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Posts posted by Frelle

  1. I wanted to homeschool before I graduated from college, having had exposure to classrooms of several sorts (private, public, mainstreamed, special ed...) while getting my undergrad degree. I just couldn't see my kids in school the way school seemed to be working at that time. My husband was totally against it.


    Before we had kids, we were in a small church, and we taught the Jr/Sr High Sunday school class. My husband got such a look at what was being taught in public school that he began researching homeschooling.


    By the time we had kids, he was fanatical about it. To the point where if something happened and I felt I couldnt handle homeschooling, he would be more likely to teach in the evenings after work or adjust his schedule so he could continue homeschooling, rather than put them in school. But the local private school is a backup option for us at least.

  2. I know mommaduck from at least one other forum, and I am pretty sure I know judyjudyjudy from another forum. And kleinehexe too. (I have a lot of aliases, but their usernames are very familiar to me)


    I know 3lilreds in NC in "real life", she was the one to introduce me to this forum. And I met several local WTM moms last month at a get together at a bookstore, but the only username I'm sure about is brigid.

  3. Im fortunate to live in an area with a lot of homeschoolers, and a lot of year round schools. So if we see other kids out, they might be homeschoolers, or they might be tracked out. So adults cant assume that your child should be in school, they generally assume you're tracked out.


    Ive never gotten a question about why they arent in school today, I figure its because of that.

  4. I grew up going to school with the Frericks family and the Mitchell family. Mrs Frericks and Mrs Mitchell were pregnant with their 12th children at the same time. Mrs Frericks stopped at 12. Mrs Mitchell went on to have 17. My friend Florence is their 13th, and I was in Paul's class, he was #14.


    My midwife has 10, my former pastor has 8, and I have several friends with 10, and even more friends with 6-8.

  5. My husband was in England, working for BT for the summer. He was flying back to the US on 9/11 to attend his 10 yr HS reunion, through Dulles, and on to Atlanta. I had sold our house and put everything into storage and was staying with my MIL. After the reunion, we had tickets to fly back to the UK and live there that fall.


    My MIL came to get me out of the bedroom where I was playing with Grace, who was about 20 months old. She put on Nickelodeon on the bedroom TV for her, and told me to come into the living room. I saw repeated coverage about the first tower hit, and saw the second tower get hit live.


    I immediately wanted to reach Rob, but he was already in the air over the Atlantic. I called my mom and dad, and anyone else I could think of, and watched a LOT of TV that day. I'd never been so thankful for the fact that my young child was interested in TV, because I didn't want her seeing any of the images there.


    I finally got a call late that night from a friend of Rob's in England. He wanted to let me know that the plane had headed back to Heatherow and that Rob was charging his cell phone and would call me the next morning.


    Our life changed, but not as drastically as some. I will always remember the hours between the towers being hit and hearing that Rob was ok were some of the longest of my life.

  6. Just FYI, 7th grade...age 12, small town mid-west


    One girl wrote woefully incorrect but very lurid p#rn#graphic stories and passed them around the school. They were read 100's and everyone was glued to them. I just *knew* they were "incorrect" and wished I knew the true facts so I could refute her version.


    I believe I've told this story here, but when a pair of ducks were at it on a pond and a group of 2nd graders were freaking out (it looks rather like r*pe) "Mom! What are those ducks doing??", my son, tiredly, put his hand on his hip and said "Its CALLED s#xual intercour*e." He was five.

    Thank you David Attenborough.


    I'd have to see the pics, but if it was "clinical" I would okay it. But that's me. Death, s#x, all in a ho-hum voice. When his math is good enough, I'll even show him our taxes. I'm more upset about how s*x is portrayed in advertising and TV.


    A girl in the class above me wrote stories just like that and they got passed around the school. In a small midwestern town in the mid 80s. One of them was called "The Rise and Fall of Me, Myself, and I" if memory serves. Reckon yuou should PM me if that sounds familiar.

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