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Posts posted by magnificent_baby

  1. It was not a huge adjustment for me, because my babies were little and I eased my way into it and worked less with each one I had.


    It can get lonely. I make sure I get out every once and awhile. And I talk my friends ears off when I do see them (and apologize to them for doing so).


    I am not scheduled at all, other than our homeschool routine. I really, really wish I scheduled myself (chores, etc) better so that my house would be more organized.


    Also, not sure if this applies to you since you already homeschool, but be prepared to have your home in "lived in" condition. I have to remind myself over and over, that it is so hard to keep it in perfect order when we use nearly every single room on a daily basis, by multiple people. As opposed to my working friends that work really hard cleaning up in the evening/weekends, and return to a relatively clean house again when they come home, because no one has been in the house all day. Of course, I could keep it cleaner if I were more organized. :D


    Good luck!!

  2. I was thinking the kids can decorate a visor for the summer or an autograph book their friends can sign? Any other ideas? TIA We were thinking chick filet nuggets, juice boxes, fruit of some type and cookie cake or just cookies.


    I think the autograph book sounds terrific! I just may steal that idea. :D My sister recently found her's from elementary school/home, and it had many notes and signatures from relatives that have since passed; it was so sweet to read.

  3. Thank you everyone for your insight and thoughts!





    Thank you!!!





    That is what he is interested in-instant recall.


    We had our lesson yesterday and I explained the situation, ds cried, and the end result was the teacher said it was not supposed to be this upsetting so we will back off flashcards for a bit.


    At first, the teacher wanted to tell us again how gifted children are not used to working hard at things but everyone has to work hard at piano. :glare: It took a lot not to lose it right there - I had just said how hard we were working!! And who is he to say.....for whatver reason I do not particularly like him saying that.


    I really think it has more to do with the anxiety of being timed. I also think a complete break will probably mess him up and I was thinking it wouldn't matter since no one else does it anyway but now I don't know :confused: A small break shouldn't hurt anything- ds was really upset and I think he needs it.


    We have to take small breaks every once and awhile. Otherwise my daughter gets really burnt out. I think breaks are ok!


    As far as the flashcards being timed, that would send dd over the edge in our house. She gets frustrated as it is with learning notes. Our teacher has a variety of games, but they are just games. Nothing timed, nor any pressure. They do "group" lesson once a month for the games, to make it a fun and light atmosphere.


    I don't see anything wrong with the flashcards, as long as the student doesn't mind. But in our situation, I know that would make her want to quit ASAP! I tread lightly with piano, because we have quit and started back up a few times. Now, timed math drills, on the other hand are required in our house. :D

  4. I am a donor. I'm also an ICU nurse. I once took care of a patient who had been declared, family consented, out of state transplant harvesting team had arrived by plane, they had him in OR and one of the people down there thought the patient had a gag reflex still intact. They sent him back upstairs and did not take his organs which had already been matched to several recipients. The patient died within an hour of being brought back upstairs. In my experience transplant teams are very conscientious.


    I am sure they are and that is great!


    As I stated before, it's the declaring of brain death that makes me uncomfortable. 

    I think it's just a very personal decision. Kind of like vaccines. I would never criticize anyone for making that decision, even if I would not donate myself.

  5. I buy them at Sears. If a kid wears out the clothes you can take them in with the receipt for a brand new pair. The have to be exactly the same size, brand, everything. But for my kid who somehow wears holes in his jeans within weeks, this has saved me so much money.


    They are discontinuing this program in June. :sad:


    This is the only place I bought jeans, but will not do so anymore, since even the Toughskin brand wore out fast.


    On a side note, I did ask Children's Place once about how they would handle holes in the knees. The manager said they would exchange if they wore holes within the same season that they were purchased, not say, a year later. But, YMMV.

  6. Really? I have worked at two hospitals. They take GREAT care to make sure. They're aren't some unfeeling workers who could care less. We shed tears over our patients who pass, we take care of them like they're our own. Sure sometimes you get a bad apple, but I can't imagine somebody just assuming you're dead and taking your organs! That's like a bad urban legend!


    Cornea transplant-I don't want to come off and offend someone. I just have a thing about eyes. I won't let anyone near mine. We all have our quirks. You can take my heart, but my eyes...*shiver*. "The eyes are the window to the soul" and all that.


    I did not say anyone was "unfeeling workers who could care less"! 



  7. But, if he was or wasn't registered as a donor, how would that have changed things?


    I think the question is, when you are actually dead, would you want your organs donated, not, would you want to be killed in order to have your organs used.



    For the major organs to be donated, the body has to be kept physically alive (at least this was the case when I was working a few years ago). So if someone was declared brain dead and family consented, the ventilator is kept on and the heart is still beating until harvesting actually occurs in surgery. (I am certainly NOT saying anyone is "killed" in this process, just wanted to clarify when physical death occurs in many cases).There are some tissues that can be donated after one dies too, though.

  8. The point is, I don't trust the medical community to decide when I'm "dead" (the definition of that term varies depending upon who you speak to).


    Also, I'm Orthodox. I don't believe in cremation or embalming either.


    This is what makes me uncomfortable. When I was working, there was no universal concensus on brain death. It was up to each hospital to determine the criteria. Where I worked, the policy was vague; it was basically up to the doctor's discretion, along with minimal testing. I am hoping this has since changed at this facility.

  9. Okay....I have to ask. Does the way he forms his words (in the video - his mouth, not the sounds) bug anyone else? Specifically at the "and that we were nothing" part, and "and then change your number" or when he says "you said that we could still be friends".


    It's like he forms an "m" sound when he doesn't need to or something. I'm not the only one that sees it, right?


    I have caught that too! I thought he was just singing something that I wasn't hearing (I don't know the lyrics well enough to catch that). It is strange!

  10. :iagree: I find it interesting he is painted in all earth tones and she gets the vibrant green on her. Thinking the green is symbolizing new growth.


    Yep - he's definitely a whiner. :D Glad she moved on.


    Interesting! I was thinking green with envy, thus she was the most recent lover, jealous over his being hung up on the old one. Then she sheds the green and walks away. I like your interpretation of the green better than mine. :001_smile:

  11. I do not mind when someone is suspecting a troll and posts about it. It really irritates me when I take time out of my life to help another person with advice (not this board specifically), yet to find out they may not be real or have real needs. Very annoying.


    On another board from years ago, someone created a fake family with names and situations. They stole someone else's pictures of their family from the web. Everyone liked this "person" and she was a member for a long time (a year or so) before someone found out. Someone even tracked down the owner of the pictures to let her know. Everyone on the board felt extremely violated.


    So, again, I do not mind when someone smells a troll and lets other members be aware.

  12. UPDATE:

    Went to doctor and he's kind of torn-- could be abdominal migraines, and it could be gastritis. Leaning toward gastritis. Told me to buy Prilosec and Tagamet and avoid caffeine (one cup of coffee in the morning, so that's easy) and alcohol (don't drink, also easy) and spicy foods (I'm a lifelong New Englander-- we think crackers and milk are a delicacy!)


    I came home and went to bed, only woke up to eat some custard my mom made for me (times like these I LOVE having mom living with us!) and went back to bed. Headachy still, but can't take my old stand-by Excedrine Migraine because of the caffeine. I may sneak one; can't live with this headache.


    Thanks for your suggestions and concerns, dear friends!




    Just now saw this. Glad it's nothing more serious! Get well soon!

  13. I am unaware of really expensive Suzuki classes or schools for that matter. My daughter has taken Suzuki method piano for 3 years, and our lessons cost the same as traditional piano. :confused: Keeping her in lessons is like fighting tooth and nail.


    If I were you, I would start with the one closest to you and the least amount of money and then go from there. I would LOVE if my children were excited about taking lessons, and I'd be all over it! :001_smile:

  14. I would focus on exercising, as a family goal and not just directed at her. We struggle with this too, as my daughter loves doing sitting activities/crafts. I will continue to keep her in any parks/rec sports that she is even remotely interested in, for this very reason. Parks and rec fees here are very cheap, and I know if someone were in a bind they would decrease the cost (as well as our local YMCA).


    As far as clothes, 90% of our clothes are goodwill and garage sales. My kids have plenty to choose from, and I only buy new for very special events or very cheap clearance. We have clothing meltdowns here all the time, but that is the way it is and will stay for quite some time. My kids will probably really dislike me when they are teens, but I am not spending a fortune on clothes even if we can afford it.


    I like the other ideas of having her earn her own money for clothes, if that is possible.

  15. We're not a Islamic nation. If we were an Islamic nation, I'd expect it. If I go to the middle east, I as a Christian would expect to go and expect Islamic prayers to be the norm. Not here!


    Separation of church and state is not the truth of what started any of this in the first place. That phrase is a distortion of what was intended in the Constitution. People took the First Amendment, twisted it to fit what they wanted, then made laws based on their distortion. Nothing IN our Constitution ever encouraged or supported that...it was there to protect the Church FROM the jurisdiction of the State.



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