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MIch elle

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Posts posted by MIch elle

  1. because he wants to and because the opportunities available at this Catholic high school far exceed what we could do at home. We're all excited about him going to school full time for the first time in an environment that will give him the academics, sports, clubs, music, and the fellowship he seeks.


    If your dd wants to go to high school then carefully look at what are the opportunities and compare them to what will be available by homeschooling. There ARE trade-offs to each choice.


    "I took the one less traveled by and that has made all the difference." R. Frost :cool:

  2. CLE math 5 and IEW U.S. History Based Writing Lessons are excellent resources that we're using this year.


    I'm blown away by CLE reading because it teaches SO much in just 15 weeks - lit. analysis, comprehension, etc.


    CLE math 5 blew me away when I compared it to R&S math (used R&S math 3-8 for older ds).


    IEW U.S. History Based Writing Lessons is exactly what we needed for writing after floundering around for several years with writing.

  3. Ds used R&S math 1-4 then we switched to CLE math 5 w/o taking the placement test. He just finished Lightunit 504 and it's going well (90's on all quizzes & tests). Yes, it probably takes more of my time to teach him some things that's he's not been taught before in math, but that's easier than going back a year and trying to get "caught" up in math.


    He uses R&S English 5.

  4. Another question: since you do that, can you explain how you organize on a weekly basis what gets typed and what gets handwritten and why? My ds is starting grade 5 next year and I'm doing some thinking ahead for a boy who is capable of longer narrations, but can only handwrite two or three sentences before he crumbles. Thanks![/i]


    Using IEW SWI A, he writes the outline on paper then types the whole composition from start to finish on the computer; then adds a picture from Google. He just finished Desert Tarantula - see lesson 1: http://www.writing-edu.com/writing/SWI_A_New_Lessons.pdf

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