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Posts posted by Ray

  1. <sniped>


    You said it better than I Ray. Good ideas too, although the format of 60 did make me go "huh?" at first :D




    haha, my electronic is even worse than my phonic :001_smile:


    See attachment for digit-value-recognizer device; staples + cardstock + Sharpie. Use by sliding the number(digits) strips up or down between the thicker card-stock that has the window cut out.





  2. 59. Write down 6 one-digit numbers. Increase each number by 10. Write down your answers.

    60. 10 + 7 = 17 10 + 2 = 10 + 9 = 13 + 1 =

    17 = 10 + 7 = 10 + 2 = 10 + 9 = 13 + 1


    A couple math problems that DS worked just this morning seem to fit thread. I do think this is one of those things where the 'why' is easier than the 'how' and as Spy car is hinting that the English number names do not make clear the place value connection, and special effort here will pay off later.




    The equations in 60. Did not display like I wanted there's four sets saying the same thing just changing left or right sides of them.

  3. Singapore math U.S.Ed. as Part of a math curriculum offers only a limited number of topics that are spiraled or returned to with ever increasing depth. Another objective observation is the four basic operations are introduced with their inverse. For example addition is followed immediately by subtraction which subjectively is what a logical or reason based program should do to provide mental pegs to hang ideas to, could also be called scaffolding.

  4. Workbook- tries to pull ideas out of story's from text, there is fill in the blank questions, but also others that can be answered as much or little as student wants. With us DD will answer verbally more in-depth then written where she takes the bare minimum route.

    Teacher manual- is great lots of help an gives background about things you may not know about. Helps with prompting questions.

    Textbook- pictures, warmup sections before stories, quality book durable, varied ideas, thematic format is cool 'heart', 'hand'... Slanted geen environmentally nothing too outrageous could make kids aware of issues facing us, granted is a story talking about a kids recycling effort heavy handed? Does not really bug me too much but have not seen anyway stories about the benefits of logging for example:001_smile:


    Bsed on 'Ruby' level, also I don't know about reading level appropriate I guess

  5. 1) ask her if she wants to be numerate?

    2) tell her (1) is rhetorical and innumeracy is not on the menu


    3) add additional math study sessions

    4) 6 sessions weekly x 30-90 mins each

    5) use stepped but barebones math curriculum

    6) go fast when easy and slow when hard

    7) praise effort and remind always mathematical thinking can be improved



    I would get the first two starting with 'mathematics for little ones'. She may only need parts of the first book, but it could be used as a reference for younger siblings in case reworking topically does not pan.:)

  6. http://www.quaternionpress.com/buybooks.html


    Do the 'fractions and More" book. It would be difficult to cherry pick problem topics because arthmetic likes to build on itself, so my recommendation is to work through the topics that are typically difficult and go use the 80/20 principle. ESP considering time constraints, but do not expect to make up for three years of math in a matter of months as there " is no royal road to math"


    Anyway that's my two cents, good luck.

  7. I just googled brazilian jiujitsu. Wikipedia's entry is fairly horrifying!


    Kids classes should not be all blood and guts, but more like a wrestling class. Anyway BJJ, was just something that popped into my head as the first thread had a sentence or two with Tae Kwon do class as the setting. :001_smile:


    Sounds like he has a height advantage maybe baseball or other traditional sport would be something to explore too. I am of course just guessing his situation, but learning something new that is a non-school thing works for us.

  8. Err do you mean something like http://www.coreknowledge.org/mimik/mimik_live_data/view.php?id=1833&record_id=109


    Top notch head stuffing; topics in their sequence far more rigorous or complete for standard school subjects than we pull off at our house... well not, everything math for example;)


    Anyway think Core knowledge had already been mentioned but throwing in a link incase anyone wanted to check out the free sequence download.

  9. I am guessing that by "mistakes" it is meant toward errors of computation or procedures. If it is part of the problem something we do is to severely reduce quantity of session time and drastically increase session frequency of the specific topic.

    For example; say we have 'find the quotient. Check by multiplying. Twenty problems like 5/8 : 7/12 =. Here we would only do 2-4 of the 20 to limber up before each math session until completion of the twenty. In this way boredom can be delayed hopefully long enough to internalize the computations, and also continue working forward.


    [ note I do not use Saxon,if that matters ]

  10. Came across a graphic organizer(see download) it might be something to look into, source Comprehending Math by Hyde.

    K- what do I know?

    W- what do I want?

    C- special conditions or rules/tricks?


    The larger bottom row has room to show how problem was solved, draw, numbers, words etc. Also room for what was tried but problem has not been solved- an area to 'reflect'.



  11. Detonate some thought bombs to agitate the learners math marbles http://www.amazon.com/Moscow-Puzzles-Mathematical-Recreations-Logic/dp/0486270785/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1298510826&sr=8-1


    Being at pre-algebra take 'thinking skills' one learning activity at a time with its own regular time, and to accelerate it further implement a math journal to practice reflecting on their own mathematical thinking. It is easier for us to just talk about math than write about it, but I think writing it down is a few notches up for developing individual math prowess.


    Challenging word problems are excellent, but since they always have a correct answer the student can become conditioned to look for key or clue words. Gambling on one of 4 operations and not bothering to orient themselves to the problem and just work numbers. For example- "there are 26 sheep and 10 goats on a ship. How old is the ships captain?" if they answer me with the Captains age then we are spending too much time with the 'what' . In other words have some sort've course correction built into your curriculum.

  12. Dancing Bears A,B,C are the books we went with I believe Fasttrack combines A/B and all use C as the final reading instruction.

    The way I teach it, is with student next to me as I coach him along, so with two students at same time not sure how it would work, but if your students were to study from it on seperate sessions only 1 set would need to be purchased.

    [ we are 2/3 through B]

    Can't help with the spelling program...

  13. Right right Bill, 'Elementary Mathematics for Teachers' by Parker & Baldridge. It also looks like they are offering something in the product description that adapts it to the 'Standards' SM version for those that choose that route.


    Abrightmom, we use the text with the older U.S. edtions of SM. I think it gives a good take on how SM approaches math, and worth the cost.

  14. Hi, when you say "RS C" is that RightStart C? And if it is has she worked through any previous levels?


    Also the other program is Christian Light materials, yes?





    {awk, I see the above answer is yes, per a diff thread}

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