thing, I think. It has all three years of the foundations cycle in it.


    I typed all of the history and science sentences in a word document and printed a copy for each of my children. They keep it in their binder, and each week they have to tell me that weeks' sentences as well as all of the previous weeks. It has really been a high retention, low work subject for us. I haven't had them learn the VP cards yet, but since they do them every year, I figured that we'd wait until this year. I bought my card set from CC a while back, but they were just the regular VP cards. Have they changed?





    I have been doing CC for 3 years with a group. If my kids were to stop going, or we enrolled them in school, I would still do the audio CDs, the book, and the history cards. We havent really used the powerpoint cd.

  6. Okay, I tried to join. . .don't know if I've succeeded.


    Also, I put the web-ring code on my blog, but it's too wide for the sidebar, and I don't know how to fix it. . .


    There is a bit of code in there at the top that says stuff like:


    <table width="215" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="1">


    <td style="background: ##347C2C">



    The table width is set to 300 or something in the original code,

    and I changed mine to 215 and it is great for my sidebar.

  7. We are in the suburbs of Raleigh, specifically in the Containment Area for Relocated Yankees :) We participate in Classical Conversations in the Apex/Cary group. I would love info on the monthly WTM meeting, and would like to meet moms from the board if they are interested! :)

  8. I am doing Foundations for the 4th year in a row, and my oldest starts Essentials this year. I am feeling pretty nervous about adding Essentials into our lives!!! I would love to talk to anyone who has been with the program a little longer than I have to get some online support! :)


    Other than Foundations and Essentials (Essentials of the English Language and US History Based Writing), Grace is doing spelling/dictation, bible/character training, handbook of nature study, and math. She will also be doing narration with assigned reading from books from the Year 3 list from ambleside online.

  9. It is something I have been convicted about, but have not taken the steps to start doing it. I inquired about it at church, and discovered that several other women over the years have been similarly convicted, and all have encountered scorn and there has been divisiveness in our church over it. My friend who has most recently dealt with it has this story: She became convicted to cover during prayer/at church and very many women at church gave her attitude and spoke to her about how she was arrogant to assume that she alone was interpreting scripture correctly. She wore it for several months, until she and her family left for a mission trip to Burkina Faso. While in BF, all women covered during prayer/services, so she kept the covering there. When they returned to the states, she decided to not cover at our church anymore out of respect for the unity of the church.


    I am not about to invite that into my life right now.


    I have decided that when we change churches/move, that I would like to start covering outside the home at services.

  10. I am excited for you that these women have offered to help you! :)


    I have been killed with kindness a few times and it has come around to bite me in the butt. I have been killed with kindness other times, and it has been a Godly grace filled experience.


    I do not turn down such offers, BUT, I also go into it knowing that I might hear some things that are hard to hear or are not helpful/untrue. I often offer to help in this same way.. and because of the bad experiences I have had, I totally keep my mouth shut and any judgement to myself.


    First time: I was postpartum with my third child, and someone from church came to give me supper and noticed I was behind on laundry (the day of the birth). She offered to take my laundry and do it and bring it back. I heard through the grapevine weeks later that she started the gossip about my house being a wreck and maybe I had post partum depression and "Doesn't J seem overwhelmed?" but no one offering to help me. So I was ministered to in my time of need where my house was a disaster.. but it caused gossip to go around about me.


    Second time: the women from my small group at church offered to come and clean my house before baby #4 was born. There were 5 women, and they mostly did the grout in my bathroom floor, the bathroom, the doorjambs and walls, and the counters.. some general cleaning. All the other women left, but T stuck around. I was 39 weeks pregnant, and T stood in my kitchen and lectured me about the black mold behind the kitchen sink, and how awful my grout was in the floor of the bathroom and how could I let it get that way, and why was there dried food on the doorjamb (peanut butter)...and if I just use this product once a day on my table and counters that I could just do X, Y, and Z and my house would never get in such shape.".. SO helpful when I am 39 weeks pregnant and be browbeaten by supermom in my own home after I was blessed by the other women who had more CLASS than to treat me that way.


    And then there have been other women who have called to ask what I need and come and do it and more with so much grace and sweetness and never make me feel bad at all. Cindy came and helped me clean and declutter 2 bedrooms yesterday. Next Monday, two of the single moms from church are coming over to do light housekeeping and childcare for me, and I am to leave and get some time alone. These two women love my family and want to minister to me as a pair.



    So my advice is to take the offer and be grateful, absolutely. Do what you feel you need to do to prepare, like the tablecloths... keep two and give the rest to a shelter or to goodwill. Sometimes it really does take a village, and we get into seasons when we are really too tired and too overwhelmed to a)notice the condition of our house or b) do anything about it. And its a great thing to have people offer to help, and humbling yourself and allowing them the chance to bless you is a wonderful thing.

  11. Im right here with you.


    I am really out of control right now. Sleep deprivation with a teething baby and an older child with sensory issues/early puberty is really kicking my butt.


    Here is something I posted elsewhere today:


    I am in such a bad place. I need to decide whether I should continue to try to model not yelling, keeping emotional control and stability, and not freaking out with what I am doing that is NOT WORKING AT ALL, or I need to get on some anti anxiety medication.


    Rescue Remedy doesnt quite do it.. if I just needed it now and again, it works really well. But as an actual solution, it is not really helping me. I have done enough psychological profiles in my life to know that I tend toward the anxiety ridden/neurotic side of the spectrum as it is, and it is so tempting to see if I actually have some sort of imbalance that medication would help.


    My biggest hold ups have been 1) getting on medication while breastfeeding, even though "they say" it is safe, I am also putting my baby on medication.... and 2) my husband really, in his heart, believes that if I was just better at devotional time and bible study, and spending time with God, that I wouldnt need medication. It is going against what he really thinks to okay my use of medication.


    Out of the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaks. Why is my heart such an awful, black, hideous place that I would scream things in my children's faces time and time again? Why do I react like a child when my children smart off to me?


    If I can stop being a monster and model grace to them, maybe they will recover. But all 3 girls are just off the hook with the out of control emotions, pushing boundaries, and fit throwing when they dont get their way. It cant just be that they are all in a particular stage.. because its all 3 of them at once.


    So many things, in particular finances, and occasionally sleep deprivation, are feeding my out of control behaviour and lack of ability to keep myself in check in regard to my kids. How can I train myself to be more gentle and less prone to freakouts?


    "I have Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline", and it has been really helpful to me in the past, I need to revisit it, and maybe put some stuff in post it notes around the house. Is there any kind of study to go with that book, or an accountability that I can get in following the principles?


    I am currently reading "Families Where Grace is in Place" but do not realistically know if it will help me.


    Anybody got a stop yelling and start being more loving bootcamp resource?!

  12. I have been pretty much in the zone with my other 3 births. But my son got stuck and I was needing to get him out ASAP and pushed with everything I had for a long time.. I did scream with him.. enough that I was hoarse afterward! It felt really out of control to scream for me. But it's what it took, you know? :)

  13. no, I was more scared about what might go wrong during pregnancy than I was about giving birth. I was dreading the pushing each time, but not labor.


    I had my first in the hospital, 18 hr unmedicated labor, coped using bradley method techniques. Second was at home, 3 1/2 hr labor (my favorite birthing experience so far), third was an unplanned unassisted homebirth lasting 1 hr 15 minutes start to finish so that was too fast and way too painful. Fourth was a 5 hr 45 minute homebirth and the nicest labor at 5 minutes apart lasting 45 seconds.. but longest pushing ever at 1 hr 15 minutes.. he was a linebacker!

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