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Posts posted by Ray

  1. A Hundreds board is something that helped during the beginning number sense phase. The one we have came from Rainbow Resource, and one side has the standard 1 - 100; backside no numbers grid only. The grid only side is where we used magnetic numbers (again Rainbow R) 0 - 9; the next row started with 10 going to 19; then next row 20 - 29, ... This helped with seeing the number pattern of base ten. (beginning decimal place value)


    I would also offer that mixing up the operations can be turned into an opportunity; 10 - 6 =? into ? + 6 = 10 or 6 + ? = 10

    Verbalized something like " what plus six makes ten"?


    I also do a decent amount of "oral" math which early on helped when written symbol communication was developing. Kids are way ahead with spoken como at first; remember they have been hearing stuff a lot longer than visual input- though I think inputs shift to the visual side...sorry getting offtrack.

  2. Dana's memory is correct up to ten on those times tables.. I would spend quality time playing with the Place value concepts and just drill the X tables whenever.


    Time spent with intuitive geometry will pay off further down the math road; things like tangram puzzles, soma cubes, cuttings,etc for enrichment.

  3. Be aware of increased difficulty of carrying or regrouping across zero.

    Expanded notation makes a good transition from Place-value discs to algorithm example (200 + 3) – (100 + 20 + 7)


    Some mental arithmetic could be used to by giving 127, three fake ones to make 130 , crunch the numbers than add back the 3 extra you took away.

    200 – 130 + 3 = 73

    73 + 3 = 76


    The attachment shows the 'dot' method that reduces clutter but ...Remembrall :glare:


    We generally use mental math tricks for oral problems.



  4. It is the home instruction guide and the US edition. It must be a typo, but I get scared with Singapore b/c I have misread so many things and have had a difficult time getting comfortable with the using it. :tongue_smilie:


    My copy has the same mistake too:001_smile:


    I think the Parker/Baldridge books should be on your reference shelf before you buy another teachers manual IMO, kind of a teach someone to fish thing vs. giving them a fish;)

    Heres the arithmetic one;


  5. Thanks, Ray. I may just be slow, but how is this different from regular budgeting?



    I don’t know why it is different; other personal finance budgets I know of also try balancing what’s coming in with what’s going out. Perhaps it works because the process of making the zero-sum budget automatically focuses on the constraint, limited money.


    Other budgets methods might use long-term goals in the planning phase, but this spends resources that should only focus on the bottle neck- limited money. The zero-based budget will widen this neck by making clear how to spend your money to get the most with what you have got. Larger objectives could come later as the constraint shifts, now this whole thing is assuming people are thinking about budgets because they are coming up short.


    “A Snake, in crossing a river, was carried away by the current, but managed to wriggle on to a bundle of thorns which was floating by, and was thus carried at a great rate down-stream. A Fox caught sight of it from the bank as it went whirling along, and called out, "Gad! the passenger fits the ship!"- Aesop


    You know I’m not 100% what the real moral of this fable is, but something about it seems to fit here. Like either time or task approach the behavior will conform, and maybe neither addresses the real problem of getting to the other side? And what is on the other side of that math river- fruit or fruit-tree?



    Anyway obviously no concrete help here, consider more for brainstorming :auto:

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