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Posts posted by AmyontheFarm

  1. I would quietly invite your sister to hide out at your house if he gets crazier.  It sort of scares me that he has taken time off to spend it with the family.  I'm worried he might do something to them.  


    My BIL is all conspiracy nut at times, I usually shut him down and I won't let him teach my kids Karate.

    • Like 2
  2. Our fair runs Sept 2-6th. 


    We have pink eye in the barns for the first time ever, if it isn't under control soon, none of our calves can go.  All the crops are going to be a bust this year because of all the rain, we actually just got some of our soybeans in the ground last Wednesday.  The knitting and crocheting is coming along and should be done this month.  We had a flaky teacher for cooking club who still hasn't handed out the gingerbread recipe she is requiring them to use for the fair project.  We won't join any clubs she runs again.


    I'm toying with teaching a club myself next season.  If I decide to do so I need to drop off the paper work on Monday night.

  3. AND (I can't stop!) I am forever grateful to another boardie who recommended Hands On Equations as a pre-algebra resource.  If you aren't familiar with it, it's a stepwise program that walks the student through the concepts of variables and manipulating them using actual small tokens to represent the variables.  It can be started in late grammar stage students.  


    I second Hands on Equations as a pre-algebra resource.  My son had a lightbulb moment using the ipad app.  It's so great to see their faces light up when they finally get something!

    • Like 2
  4. "You weren't born in a barn, just next to one, go clean that up!" <------- we live on a dairy farm.


    "Get your nose out of that book and come watch this TV show with the family."   <------- I started family retro TV time.  The older shows aren't a hit with everyone..... yet.

    • Like 1
  5. I would go without the kids.  Meet baby, bring baby a small gift.  I would go enjoy your sister, you never know when she might get sick and tired of narcissistic mom and want to cross over from the dark side into the light.  :)  If you do bring the kids, I would tell her ahead of time that no one (not her, mom, great aunt betty, etc) is to take picture of your children.  Calmly, explain that you don't want your kids pictures out of your control online.  If she starts to argue, ask her if it's more important to visit with you or take pictures of the kids?  Because if she argues, then there will be no visit.

    • Like 1
  6. If I could wish I'd have you add:

    • more information about teaching special needs students
    • high school "paper work" information like what was suggested earlier.  We chose to go with http://www.narhs.org/ so we could chose what curriculum we wanted and still get an accredited transcript/ diploma at the end of high school.
    • how to use/ find cheaper or even free resources.
    • more information about CLEP, AP, Dual enrollment, etc.
    • Like 3
  7. I found a glass outdoor table top at the side of the road.  Neighbors bought a new patio set.  Hubby brought it home, I spend $12 in hardware and hmm maybe $6 in white shelf liner.  I applied the shelf liner carefully onto the back of the glass and this gave me a "white" surface instead of the color of my classroom walls.  Then hubby hung it up.  It is huge!  Cleans beautifully and goes nicely in my classroom. 

  8. With some quick online research this is what I'm finding so far.  IS there anything else I'm missing?


    Run All Windows Updates

    Install Avast

    Install Belarc and run it

    Unhide Extensions, Files and Folders

    Tweak Your Power Settings

    Turn on Windows Defender

    Install a different web browser

    Set up user accounts and parental controls

    Switch to Desktop-first mode

    Uninstall unwanted software

    Make your own drivers disk

    Activate Windows program

    Perform a full security scan

    Create a restore point.

    Make a backup to restore when things fail.

    take a system image of the whole thing

    Set-up Dropbox


    this list is not necessarily in the right order.

    • Like 1
  9. Make sure you come and get support here, the ladies who have walked this road will guide you and we will all cheer you on.  Just make sure you don't write anything on here that will affect you legally.  Sometimes that starts up and then once it's on the internet it's can't really be removed (at least easily).  If the med isn't working then go back and get the dosage upped.  Only you can decide if it is working for you or not.  Blessings.

    • Like 1
  10. After one warning they know that when they slam the door, they are asking to wash all the door knobs in the house. 


    I get up, get the rag and the spray cleaner.  Walk to their room open the door and say "Thank you for volunteering!"  with a big old smile on my face.  If they don't immediately get up and get started then I start to count slowly 1, 2, 3  the kids know that they will be doing this chore for as many days as I count off.  My older 2 kids have blessed me with a few days of clean door knobs.  I'm just hoping when the next child starts up it will be during the cold and flu season, that will make my load easier then. :)

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  11. We opted for a small key locked safe.  She'll be coming home on weekends so we are only sending a 2 week supply with her to keep in her room.  Also, the pharmacy in her college town is with the same company we have in our town.  They will transfer her script up to them and have it filled up there if she has a bad snow storm and can't come home.  She has an atm card to get cash if she needs it but she is so frugal she drives me nuts.  So, I don't expect her to use it much.  We have the kids keep $20 hidden in their cars in of emergency.  She'll only be 1.5 hrs away so the worst is I head up there to bring her more medicine if necessary.

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