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Posts posted by magnificent_baby

  1. Mine was in psychology. Not much different really. I was able to find decent paying jobs with it. I went into that major with the intention of pursuing a higher degree, but due to the cost it just wasn't happening.


    Universities aren't trade schools. So whether you major in drama or English at the undergrad level it isn't a huge difference.


    I agree. I wasn't saying the drama degree was a waste, but her plan is to hit it big as an actress without any attempt at gaining experience (not even school plays). We offered to pay for workshops or classes at local theaters but she wasn't interested. Even offered to have her talk to an actor that is related to my BIL. He has spent the last 10 years trying to get on TV, and is just now making small appearances on shows and commercials, even with a Pepperdine (sp?) degree. We were worried she wasn't being realistic. She wasn't worried at all, since she thinks it is going to be free and easy.

  2. Well I guess the attitude isn't so hot, but it just sounds like something someone says when they have no clue. And why would she have a clue?


    I never had the attitude that I expect the government to do this or that, but I'll admit I was pretty clueless of what stuff would cost me in the end and I had no idea that at 37 years old I'd still be paying for it (and will still pay for it for many more years). But what choice did I have if I wanted to go to college?


    Many undergraduate degrees aren't super practical.


    I think she is learning to work the system, as we believe her mom has done for years. They have received a ton of assistance over the years, that I don't think they honestly qualified for. They are on medicaid, even though we insure them AND pay the majority of unpaid medical bills. We just try to stay out of that part of the situation, pay what we are required to, and hope and pray that they turn out better than we are predicting.

  3. Well I don't know that I'd demand it, but it's not a bad idea. I'd certainly do it for my kid.


    The whole conversation was complete entitlement. We casually asked her what her plan was, has she filled out loan applications, etc. She was so dismissive to our trying to help her come up with a plan, saying she doesn't need to pay anything because the "government would take care of it all", as it did for her sister (for a short time, as she didn't make good enough grades to keep the grants). She also was completely sure that college is WAY easier than high school, so no need to plan ahead to be sure a drama degree was the best plan for her. :001_huh:

  4. Why is that such a bad thing? And how does equal entitlement?


    I have a friend who got free tuition because her dad was a professor. He told her the same thing, only maybe more politely, that if she married before graduating she would lose her free ride and would have to pay.




    Sorry, probably did not explain very well. Step daughter demanded that her mom not marry the current live in boyfriend. That would make claimed income too high for step daughter to go to school for free, as her sister did.

  5. I am trying to raise my kids to be hard workers, and NOT have a sense of entitlement that so many kids now seem to have. My step daughter demanded to her mom that she had better not get married to her current boyfriend while she is going to college, as that would completely screw up her plan to go to school for free. :glare:


    I am also trying really hard to teach my little ones now, that they don't get everything they want, nor need to keep up with the Joneses to be happy in life. I grew up somewhat poor and I am actually very happy to have been raised in that situation, I think it has made me very frugal. We live comfortably now, and I hope that isn't a detriment to my kids in the long run; we plan to make them work hard for what they want though when they are teens (cars, clothing, etc.).

  6. I am certainly not an expert on banking nor real estate, but in IME, an assessment value can be very different than an appraisal. Where I live, the homes are assessed at a lower value at times than what you have paid, which for the taxpayer, is a good thing! You don't want to pay more in taxes than you have to. Maybe you are getting the terms assessment and appraisal mixed up?


    Have you looked at refinancing at a lower rate, if possible? We have done this several times (on several different homes), and have saved a lot of money.


    I would focus on how to pay off your credit card debt before letting your home foreclose. That is not a wise decision, unless you truly have no other choice left. A relative of mine took out a small personal loan to pay off CC's at a lower interest rate than the CC's themselves. Perhaps you can look into that as an option.

  7. Yes, I think it is. We are new to hs'ing, but dd is in a lot of sports with girls she had gone to ps with, so she was already friends with them and we knew the parents well. As time goes on, and starting new sports (softball this summer for example), she knows no one on the team. It makes me a bit sad for her (though she does not seem to mind at all) and makes me feel a tad isolated as a parent, not knowing any of the other parents on the team.


    I guess it is something we will have to grow used to. :grouphug:

  8. I have looked at a piano too, in someone's home. I spoke with the lady several times on the phone first, with questions and then also finding a time to meet. She was very nice, and I did not get a creepy feeling at all.


    Finally, I took Dh with me. He is a large guy though. If I got any creepy feelings or any red flags, I would NOT have gone. Definitely make sure you get a picture first.

  9. I love Sam's, but I don't think I would drive that far to get to one. Unless, I was going that far for other errands on a regular basis.


    If you were going to make a big purchase that year (say for a mattress or throwing a major party), it would be worth it.


    You can always order items online too if you are a member. I am not sure how high shipping is though.

  10. I think Bed, Bath and Beyond still carries value rugs. They have a choice of about 5 or so designs, all around $99 (last I checked anyway). You can use a 20% off coupon, making it around $80. Our local BB&B will also refund you the difference if you don't have a coupon and bring in your receipt and coupon later. Even expired coupons!


    We have one of these, it has held up great for 4 years with kids painting, play-do, etc. on the table over it. It still looks really nice.

  11. I voted 16-18. I loathe prime time TV. Commercials are just as bad, if not worse, than the shows themselves.


    If I didn't live in an area with a lot of storms, I would never, ever pay for cable.


    We do have Netflix and are fairly strict with that. I also will watch more mature movies with my 8 y/o, with discussions if needed. The other day we snuggled up and watched Sweet Home Alabama.


    I miss the days of Full House, Step by Step, Growing Pains, etc. Sigh.....

  12. Camping is so much fun!


    One word of caution, be careful during storms if you are near trees. A family was seriously injured recently, when strong winds blew a tree down onto a tent. The family was in critical condition, but are recovering.


    If a storm comes through, seek shelter in a bathroom facility. Maybe take a weather radio with you to use while you are sleeping?


    ETA: Dead trees are the concern, forgot to mention that, sorry! Don't want to scare you.

  13. What about storing everything in the basement, except for what you need that day/week. You could store those items needed that week, separated into cute baskets, one for each child.


    Just a thought. :001_smile:


    We have migrated upstairs from the basement since the weather has been nice and just enjoy being upstairs more. Books and papers have completely taken over my kitchen/dining room, so I totally understand.

  14. I agree with the others, could be mono. Bloody phlegm, however, is very concerning. Perhaps she needs a chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia.


    Also, if it is mono, you will want to know that. One side effect of mono is an enlarged spleen, and thus she will need to avoid any activity for several weeks where she could get hit in the abdomen or hard fall (causing rupture of enlarged spleen).


    Hope she feels better soon!

  15. This doesn't sound very braggy, it sounds like they are using FB for what it is - a way of telling people what you are doing. What should they be posting about?


    Well, the ones I'm referring to are definitely bragging. 99% of posts from one is all about running, marathons, which race next, how many miles today, running injuries (including "FML" related to said injuries), proud of her daughter for losing a toenail r/t running, frequent pictures of herself in tight clothing, etc. Multiple posts a day. I just want to shout "Yes, I get it, you enjoy running!" :lol:


    The other friend (and I love her dearly), called herself "supermom" this morning because she is still running while pregnant. Deep down, I think she has some issues and is self validating because other posts (not related to running) are mostly how well behaved her children are, how much money she saved, how they do not take fancy vacations and can't imagine spending so much on vacations and luxury items, etc. I would never defriend her though, she is a close friend.

  16. My teenaged life would have really sucked if Facebook existed back then. I shudder to think of the pain FB would have caused me at times.




    It really bothers me to see my beautiful, sweet nieces turn into people they are not, just to keep up. The pictures they take and post, and things they say are in very poor taste. It's as if they have to imitate friends and try to top them. (Perhaps this would occur if FB didn't exist, but it's sad to me nonetheless)

  17. I am this.close to closing my FB account. It's getting so annoying.


    I am tired of people bragging about how far they ran, that they are going to the gym, one person who must take a pic of herself absolutely everywhere she goes/travels, pictures of minors drinking/partying, seeing stranger's posts because a friend commented, "trending articles" or articles that friends have read(who cares??), games/socialcam videos (most are nasty), the boxed pictures with sayings on them. Ugh, I could go on and on! And now that election time is near, the political soapboxes are exploding.


    I think I will deactivate my account today. It's a shame, because I do enjoy seeing pictures of friends and family and their kids. I need a break from the constant competition and whining.

  18. I am not exactly sure what we pay on our portion of premium, last I checked it was around $600/month, but probably has risen. Dh's work pays the rest. I do know the premium has gone up every single year, and thus we seem to have a new company every year. It is a small business, not sure how many employees, but less than 100 for sure.


    Our deductible is huge. $10,000 in network. But, dh's employer pays once we have met $5000 in deductible expenses. They also give us some money into our HSA. So, I am used to paying nearly every medical bill, however, I am just happy we have private coverage.


    Being in the medical field, DH and I are of the opinion that health insurance companies will be a thing of the past because they cannot afford to stay in business, and we will eventually have socialized healthcare. :glare:

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