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Posts posted by Frelle

  1. I was wondering if anyone has some good resources on a comparison between Dyspraxia and autism spectrum disorders? My daughter has the diagnoses of developmental dyspraxia, auditory processing disorder, sensory processing disorder, and sensory modulation dysfunction. A few other idiosyncracies are making me think she ought to be tested for an ASD. There is not a lot out there on dyspraxia, and there is even less on girls with Aspergers.


    Having done a bunch of reading recently on Aspergers, and applying what I have learned to my conversations with my husband and daughter, my relationships with them are going much better. I don't necessarily "need" to know if she has Aspergers, because I am already using strategies in the books to improve our communcation.


    Thanks for any links or wisdom! I can post more about what I am thinking, but this was my initial question.

  2. Laurie: My parents did not use AP with me, but I use it with my kids. I will admit to being more of a user of punishment then some. My oldest was a high need baby, is a high maintenance girl, and is near to or on the autism spectrum (aspergers). She has issues with sensory modulation within having sensory processing disorder.. and she is entering puberty early.


    She is only 9, and is my oldest, but is a HARD child. I have not walked in your shoes in regard to having older children. I HAVE walked in your shoes in screaming so much my throat hurt, collapsing in tears, using the F word... she is able to bring out the absolute worst in me.


    I have found the book The Explosive Child by Roy W Greene to be very helpful. I wonder if it wouldnt help you get through this season in parenting too. I dont have much else to offer besides commiseration!


    My parents were not too permissive and not too structured/authoritarian. I did not throw fits about food or clothes, I did throw fits about curfew, phone usage, and time with boyfriend. My worst arguments with my folks happened in my late teens when Iw as dating an abusive and controlling guy, but they were never ugly to me even when we fought. There has been no lasting damage in our relationship because of the fights we did have, though. The one time my mom slapped me across the face was because I badmouthed my father. I remember it certainly, but do not hold it against her. She never yelled at me, and never slapped me again.

  3. I have read a book called Early Puberty in Girls, and there is not much more than about 6 months difference in the decrease in age for puberty as compared to decades before. I think maybe more are getting it earlier, that could be why you hear about it more I guess. I think environment and toxins and preservatives and hormones CAN affect things, but the early puberty book actaully called out the interesting fact that girls brought up in single mom homes with no dad present tend to mature earlier than girls brought up in homes with two parents. Thought that was pretty interesting. Clearly, there are all manner of things that come into play in early maturation.





    My 9 1/2 yr old has had breast buds (now small breasts with clearly defined areloas and nipples about to pop out), underarm hair, and body odor for a year. My mother in law got her period at age 10 back in 1952. Grace has almost always had organic dairy, and is not much on eating meat. I will be happy if she makes it to 10 knowing that my mother in law was that old. Our doctor said that she is on the leading edge of normal, but not precocious.

  4. Dooley: I live in Cary :) Been here for about 7 years.


    I moved from Illinois to Nashville, TN about 12 years ago. I have enjoyed living in the south. I have not found much insincerity, I have found more generosity, and because I am a chatterbox, I enjoy the fact that strangers comment and compliment and interact with me more than they did in the midwest. I haven't been stabbed in the back, and have not as a rule been around people who say the "bless your heart" phrase when they are trying to insult.

  5. My opinion is that the movie was a cliffs notes version of the book. They do not do enough character development and show that the couple has spent any time together creating a relationship for you to understand the trust and devotion to Edward on Bella's part. Edward was the least attractive of the vampires, Alice's back story was missing in the ballet studio scene, it was pretty campy, the scenery was beautiful. My favorite scenes were the lion and lamb scene in the forest, and the gazebo scene.. just because they were the only two to really clue you in on why he wanted her to stay human.... because without the needful dialogue, your average moviegoer would not get why he wouldn't just want to turn her into a vampire.


    I wanted to see it, but I am surprised Stephenie Meyer didn't encourage the director to make it a better movie.

  6. I am not the most discerning person in the world, but I was troubled often in watching her videos. I think her style is so very persuasive. She often speaks from such a passionate and authoritative place that what Beth believes is sometimes confused in presentation with what is scripturally sound. There were a few things in each study I did in a group with the videos that just troubled my spirit, and I came home to talk to my husband about what didnt sit well with me, and it turns out that they were her own beliefs, or her denominations beliefs, and not scriptural things.


    I have not tried to do a study with the book and workbook without the videos. But I wont do another beth more video study after the way her teaching sits with me.

  7. I read all 4 of them and enjoyed them. I don't think the last book is appropriate for anyone under college age. So I dont really see the point in allowing them to read the first three if they "arent allowed" to read the last one. If my parents told me that, I would sneak a chapter as often as I possibly could at my friends house, or borrow it and read it in secret.


    I didn't think there was anything terribly awful in the last book, but it jumps to adult themes and frankly turns off most teens I have spoken with anyway.

  8. My mother in law started her period at age 10.


    My oldest DD turned 9 in October. Since she was 8 yrs and 4 months, she has had underarm hair, body odor warranting daily showering and deodorant, and has moved to the between 2 and 3 breast tissue stage, needing a bra almost every day.


    I too have given her only organic dairy since the start, and she doesnt eat much meat since she has food texture issues with it. So even with me being informed, it didn't help in this instance.


    I suggest getting the book Early Puberty In Girls, and for your daughter, getting the The Body Book by Nancy Rue (probably some Christian Content) or the Care and Keeping of You book by American Girl Press.


    She is not in the precocious puberty category, because she is too old. She is just on the leading edge of it. Try to speak about it as if it is normal (because it is), but know that she is probably a year or more ahead of her peers.

  9. My advice is to get the instructionals and beginner rehab dvds. After you have worked through those, you should get T-Tapp to Tempo.


    I have dropped 4 dress sizes 4 times using T-Tapp. I went from a size 16 to an 8 after my first child, 16 to an 8 after my second child, 18 to a 10 after my third child and 20 to a 10 after my 4th child. All I do besides T-Tapp is nurse my baby, I rarely watch what I eat.

  10. I am reading

    Parent's Guide to Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism by Ozoloff

    Passionate Housewives Desperate for God by Stacey MacDonald and Jennie Chancey

    When the Brain Can't Hear by Teri Bellis

    Esther by Dee Brestin (sunday school bible study)


    I have recently read:

    The Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer

    Echo in the Darkness books 1 and 2 by Francine Rivers

    Thinking in Pictures by Temple Grandin

    Raising a Sensory Smart Child by by Lindsey Biel

    Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanne Weaver (sunday school bible study)

  11. Live long and prosper


    Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated


    (Star Trek)


    "Luke, I am your father"

    (Star Wars)


    You're fired! (Apprentice)



    De Plane, boss, de plane!

    (Fantasy Island)


    They're baaaaaaaa-aaaaack!



    It's not a tu-mah

    kindergarten cop






    Big bucks, big bucks, no whammies...

    (game show)


    Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!

    Clap on clap off



    Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars



    There can be only one!



    nanoo, nanoo

    mork and mindy


    someone's in trouuuubbllllleee (Tootie)

    I've got another one of my *brilliant ideas* (Blair)

    facts of life



    survey says! (BEEEEP)

    family feud


    Could it be.... SATAN?

    church lady skit on SNL


    Yeah, that's the ticket

    john lovitz SNL


    You, you look mahvelous

    billy crystal on SNL

  12. I eat many of those already, thats great!


    I love beets. DH will tolerate them. The older 2 girls hate them

    I have a great swiss chard recipe I will dig up and post

    I love dried plums and would eat them even if they werent prunes!

    I love frozen blueberries on cereal (defrosted!)

    I cook with turmeric at least once or twice a week

    I make pumpkin/spice cake muffins often

    Cinnamon and cabbage make their way into our diets weekly at least

    I love pomegranate juices, and my 6 yr old loves the seeds


    No sardines in our diet!

  13. my daughter has fearful reactions to loud and unexpected noises, like vacuums, sirens, self flushing toilets.. and when she is in a situation where she needs to concentrate amidst chaos, it causes her a higher level of anxiety than normal 9 yr olds. Her ST says she has auditory processing disorder. It is my understanding that APD can take a lot of forms.

  14. We cancelled cable this past Monday, right before my DH left for a week. It actually hasnt been that bad. We have been watching some movies we already had, I think my 3 yr old is the one missing it the most. She is a devoted Little Einsteins (Disney channel) fan. I got a DVD for her with 4 episodes on it that I hope helps to ease her transition. My oldest was getting a little too free with her show choosing, and that was the thing that sprked it most. We had a lot of shows that were off limits, and she kept sneaking the watching of them when I was busy making dinner upstairs, etc. And its expensive, absolutely!


    I think we will probably get the netflix box after a while.

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