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Posts posted by Mommamia

  1. :grouphug:


    FWIW, I'm an introvert, but am dying to have a friend. The older I get, the more I realize that I would love to have a couple of close friends and I have none. There are "potential" friends around, but none who seem to be interested in actually developing a friendship. I'm sure it's just because I'm weird or awkward or otherwise invisible.



    :grouphug: It made me sad that you think you are "invisible" or "weird". You are not invisible here....I see you:seeya:

  2. I realize that. She rarely did more than 1-2 pages per lesson. What she hated was a lesson of +9, then a lesson of +8, then a lesson of +5, etc. She hated, hated, hated the lack of variety.


    I'm sorry, I didn't go back to see which level you were talking about. Do you mean with the first page of the lesson? I ask because there IS variety with the pages following the first page. Meaning after lesson A. Maybe she was frustrated because she "rarely did more than 1-2 pages per lesson". If you move past the intro lesson, there will be review. I'm pretty sure you have decided not to use MUS, but wanted to share for others who are considering. HTH.

  3. If he's 11, that means he's been using IEW since he was 8-9. I honestly think that may be too young for the IEW method to really sink in, but that's just my humble opinion.


    Even though my 5th grader is doing very well with IEW, I recommend not starting IEW until junior high, or better yet, even highschool. I think that it takes more years of writing narrations and just plain ole development of maturity before the real writing connections kick in, or at least that's what I have seen with 3 previous children.










    Thank you, just what I needed to hear!!

    BTW...do you suggest anything for 3-5th grade?

  4. Just wanted to quickly say....


    We lived in a test that does standardized testing and most of our friends used MUS. Nobody every had a problem.


    As for the same thing being on each page. I don't necessarily see that to be true. For our lesson yesterday, we had multiplication, division, area of triangle and parrallelogram, word problems, and averages (all in one lesson-Delta 11E, for example).


    If you feel that MUS is not teaching a broad enough scope & sequence, it's very easy to add in a Kumon specific workbook, or for us, we added in CLE.


    I've strayed from MUS, and always go back. I just wanted to give some positive feedback.

  5. We are in WWE 2 w/ my 9yo ds. My question is mainly about later levels of WWE and WWS. Do they go into things like avoiding choppy sentences, varying sentence structure, using strong verbs, using the same tense throughout a narration, alliteration, similes/metaphors, etc.? Or do I need to find something else to supplement WWE to work on these skills?


    We are in week 26 of WWE 2. It's going really well, and I am totally sold on SWB's philosophy of teaching writing. I can tell my ds's writing is improving, and his summarizing skills are coming along nicely. I have started having my ds do some light editing of his summaries. For example, if his summary takes 4 sentences when the book asks for 3, I'll write down his dictation, point out that it needs to have 3 sentences, and look it over w/ him. He is starting to notice extraneous details that can be omitted, short sentences that could be combined into 1 longer sentence, or cause-and-effect sentences that could be joined w/ "so" or "because" or whatever. He enjoys this part, so I am trying to use it to teach him some of the things I mentioned above. I would, however, like something that covers the bases a little more systematically and thoroughly, especially since he seems to enjoy it so much.


    If these things aren't taught w/ WWE or WWS, do you have any suggestions on things I might add? I purchased WWW 3 and am not all that enthused. (I should have known since GWG was only so-so for us.) The MCT stuff looks very interesting. If I went down that road, I'd most likely just read them aloud and discuss and not do the writing assignments. We're using EG for grammar and that's going just fine, but I can see my dc enjoying the MCT stories for further reinforcement and getting a "big picture feeling" of language arts. I like the poetry aspect as well, since I am just awful w/ it myself. :)


    Any advice?


    Bumping because I could have written this post.

  6. :iagree:I copied and pasted her writing guidelines from a thread on here a while back. I've decided to continue with narration, copywork, and summaries like the WWE hardback book, but stop doing dictation except for spelling. I am also teacing grammar with our WWE narration and copywork combined with The Sentence Family and FLL lists. All of this is due to 8FilltheHeart's post. My dd is loving the new grammar/writing system we are using and it is taking wwwaaayyy less time.


    I'll add the link to her post when I find it. :auto:


    ETA: Posts 33 and 34 of this thread


    Thank you!

  7. thanks everyone for your thoughts:). i may take the plunge & try it, and as mentioned, i can always return it for the full refund if it is a poor fit. we did not love WWE here. we used it for 2 years and switched to BJU english - which is very different! we really like BJU though and i have been nervous about switching (but i just really need something less expensive). IEW seemed like a good transition from BJU. if someone has other suggestions though, i am very open to ideas! thank you again for your thoughtful replies.


    I'm so thankful for this thread, as well. I'm now leaning away from IEW. Have you looked at Essentials in Writing?

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