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Posts posted by magnificent_baby

  1. Pruney fingers. Can't. Stand. It. Whatsoever.


    If I'm in the pool and my hands are pruney, I can't touch anyone. If my kids want to play I can't touch them, but will use my arms. I could never, ever be a swim lesson instructor.


    In the bath, I keep my feet and hands out of the water if I am soaking.


    Yes, I look rediculous when my hands are pruney. :lol:

  2. :grouphug:


    I lost 30 pounds a few years ago by going to Curves 3-4 times a week. Is that an option for you? Once I began exercising, I didn't want to eat bad. It is so non-intimidating, and the people there were wonderful. 30 minutes and you are done and feel great!


    I also used sparkpeople to track what I was eating, and that helped kickstart the weightloss.


    Dh is reading Wheat Belly, and it makes a lot of sense, and I will be reading it too. Also, we are really motivated from watching Forks Over Knives and trying to change our eating habits.


    Hang in there, it is hard to take the first step. :grouphug:

  3. Wow! What an unpleasant experience. I think I would ask for my money back.


    FWIW, I got a refund from Groupon because a class I paid for was extremely hard to get in to after so many people purchased it. I was frustrated after making many calls back and forth, with very limited time slots available. I gave up, and asked Groupon for my money back. They were VERY gracious, and gave me a refund in the form of a credit. I think they have some sort of satisfaction guarantee. It's worth a try!

  4. If your local school will allow it, you can try to take the MAP with them; that test is computer adaptive-- questions become easier or harder depending upon the performance of the individual student. I actually liked that test when my kids were in the PS, because it showed a lot more information than any of the other standardized tests. The company that owns MAP will not license homeschoolers to administer the test however, and if you are in a state that will not allow homeschoolers to test, you are out of luck.


    It is worth asking though; it's a nice test, and my kids at least enjoyed it.




    When my kids were in ps, they took the MAP three times a year. I really, really liked that test. You could really see progress. I contacted reps in my area, and sounds like they are working toward offering it outside of schools, but it may be several years down the road. Sounds like it's not physically possible to offer for homeschoolers due to accessing the server (something like that anyway). I have considered dual enrolling, mainly for the test, but will likely not. It is a great one though!

  5. My recommendation to new homeschoolers is that you don't have to start everything all at the same time. Find your math, reading and writing curriculum first. You can always do history and science from library books for a while until you work the other things out. And some of their website have samples or placement tests, that is a great place to start.





    I ordered way too much, too fast and became so overwhelmed that I almost threw in the towel. Although, we pulled out in November, so I felt rushed to find curriculum. I think you have plenty of time though, take it slow and have fun researching and browsing! :)

  6. I would say look at online samples as much as possible. Keep receipts and read return policies. We sent a lot of material back when we first started last fall. Sometimes something looks really good online, and when you get it, you find it won't work for you or your child.


    We used WWW and GWG, I ordered one level under worried that we might miss something. But that was a mistake on my part; she did just fine with her own grade level and much of that was a repeat of the previous level. Apparently had some exposure in ps. We just breezed through it though, and went right to her own grade level. Call or email the company, they can often times help you too!

  7. Classics we keep, as well as others that the younger ones may read someday. We are just getting started on hs'ing though, so trying to build our library up.


    We get 90% of our books from Goodwill (at 59 cents each), so if it doesn't fall under the above category, it gets passed on to neighbor friends. I do keep a log going on fiction chapter books that dd has read, and that helps me feel like we have documented it and can move on. :)

  8. We use and love CLE math (2nd grade). I have already ordered 1st and 3rd grade CLE math for this fall.


    I have looked at LA and other curriculum, and it wasn't a good fit for my oldest for this year anyway. I am considering CLE social studies for next year. I am going to look closely though at LA and other subjects for my K & 1st grader (this will be first year hs'ing the younger kids).


    What we use or will be using for sure for 3rd grade:


    VP literature/comp guides

    MP literature/comp guides

    Phonetic Zoo (switching from HTTS)



    MFW & VP self paced history

  9. This year, I only hs'd my 2nd grader (next year will be K, 1st & 3rd), so I will be interested in this thread.


    What we did:


    9:00: CLE math: Flashcards, speeddrill, counting exercises and new skill together. On her own for the rest of the lesson. Small assignment in MM while I checked her CLE. Then she does any corrections in CLE as needed.


    9:50: Literature: We used MP comp guides, so she would read assigned reading answer questions then I would check her answers when she was done and discuss if needed.


    10:20: GWG & WWW


    10:45: PLL and/or A Reason for Handwriting (didn't do either of these everyday, usually 3 or 4 times a week)


    11:00-11:30: Free reading time. I allowed her to choose whatever chapter book she wanted to read (though try to steer her into classic type books). I make her read 45-60 minutes free reading per day, she can break it up into chunks as she wishes (usually reads the last 30 minutes at bedtime).


    11:30-1:00: lunch break, play outside, Spelling City (used lists from HTTS)


    1:00-2:00/2:30: MFW (everyday), science and/or Harmony Fine Arts a few times per week


    Next year will be much different since I will be hs'ing all 3. This spring we didn't stick to a rigorous schedule, we got busy, the weather has been beautiful, so we still have some things to finish up. I *always* started the day with math and literature, just to be sure we got those done in case something else came up in the day.

  10. We used MFW Adventures this year and I fizzled out halfway through (esp. once we hit state sheets). Also found it a bit light or maybe disjointed? Can't put my finger on it exactly, but I lost my energy with it. We do plan to try to finish it up over the summer though.


    Have read great things about ECC, and really want to try that. I LOVE the idea of MFW's missionary focus as well as studying other cultures and countries.


    Also showed Dd (3rd grade) Veritas self paced online history. We would start with OTAE. She loved the demo. I loved the demo. I know she would thrive with that program.


    Would I be crazy to do both ECC (just the bare bones) and Veritas self paced? I will also be homeschooling a K & 1st grader for the first time.


    I'm torn!


    ETA: Making it to the library every week to check out new books also burnt me out on Adventures, though I loved the book basket. If I didn't make it to the library, the week would get put on hold and then I felt like we fell behind and off track.

  11. Two of my sisters had braces as adults, and their teeth look great. No regrets. Neither had the invisilign (sp?).


    I asked my dentist about getting just bottom braces since my teeth have shifted a lot since I had braces as a teen. He recommended not to do just one or the other (for me anyway), since top and bottoms need to be aligned together for bite reasons. Just something to think about if you are considering just the top.


    Expensive, yes, but I don't think you would regret it at all!

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